威廉·莎士比亞(William Shakespeare,1564-1616),英國文藝復興時期偉大的劇作傢、詩人,歐洲文藝復興時期人文主義文學的集大成者。塑造瞭一係列在世界文學史上具有典型意義的人物形象。一生共創作三十七部劇本(包括曆史劇、喜劇、悲劇和傳奇劇)、一百五十四首十四行詩和兩首敘事長詩。他的許多劇作已成為世界文學史上的不朽名篇。
威廉·莎士比亞(W.William Shakespeare,1564-1616)是歐洲文藝復興時期*重要的作傢,傑齣的戲劇傢和詩人,他在歐洲文學史上占有特殊的地位,被喻為“人類文學奧林匹剋山上的宙斯”。他亦跟古希臘三大戲劇傢埃斯庫羅斯(Aeschylus)、索福剋裏斯(Sophocles)及歐裏庇得斯(Euripides)閤稱戲劇史上四大戲劇傢。
威尼斯商人 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
威尼斯商人 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##About several years ago, I have read The Merchant of Venise. While at that time, I thought Shylock was so selfish and the judgment of the duck was just for him, and he deserved for his misfortune, but now, I understand him: he is the tragedy of that time, a...
評分##About several years ago, I have read The Merchant of Venise. While at that time, I thought Shylock was so selfish and the judgment of the duck was just for him, and he deserved for his misfortune, but now, I understand him: he is the tragedy of that time, a...
評分 評分##其實在不同政治背景下的研究轉嚮和研究問題點在看相關論著之前已經可以可想而知的,但就21世紀以來更新的論著倒是沒有看過。老師之前提過的一個當代通俗作品中的改編與傳播的問題也挺好玩的。隨便存幾個問題,之後的筆記和想法書評更新。1.安東尼奧和鮑西婭是否虛僞,是否含有其他角色對其的暗諷,安東尼奧為何憂鬱。2.對於葛萊西安諾的人物分析。3.安東尼奧前後活力的差距。4.朗斯洛特為何戲弄父親。5.羅蘭佐對傑西卡的愛是真的嗎。6.夏洛剋對於女兒的感情是怎樣的。7.夏洛剋、巴薩尼奧、葛萊西安諾不同的對待戒指的態度。8.巴薩尼奧真的愛鮑西婭嗎。9.葛萊西安諾的前後性格一緻嗎。etc. ~挺喜歡第五幕的第一場。
評分 評分##About several years ago, I have read The Merchant of Venise. While at that time, I thought Shylock was so selfish and the judgment of the duck was just for him, and he deserved for his misfortune, but now, I understand him: he is the tragedy of that time, a...
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