Stan and Jan Berenstain were both born in 1923 in Philadelphia. They didn't know each other as children, but met later at school, at the Philadelphia College of Art. They liked each other right away, and found out that the both enjoyed the same kinds of books, plays, music and art. During World War II, Stan was a medical assistant in the Army, and Jan worked in an airplane factory. When the war was over, they got married and began to work together as artists and writers, primarily drawing cartoons for popular magazines. After having their two sons Leo and Michael, the Berenstains decided to write some funny children's books that their children and other children could read and enjoy. Their first published children's book was called The Big Honey Hunt . It was about a family of bears, who later became known as the "Berenstain Bears".
Over 50 children's books later, Stan and Jan still plan all of their books together — both write the stories, and both write the pictures. They live outside of Philadelphia in the country.
Bears in the Night贝贝熊系列 [精装] [4-6岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Bears in the Night贝贝熊系列 [精装] [4-6岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书“贝贝熊赶公共汽车”是儿童书籍的合著的斯坦和简博丹优秀系列的另一个赢家。这个系列是关于熊的家庭:妈妈,爸爸,和两个幼崽。在本书中,两个小熊睡过头了——他们会错过了校车?这本书包含了有趣的卡通插图,是光明的软的,柔和的颜色。我尤其喜欢熊的古怪的房子:一棵空心树与维多利亚时代的口音和薰衣草的装饰。这个故事讲的是在一个有吸引力的韵与简单的词汇——伟大的初读者。例如:“这几乎是七,你可以看到。所有的熊的家甜蜜的树是安静的。”这本书的一个好的教育联系的事实是,熊的故事伴随着传统的clockfaces和数字显示的时间,从而帮助年轻读者学习如何在这两种格式告诉时间。我为我五岁的侄子买了这本书,他很喜欢它。强烈推荐。这是让我四岁的每天早上起床都很有用的书。一个非常好的特性是,每一页显示一个刻度盘和数字时钟,可以让孩子学会说时间。本书还教导我的儿子,他会如果他不按时起床上学迟到。所以现在我每天早上都会读这本书给他,他会微笑着醒来而不是抱怨“我想睡觉”!
Bears in the Night贝贝熊系列 [精装] [4-6岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025