作 者:H. A. Rey 绘 者:Margret Rey 出 版 社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 装 帧:精装 页 数:208 语 言:英语 尺 寸:23.1x2.0x23.3cm ISBN :9780618663736 |
1. Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory 2. Curious George and the Puppies 3. Curious George Makes Pancakes 4. Curious George Feeds the Animals 5. Curious George Goes to a Movie 6. Curious George and the Hot Air Balloon 7. Curious George in the snow 8. Curious George 's Dream 黑黑的眼睛,开心的神情,跃跃欲试的动作——好奇心盛的乔治是孩子们的化身,他的幽默是儿童式的幽默,他的冒险故事展现的是孩子们天马行空的想象力。每次在“黄帽子”先生嘱咐小乔治一定不要怎样怎样之后,小乔治都会惹出麻烦;不过,那些小小的教训从不会让他气馁,他不停地探索世界上的新鲜事儿。好奇猴的作者HansAugusto说,“我知道我孩提时代喜欢的是什么,所以我不会创作任何一本我作为小孩子不会喜欢的书。” 本书包含8个故事哦! |
Hans Augusto Rey was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1898. As a child, he spent much of his free time in that city's famous Hagenbeck Zoo drawing animals. After serving in the army during World War I, he married Margret Rey and they moved to Montmartre for four years. The manuscript for the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940. Eventually, they made their way to the United States, and Curious George was published in 1941. Curious George has been published in numerous languages. And many, many Curious George books have followed. 热爱动物的乔治父母 --《好奇的乔治》系列是H·A·雷和玛格丽特·雷夫妇长期合作的结晶。 1898年,H·A·雷出生在德国汉堡,在一个动物园旁边长大,他常去动物园画速写。从此他对动物的热爱持续了一生。汉斯曾学习哲学、自然科学,会讲多种语言,唯独没有正式学习艺术。但他走到哪里都习惯用速写记录生活。玛格丽特比H·A·雷小8岁,也出生在汉堡。她从小就有当艺术家的梦想,曾进入学校学习美术和摄影。1935年8月,两个热爱艺术的年青人结婚了。两人都很热爱动物,一起养了两只小猴子做宠物。1936年,雷夫妇去欧洲旅行,两只小猴子也带上。经过寒冷的英国时,玛格丽特还亲手给猴子们织毛衣。 |
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英文原版绘本The New Adventures of Curious George乔治猴精装 3岁 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025