This is the story of a skinny little boy with a funny name and how he became part of America’s history.
In very clear and accessible language, newly independent readers can learn how the lessons and love of Obama’s mother and grandparents shaped him; how the places he lived influenced him; and how he turned his sadness from his childhood—the feeling he didn’t fit in anywhere—into a positive, driving force of finding a place in the world and in the history books.
Shana Corey is the author of Boats (Step 1), Monster Parade (Step 2) and Paul Revere’s Ride (Step 3) as well as You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer, Milly and the Macy’s Day Parade, Players in Pigtails, and Mermaid Queen (Scholastic). She was a Publishers Weekly Flying Start Author in 2000. She lives in Brooklyn.
"History and biography are also successful topics for level-three readers. (Random House’s) Step into Reading has the best offerings for the reading level . . . they are high in kid appeal."
"Barack Obama's is an extraordinary person, and this biography is told in a simple, personal way so that youngsters may understand his heritage, background, experience, and more. At just under fifty pages, this book from the "Step into Reading" series is a Step 3, "Reading on Your Own" Level. Barack Obama's story as the forty-fourth president of the United States is one of diversity, unexpected changes and numerous challenges met with solid encouragement from family about life's lessons. In particular, President Obama's mother and grandparents were stable forces that helped shape him. He was born in Hawaii in 1961, moved to Indonesia, returned to Hawaii at age ten, went to college in the northeast and began his career in Chicago. As a young boy, his father was largely absent, although one important occasion stands out in the accounting of this president's development. One winter at about age ten, his father came to visit in Hawaii and gave his son a basketball. For a long time, Barack didn't feel that he fit in where he lived, but he diligently practiced basketball. He tried to find purpose and meaning while he studied hard in school. Obama's mother believed education was important and that everyone was the same inside. She taught him values of fairness, honesty and hard work. Playing basketball in high school allowed Barack to internalize one of life's key principles. It was the beginning of Barak Obama's focus on helping others, experiencing a sense of teamwork and pursuing common goals. After college graduation, he first went to Chicago to register new voters, set up after-school programs for children, and help others find jobs. Even there, his mother and grandparents still deeplyinfluenced him. "I discovered how my . . . story fit into the larger American story." Later, he attended law school and met and married his wife Michelle, also a lawyer. The couple had two daughters named Malia and Sasha. When he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, one of his speeches presented an emerging philosophy: "There is not a black America and a white America and a Latino America and an Asian America—there's the United States of America!" Thus, as the first African American president, Obama made history. By an overwhelming majority, people worked together, sought change for the country, and voted for him. "Each of us is free to seek our own dreams, but we must also serve a common purpose," Obama has said. The president's achievement would indeed become America's story as well. This story about the United States of America has once again shown that "all things are possible!"
--Reviewer: Susan Treadway, M.Ed.
Barack Obama: Out of Many One[奥巴马脱颖而出] [平装] [5岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Barack Obama: Out of Many One[奥巴马脱颖而出] [平装] [5岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
很好,正版 , 孩子非常喜欢。
好行吧 就是有些薄小孩子看可能不爱看
“History and biography are also successful topics for level-three readers. (Random House’s) Step into Reading has the best offerings for the reading level . . . they are high in kid appeal.”—Booklist
奥巴马是如何成为的总统 (一)互联网营销的胜利 从罗斯福使用广播演说,到里根时代电视作秀,随着传播工具的发展进步,互联网正在美国大选中扮演越来越重要的角色。几乎所有的美国媒体都在探讨同一个观点——奥巴马的胜利,是互联网营销的胜利。这样的论调并不夸张。相比竞选对手麦凯恩,奥巴马几乎全方位占领互联网高地。 总统大选期间,奥巴马团队采用电子邮件广告、论坛Banner广告、搜索引擎广告、网络游戏内置广告等形式,让每个美国网民使用互联网的同时,几乎每时每刻都与“奥巴马”为伴。 接收电子邮件,美国选民看见奥巴马;用MSN进行网络即时通信,选民还是看见奥巴马;用Google搜索信息,再一次看见奥巴马;进入赛车网络游戏,赛道旁的广告版上,又是奥巴马。奥巴马团队去年第一季度把347万美元投入到互联网广告上的时候,预想的就是这样的效果。 “为奥巴马竞选募捐,你就有机会参与抽奖”,类似的广告语吸引了大量通过网络支付进奥巴马竞选账户的200美元以下的小额款项。最终,奥巴马团队募得2.8亿美元200美元以下小额款项,而麦凯恩团队仅仅募得6600万美元。 (二)互动生活方式的胜利 然而,麦凯恩和奥巴马一样,都在竞选网站上提供了在线支付功能,最后却没有获得同等的回报。这不能不让人思考,奥巴马的胜利,也许并不仅仅是互联网这个工具和载体本身的胜利,而是一种带有亲民色彩的互动生活方式的胜利。 在就职前,奥巴马接受CNN采访时表示,他要打破美国总统没有私人通信工具的惯例,会保留自己的黑莓手机,而这只是他“一系列旨在打破白宫‘保护罩’的手段之一”。 “我这么做,是为了确保民众能像以往那样与我交流。我希望如果我做了什么愚蠢的事,在芝加哥的某位老兄能给我发电子邮件,问我‘你在干什么’。”奥巴马说。 正是通过各种Web2.0时代的互联网新手段,奥巴马树立起了美国民众心目中随时可以联络上,并且与他保持交流的新总统形象。 (三)互联网企业最终的胜利 如果说,通过互联网,奥巴马获得了最佳营销效果,展示了他亲民的形象,促成了最后当选,那么,当选后,奥巴马的胜利,也将会转化为互联网最终的胜利。奥巴马在高科技领域推动的一系列新政,将对陷在金融风暴中艰难喘息的美国互联网业带来积极影响。 奥巴马已经公布的施政计划中,就包括通过重建日益破败的基础设施,在美国的各个角落接通宽带。作为经济刺激计划的一部分,奥巴马希望在社区中扩大宽带上网的覆盖率,鼓励儿童登录互联网,鼓励医院使用最新技术和电子病历等。而上述这些与互联网相关的举措将会为美国创造200万个就业岗位。 此外,包括IBM、微软、苹果、Google等在内的一些美国大型IT企业都将从中受益。而这些企业,都曾经出现在奥巴马的募款名单中,是奥巴马团队募得5倍于麦凯恩团队IT企业捐款的关键角色
Barack Obama: Out of Many One[奥巴马脱颖而出] [平装] [5岁及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025