适读人群 :4-8岁 哈佛大学教育学博士朱莉向您推荐“I Can Read!系列”: 内容简介
The Bear family is visiting Farmer Ben today. Brother and Sister have so many questions about how the farm works, and Farmer Ben has a lot to teach them. They never knew hard work could be so much fun
Stanley "Stan" Berenstain (September 29, 1923 – November 26, 2005) was born in a neighborhood of west Philadelphia and died of cancer in Solebury Township, Pennsylvania. Janice "Jan" Berenstain (née Grant) (born July 26, 1923) was born in Philadelphia and was raised in west Philadelphia and attended Radnor High School. They met on their first day of class at the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Art in 1941 and married five years later, on April 13, 1946. They had two sons, Leo and Mike.
In an interview about the books, the Berenstains said that a big reason behind their inspiration was some of the difficulties parents faced, as well as some childhood tribulations when they were kids themselves. Their books evolved to include items such as cell phones and video game systems in the fictional Bear Country, which were nonexistent or very limited when the books were first commissioned. The Berenstains also noted there were some issues which seemed to appear in every generation, such as kids throwing tantrums in public places, which made important subject matter for their stories. However, they deliberately wanted to steer clear of overly heavy issues such as violence.
In 1951, they published Berenstains' Baby Book, which dealt with the topics of pregnancy and raising a young child. Although containing practical advice, the book used humor and reminded parents not to take every situation too seriously.
They produced together the magazine cartoon feature It's All in the Family from 1956 to 1989 in McCall's and Good Housekeeping. They published their first book featuring the Berenstain Bears in 1962 and with the help of then-head of children's publishing at Random House Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss) created a lasting franchise including many more books, television series, toys, and stage productions. Jan was inducted into Radnor High School's Hall of Fame on October 20, 2006.
The Berenstains' comic strip It's All in the Family (unrelated to the similarly named TV series) appeared regularly in McCall's magazine and depicted the antics of a suburban family with mother, father, eldest and youngest sons, and middle daughter. It's All in the Family was not a conventional comic strip in the sense of a sequential progression of panels. Each issue featured a single situation, often seasonally appropriate, such as the daughter preparing, cooking, and serving a family meal for the first time or the costume preparations, rehearsal, and performance of the youngest child's Christmas pageant. Within a given issue, each It's All in the Family drawing was a stand-alone panel with a caption gag, rather than one panel of a sequential strip, but individual panels in order depicted the complete arc (preparation, completion, aftermath) of that issue's family experience.
Stan and Jan Berenstain's younger son Michael Berenstain (born in 1951) is a writer/illustrator and also illustrated many of the books written by his parents. He continues to work with his mother on new projects
"This book, one from the "I Can Read" series, is designed with "short sentences, familiar words, and simple concepts for children eager to read on their own." Although it is labeled as "1—Beginning Reading," it is actually the second level offered in this series, a concept sure to confuse adults attempting to choose appropriate books for new readers. In rhyming text that scans poorly, the Bear family visits the farm of Ben and Mrs. Ben, and observe typical farming activities, such as feeding and caring for the livestock, weeding, fertilizing, and milking "the old-fashioned way." Beginning readers may have some trouble trying to read on their own when they encounter words like "fertilizer," "old-fashioned," "question," and "machine." Typical Berenstain color illustrations accompany the text. At times visual clues may help readers with new vocabulary, but this book is probably too challenging a read for the level it is advertised as being. Relabeled to a more appropriate level, it would make a reasonable addition to early reader collections."
--Children's Literature
The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm (I Can Read, Level 1)贝贝熊在农场 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm (I Can Read, Level 1)贝贝熊在农场 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
I can read 的贝贝熊系列,比绘本那种简单些
i can read的这个系类收了几本,多开开眼界
“冬天来了,春天还远吗?”— 《快乐的一天》 罕见而经典的图画书—《MoKo MokoMoko》 越读越有趣的图画书—《绅士的雨伞》 打破常规的科普图画书—《大家来大便》 用精彩的插图讲述传说故事的图画书—《狼和七只小羊》 大人应该好好读的图画书—《在森林里》 能看见时间的图画书—《小房子》 百年经典的图画书—《比得兔的故事》 让你会心一笑的图画书—《蟹猴之战》 培养语言能力的图画书 听一首摇篮曲—《天亮了》 生动的译文— 《米菲》 自尊心的萌芽—《阿立会穿裤子了》 无与伦比的魔力—《我的连衣裙》 荒诞中的喜悦—《鳄鱼阿鳄爱洗澡》 语言的力量—《拔萝卜》 最适合讲述的图画书—《小玛丽和羊》 朗朗上口的图画书—《蒸汽火车》 感受亲子温情的图画书 布偶意味着什么—《小熊可杜罗》 克服害怕的图画书—《拉兹和狮子》 传递冬日温暖的图画书—《萝卜回来了》 这就是我妈妈!—《小猫》 与爸爸共读的图画书—《飞吧!小飞机》 纯真无邪的猜谜游戏—《猜猜我有多爱你》 韩国图画书中的杰作—《小狗的便便》 了解孩子内在世界的途径—《野兽出没的地方》 给孩子生存活力的图画书 与孩子共展未来之梦—《好大好大的红薯》 感受树木果实的力量—《嗷嗷》 追问孩子淘气的根源—《好奇的乔治》 培养孩子与自然的亲近感—《树真好》 生命的意义和生存的喜悦—《黎明》 故事图画书的真谛— 《手套》 先从插图读起的图画书—《蕗姑娘》 韩式图画书—《和爸爸在一起》 读图的图画书 真正的图画书!—《不来梅的音乐家》 孩子们能读懂吗? —《小蓝和小黄》 带来翻页乐趣的图画书—《好饿的毛毛虫》 教你读图画书的方法—《月亮,晚安》 了解图画书的美— 《下雪天》 法国孩子也爱读这本书—《第一次上街买东西》 自我认同的图画书—《小黑鱼》 讲述生活的真谛—《阿春奶奶的手》 培养阅读能力的图画书 从读图画书到读书—《蓝眼睛的小猫咪》 在欧洲也众所周知的故事—《桃太郎》 内心不安的终点在哪里—《三只熊》 给没有失去“童心”的大人们看的图画书—《驴小弟变石头》 精辟的语言—《田鼠阿佛》 不断追求梦想的故事—《两个神秘的小鞋匠》 构筑讲者与听者之间的信赖关系—《壁橱里的冒险》
“冬天来了,春天还远吗?”— 《快乐的一天》 罕见而经典的图画书—《MoKo MokoMoko》 越读越有趣的图画书—《绅士的雨伞》 打破常规的科普图画书—《大家来大便》 用精彩的插图讲述传说故事的图画书—《狼和七只小羊》 大人应该好好读的图画书—《在森林里》 能看见时间的图画书—《小房子》 百年经典的图画书—《比得兔的故事》 让你会心一笑的图画书—《蟹猴之战》 培养语言能力的图画书 听一首摇篮曲—《天亮了》 生动的译文— 《米菲》 自尊心的萌芽—《阿立会穿裤子了》 无与伦比的魔力—《我的连衣裙》 荒诞中的喜悦—《鳄鱼阿鳄爱洗澡》 语言的力量—《拔萝卜》 最适合讲述的图画书—《小玛丽和羊》 朗朗上口的图画书—《蒸汽火车》 感受亲子温情的图画书 布偶意味着什么—《小熊可杜罗》 克服害怕的图画书—《拉兹和狮子》 传递冬日温暖的图画书—《萝卜回来了》 这就是我妈妈!—《小猫》 与爸爸共读的图画书—《飞吧!小飞机》 纯真无邪的猜谜游戏—《猜猜我有多爱你》 韩国图画书中的杰作—《小狗的便便》 了解孩子内在世界的途径—《野兽出没的地方》 给孩子生存活力的图画书 与孩子共展未来之梦—《好大好大的红薯》 感受树木果实的力量—《嗷嗷》 追问孩子淘气的根源—《好奇的乔治》 培养孩子与自然的亲近感—《树真好》 生命的意义和生存的喜悦—《黎明》 故事图画书的真谛— 《手套》 先从插图读起的图画书—《蕗姑娘》 韩式图画书—《和爸爸在一起》 读图的图画书 真正的图画书!—《不来梅的音乐家》 孩子们能读懂吗? —《小蓝和小黄》 带来翻页乐趣的图画书—《好饿的毛毛虫》 教你读图画书的方法—《月亮,晚安》 了解图画书的美— 《下雪天》 法国孩子也爱读这本书—《第一次上街买东西》 自我认同的图画书—《小黑鱼》 讲述生活的真谛—《阿春奶奶的手》 培养阅读能力的图画书 从读图画书到读书—《蓝眼睛的小猫咪》 在欧洲也众所周知的故事—《桃太郎》 内心不安的终点在哪里—《三只熊》 给没有失去“童心”的大人们看的图画书—《驴小弟变石头》 精辟的语言—《田鼠阿佛》 不断追求梦想的故事—《两个神秘的小鞋匠》 构筑讲者与听者之间的信赖关系—《壁橱里的冒险》
The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm (I Can Read, Level 1)贝贝熊在农场 [平装] [4-8岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025