Hadley Wickham is an Assistant Professor and the Dobelman FamilyJunior Chair in Statistics at Rice University. He is an active memberof the R community, has written and contributed to over 30 R packages, and won the John Chambers Award for Statistical Computing for his work developing tools for data reshaping and visualization. His research focuses on how to make data analysis better, faster and easier, with a particular emphasis on the use of visualization to better understand data and models.
Garrett Grolemund is a statistician, teacher and R developer who currently works for RStudio. He sees data analysis as a largely untapped fountain of value for both industry and science. Garrett received his Ph.D at Rice University in Hadley Wickham's lab, where his research traced the origins of data analysis as a cognitive process and identified how attentional and epistemological concerns guide every data analysis.
Garrett is passionate about helping people avoid the frustration and unnecessary learning he went through while mastering data analysis. Even before he finished his dissertation, he started teaching corporate training in R and data analysis for Revolutions Analytics. He's taught at Google, eBay, Axciom and many other companies, and is currently developing a training curriculum for RStudio that will make useful know-how even more accessible.
Outside of teaching, Garrett spends time doing clinical trials research, legal research, and financial analysis. He also develops R software, he's co-authored the lubridate R package--which provides methods to parse, manipulate, and do arithmetic with date-times--and wrote the ggsubplot package, which extends the ggplot2 package.
R for Data Science 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
R for Data Science 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##讀得不太認真,有需要再復習吧。R畢竟不是專門做統計的,大部分場閤下當然沒有stata之類直觀,縱有萬般好,也不必過分推崇。我決定實用主義地穿插著用各種軟件,雖然姿勢難看,但是省勁兒啊……
評分 評分##有人說這本書就是Hadley安利他的Tidyverse各種包,書名不如就叫《Tidyverse for Data Science》,沒辦法,誰讓Tidyverse就是優雅好用呢。舉個例子,我看完以後就記得一堆動詞性函數(Verbs),比如用filter()篩選符閤條件的行(observations),用select()篩選需要的列(variab...
評分 評分##大牛的作品,果然不一般,清楚簡明易懂。
R for Data Science mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025