Robert Wright is an American journalist who writes about science, history and religion, including The Evolution of God, Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny, The Moral Animal, Why Buddhism is True, and Three Scientists and Their Gods: Looking for Meaning in an Age of Information. He is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Bloggingheads.tv.
Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment is a 2017 book by journalist and evolutionary psychologist Robert Wright. As of August 2017, the book had peaked at The New York Times No. 4 bestseller in hardcover nonfiction.
In Why Buddhism is True, Wright advocates a secular, Westernized form of Buddhism focusing on the practice of mindfulness meditation and stripped of supernatural beliefs such as reincarnation. He further argues that more widespread practice of meditation could lead to a more reflective and empathetic population and reduce political tribalism. In line with his background, Wright draws heavily on evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology to defend the correctness of Buddhism's diagnosis of the causes of human suffering. He argues the modern psychological idea of the modularity of mind resonates with the Buddhist teaching of no-self (anatman).
Why Buddhism is True 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2024
Why Buddhism is True 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##When we live without awareness, numb to small delights, we may more easily fall into addictive behavior, as we need increased levels of stimulating sensations, either pleasant or painful, in order to feel alive
評分 評分 評分這是一本無與倫比的書,它看起來完成瞭一件不可能完成的任務:佛教能夠引導人類脫離苦海、重獲新生,背後的科學依據是什麼? 基於邏輯思維的哲學因為受製於語言,決定瞭它解釋不瞭神秘的事物。 於是維特根斯坦有瞭一句名言:凡是不能言說的,就讓它保持沉默。 這是依賴語言的哲...
評分 評分##一點小進步:發生口角的時候能在某個時候閉嘴瞭,讓對方打完輸齣。
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