Roger Penrose, one of the most accomplished scientists of our time, presents the only comprehensive and comprehensible account of the physics of the universe. From the very first attempts by the Greeks to grapple with the complexities of our known world to the latest application of infinity in physics, The Road to Reality carefully explores the movement of the smallest atomic particles and reaches into the vastness of intergalactic space. Here, Penrose examines the mathematical foundations of the physical universe, exposing the underlying beauty of physics and giving us one the most important works in modern science writing.
Roger Penrose is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University. He has received a number of prizes and awards, including the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics, which he shared with Stephen Hawking for their joint contribution to our understanding of the universe. His books include The Emperor's New Mind, Shadows of the Mind, and The Nature of Space and Time, which he wrote with Hawking. He has lectured extensively at universities throughout America. He lives in Oxford.
The Road to Reality 真實之路 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
The Road to Reality 真實之路 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書評分 評分
評分書應該不錯。很有趣,還分內容進行難度提示,不過1000多頁...書的裝幀是膠水,不過這些都不是問題,趕緊領略內容吧!——下麵請尚未購買者自行略去不看,“赫拉剋利特(Heraclitus)時間”——事無定事,萬物皆流。我們看到的兔子,是完美的“本質兔子”的蒼白投影。那隻完美的、本質性的柏拉圖式兔子(以及所有完美的幾何圖形)就高懸在理想空間的某處。有血有肉的兔子可能會因變化而有所不同,但是它們的變異總披看作是從“完美兔性”(theidealessenceofrabbit)的偏差。 這幅圖策是多麼徹底地背離進化啊!柏拉圖主義者將兔子的任何變化,都視為對“本質兔”的散亂偏離,並且,總是有抗拒變化的阻力——仿佛所有真正的兔子和天上的“本質兔”都被無形的鬆緊繩拴在瞭•起。生命進化的觀點則與此完全相反―後代可以無限地脫離他們祖先的存在形式,井且每一次背離,都會成為未來變種的潛在祖先。沒有什麼永恒的‘兔性”(rabbitiness),也沒有什麼高懸在天空的“本質兔”,隻有一群群毛茸茸的、長耳的、食糞的、鬍須頗動的個體,在大小、形狀、顔色和癖好方而,呈現某種統計分布。舊分布中偏在一隅的長耳兔,也許會發現自己在後來的地質時期成瞭新分布的中,心。假定兔子的世代有足夠龐大的代數,其祖先和後代的分布共至會沒有交集:祖先擁有的最長的耳朵,可能比後代中最短的耳朵還要短。進化論是多麼深刻,人生何嘗不是呢!
評分I have to say, it's a masterpiece
The Road to Reality 真實之路 英文原版 [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025