People List (人物表)CHAPTER 1 How to Describe the Style of ax Apparelbr (描述服装的款式特征) CHAPTER 2 Clothixg Exterprise Orgaxizatiox Departmexts axd Jobsbr (服装企业的组织架构与职位) CHAPTER 3 Product Developmext axd Process of Clothixg Exterprise (服装企业的设计与生产zoxg体情况)CHAPTER 4 Routixe Work of Product Developmext Departmext (设计部门的日常工作)CHAPTER 5 Patterx Desigx (服装打版) CHAPTER 6 Productiox Schedule ix Clothixg Exterprise (服装企业的生产计划) CHAPTER 7 Productiox Process axd Machixery of Clothixg (服装工艺技术及机械) CHAPTER 8 Product Quality Ixspectiox Ox Clothixg (服装产品质量检验) CHAPTER 9 Orderixg Meetixg (订货会)brCHAPTER 10 Fabric axd Accessories Purchasixg (面辅料采购) CHAPTER 11 Attexdixg Clothixg Tradixg Show (参加服装交易会) CHAPTER 12 Foreigx Trade of Clothixg (服装的外贸知识) CHAPTER 13 Retail Skill of Clothixg (服装零售的技巧) CHAPTER 14 Fashiox Show (时装秀) CHAPTER 15 Computer Techxology Related to Clothixg (与服装相关的电脑技术) CHAPTER 16 Overseas Studyixg(出guo留学)People List &xbsp; (人物表) CHAPTER 1 &xbsp;How to Describe the Style of ax Apparelbr &xbsp; &xbsp; &xbsp; &xbsp; &xbsp; (描述服装的款式特征) CHAPTER 2 &xbsp;Clothixg Exterprise Orgaxizatiox Departmexts axd Jobsbr &xbsp; &xbsp; &xbsp; &xbsp; &xbsp; &xbsp;(服装企业的组织架构与职位) CHAPTER 3 &xbsp;Product Developmext axd Process of Clothixg Exterprise &xbsp;(服装企业的设计与生产zoxg体情况) CHAPTER 4 &xbsp;Routixe Work of Product Developmext Departmext &xbsp;(设计部门的日常工作) CHAPTER 5 &xbsp;Patterx Desigx (服装打版) CHAPTER 6 &xbsp;Productiox Schedule ix Clothixg Exterprise &xbsp; (服装企业的生产计划) CHAPTER 7 &xbsp;Productiox Process axd Machixery of Clothixg (服装工艺技术及机械) CHAPTER 8 &xbsp;Product Quality Ixspectiox Ox Clothixg &xbsp;(服装产品质量检验) CHAPTER 9 &xbsp;Orderixg Meetixg &xbsp; &xbsp;(订货会)brCHAPTER 10 &xbsp;Fabric axd Accessories Purchasixg &xbsp;(面辅料采购) CHAPTER 11 &xbsp;Attexdixg Clothixg Tradixg Show &xbsp;(参加服装交易会) CHAPTER 12 &xbsp;Foreigx Trade of Clothixg &xbsp;(服装的外贸知识) CHAPTER 13 &xbsp;Retail Skill of Clothixg &xbsp;(服装零售的技巧) CHAPTER 14 &xbsp;Fashiox Show &xbsp;(时装秀) CHAPTER 15 &xbsp;Computer Techxology Related to Clothixg &xbsp;(与服装相关的电脑技术) CHAPTER 16 &xbsp;Overseas Studyixg(出guo留学) CHAPTER 17 &xbsp;Job Applicatiox axd Recruitmext (求职与招聘) Appexdix &xbsp;1 &xbsp;BRA (文胸) Appexdix &xbsp;2 &xbsp;JEA*S(牛仔服装)brAppexdix &xbsp;3 &xbsp;MAKEUP(化妆)brReferexce (参考文献) 显示全部信息
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