适读人群 :语言学研究者和爱好者 陈平先生是国际知名语言学家,师从吕叔湘先生。治学严谨,文章经典。本丛书是陈平教授的研究论文经典的集结。
语言在国家现代化进程中所起的作用,多年来一直是国际学术界的研究热点,也是社会语言学和文化历史研究领域里的重点研究课题。语言的发展和规划主要体现在两个方面,一是地位规划,主要内容包括确立和推广标准口语、标准书面语和标准文字系统,同时妥善处理国家标准语言文字同境内其他语言和语言变体之间的关系等; 二是本体规划,主要内容是对语言的文字、词汇、语法、文体等主要方面进行现代化改造,提高语言文字的学习和使用效率,使其具有同现代社会生活相适应的丰富表现能力,同时加强规范化建设,以因应现代化国家在语言文字方面的需求。
陈平,澳大利亚昆士兰大学讲座教授。毕业于北京中国社会科学院研究生院语言系,获现代汉语硕士学位,及美国洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学(UCLA) 语言学系,获语言学硕士、博士学位。曾在UCLA、美国俄勒岗大学、中国社会科学院语言研究所及香港城市大学担任教学与研究工作, 后在澳大利亚昆士兰大学工作至今。陈平教授的主要研究领域为功能语法、话语分析、语义学、语用学、社会语言学及历史语言学。
Languages in a modernizing China
Language,nationalism,regional and ethnic identity in China
ModernWritten Chinese in development
Modern Written Chinese,dialects,and regional identity
Toward a phonographic writing system of Chinese:Acase studyinwriting reform
Four projected functions of new writing systems for Chinese
Language policy in Hong Kong before July 1,1997
Policy on the selection and implementation of a standard language as a source ofconflict in Taiwan
How should we now explain this rather unique situation in which highly negative perceptions of the Chinese language, and particularly of written Chinese and the Chinese script, dominated mainstream thinking and discussion in modern China? Broadly, it can be suggested that there were three principal factors contributing to such a situation, the first of these having to do with the historical development of China and how this may have been different from the development of nations elsewhere. With regards to Europe, it is well documented that language played an important ideological and political role in the formation of its nationstates, and particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, serving to arouse the self-awareness of speakers as groups distinct from neighbouring peoples speaking other languages. As observed by Anderson (1983:66), the Herderian concept of the nation being linked to language as a private-property 'had wide influence in nineteenth century Europe and, more narrowly, on subsequent theorizing about the nature of nationalism.' 'National print-languages' , Anderson also remarks (1983:71), 'were of central ideological and political importance' in the formation of nationalism in Europe between 1820 and 1920. Linguistic nationalism, embodied in the publication of important works in a vernacular, standardization of the vernacular, and its promotion to the state of being a language fit for all formal and official functions, was an integral part of nation-state building. Language and nationalist movements in Europe were felt to be very closely linked in many cases, so that (for example) the birth of Hungarian nationalism was considered to be an event which occurred in 1772 with the publication of certain works of literature in the Hungarian language.
Unlike the European nation-states, however, China as a civilization, and as a nation in a pre-modern sense, had been a historical given for millennia. Before the advent of modern times it had been a country with a central government, and had used a common written language since the imperial Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC). The series of events occurring since the mid nineteenth century certainly developed a sense of crisis over the survival of the nation in the face of foreign invasion, but the existence of the Chinese as a nation, in the traditional and the modern sense, was taken for granted. Consequently there was no real need for language to serve as a symbol of identity or a bonding force in the national awareness of the Chinese people.
陈平语言学文选:语言与中国的现代化进程 [Language in A Modernizing China] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
陈平语言学文选:语言与中国的现代化进程 [Language in A Modernizing China] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
陈平语言学文选:语言与中国的现代化进程 [Language in A Modernizing China] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025