外研社和人教社聯閤推齣這套“劍橋英語教師叢書”,以配閤全國中小學英語教師的培訓工程。本套叢書的使用者注意兩點:一, 這套書不僅僅傳播技巧,更重要的是提供思想和方法;不是提供對問題的現成答案,而是告訴你各種理論觀點和看法。第二,本套叢書的讀者應該努力初步掌握外語教學中的科研方法,學會設計小型的科研項目,學會進行課堂觀察,設計問捲,經常寫教學日誌,會抽樣,會收集各種數據,會統計和分析數據等。
List of Illustrations
List of Tables
Series editors preface
1.Introduction to evaluation
2.The context of second language evaluation
3.A framework for evaluation
4.Collecting information
5.Observation in the classroom
6.Portfolios and conferences
7.Journals,questionnaires,and interviews
9.Objectives-referenced testing
10.Choosing and devising test tasks
11.Assembling and scoring tests
12.Interpreting test scores
13.Standardizde tests
14.Summary and integration
On the basis of their observations, teachers assess what students have and have not learned; they infer the learning strategies students may be using that are facilitating or:impeding learning; they assess the effective-ness of particuiar teaching strategies; they determine which instructional activities and materials the students enjoy; and so on. Information derived from such observations is fundamental to the day-to-day functioning ofthe classroom because it provides a basis for understanding what is happening and for making decisions about what should follow. For example, based on a number of observations, a teacher may judge that a particular student has not learned what was being taught in class that week, whereas the other students have. Alternatively, the teacher may judge that quite a few stu- dents have not leamed the target structure. The observation that only one student has failed to learn a target structure will lead to very different decisions by the teacher than the observation that most ofthe students have not learned it.
Teachers also seek to understand how their students are learning and, in particular, to explain those instances when learning does not occur as planned. Their explanations of these situations can be used to plan instruc-tion that will promote learning. In seeking to explain failure to learn, teachers use observation to make inferences about instructional or learning processes or strategies. Observation of student behavior when a particular unit is taught might lead the teacher to infer that t:he students were using strategies that might be effectiVe in their first language but lead to mistakes in the second language. For example, the students may use discourse pat-terns from their first language that are inappropriate in.the second lan-guage. Or the teacher may infer that the students did not find the mate-rials and activities interesting and, therefore, they were not motivated to learn. Teachers' observations of themselves may lead them to infer that they are using instructional strategies that are not working: perhaps they had not been very clear when explaining an assignment or they did not model a new grammatical pattem sufficiently before having the students try using it.
Inferences concerning learning and teaching processes are much more difficult to make than inferences concerning learning outcomes, yet they are equally important for effective teaching. Inferences about language learning outcomes can be made on the basis of observations of concrete instances of the students' actual language use. For example, does the stu-dent use the past tense correctly and appropriately when speaking and/or writing? In comparison, infer.ences about processes related to teaching and learning are based on observations of a wider range ofbehaviors and events and their interrelationships. For example, a teacher's understanding of stu-dent errors when writing and what to do about them might follow from observations directed at answering the following kinds of questions: What kinds of errors do the students make? Can their mistakes be traced to a particular source, such as the first language?. Do they tend to make certain errors under some circumstances more than others? Do they avoid the use of certain structures or communicative functions altogether? It is evident from-this single example that it is not the observation of discrete instances oflanguage use that provides evidence about learning processes; rather, it is the observation of categories of events (such as errors) or fairly complex interrelationships among events (for example, the linguistic or communica-tive contexts within which errors tend to occur more frequently) that are the bases for inferences about learning processes. The same can be said about processes related to teaching.
Inferences about learning and instructional processes are important be-cause they affect significantly the ways in which teachers respond to their students. For example, the inference that students are using strategies derived from the first language when using their second language might lead the teacher to explain to the students the difference between the first and second language with regard to the grammatical structure or com- municative function in question. Of course, this would work only if the students were old enough and had acquired sufficient linguistic sophistica-tion to understand such an explanation. In comparison, the inference that the teacher did not provide ample demonstration of a particular linguistic structure or communicative function might lead the teacher to provide more time for practice using it in whole group activities.
Classroom observation and any associated inferences about teaching and learning are important for planning instruction of the same unit, lesson, or course in the future. Observation of how particular units worked with the current group of students may lead to decisions to retain, drop, or modify them with future groups of learners. Units may be dropped because they were too easy, too difficult, uninteresting, or not useful. Certain units may be modified because observation of their effectiveness with the current students suggested deficiencies or areas for improvement. Observations that a course did not work effectively in general with the current students might lead to decisions to revise the way in which students are placed in the course to ensure greater compatibility between the course and the charac-ter istics of the learners in the course.
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