Garfield Fat Cat 3-pack: Vol. 5 [平裝] [NA--NA]

Garfield Fat Cat 3-pack: Vol. 5 [平裝] [NA--NA] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

Jim Davis(吉姆·戴維斯) 著


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齣版社: Random House
叢書名: Garfield Fat Cat Three Pack





Get ready for a triple dose of laughs with the world's funniest fat cat.

Garfield's back in all his gut-busting glory: catching his tongue in the electric mixer; revealing his distate for milk (he was once frightened by an udder); pranking Jon for serving him a rubber pizza; and bobbing for croutons.

When it comes to humor, forget the rest, you've found the best—Garfield!

The Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack series collects the Garfield comic-strip compilation books in a new, full-color format. Garfield may have gone through a few changes, but one thing has stayed the same: his enormous appetite for food and fun. So enjoy some super sized laughs with the insatiable cat, because too much fun is never enough!



Jim Davis was born on July 28th, 1945 in Marion, IN. He later attended Ball State University in Muncie, IN where he distinguished himself by earning one of the lowest cumulative grade point averages in the history of the university. (Incidentally, a fellow classmate named David Letterman earned the other). The Garfield strip was born on June 19th, 1978, syndicated in 41 US newspapers. Today it's syndicated in more than 2,500 newspapers worldwide with 263 million readers. Recently, Guinness World Records, named GARFIELD "The Most Widely Syndicated Comic Strip in the World."

Jim Davis has had many successes with GARFIELD including four Emmy Awards for Outstanding Animated Program and induction into the Licensing Hall of Fame (1998), but his most prized awards are from his peers in the National Cartoonist Society: Best Humor Strip (1981 and 1985), the Elzie Segar Award (1990), and the coveted Reuben Award (2005) for overall excellence in cartooning.
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Garfield Fat Cat 3-pack: Vol. 5 [平裝] [NA--NA] mobi 下載 pdf 下載 pub 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

Garfield Fat Cat 3-pack: Vol. 5 [平裝] [NA--NA] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025

Garfield Fat Cat 3-pack: Vol. 5 [平裝] [NA--NA] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
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不錯的漫畫,印刷很好,是銅版紙印刷的,值得珍藏~~~整理這本書的時候,是我在這裏度過的第一個夏天。因為工作的緣故,需要不停地四處奔波,幾乎走遍瞭整個加拿大的東部省份,常常需要沿著怪石嶙峋的海岸綫獨自開車幾個小時,一路上,大西洋的風淡淡的吹來,依然帶著陌生世界的苦和鹹。           一個人,獨自對著一望無際的大海,看著自己的一生,隨鐵墜的上升和下沉,隨著韆萬個黃昏晝夜的交替,在世界盡頭般的海角上日復一日,會是什麼樣的心情呢。有時候我以為可以用幻想,去體會另一個人的心情,用腦海裏的無盡想象去還原自己無法感知的世界,一直這樣的以為著,終於在某些時候,看到與自己毫無一絲相似的人生,纔真切的觸摸到那個想象的邊界。      他接受這樣的工作,是自己的選擇嗎,多數的時候,是我們選擇一種生活,還是生活選擇我們呢?     在這本書裏,似乎每個故事,都是在訴說著“選擇”。在漫長的人生裏,一個又一個的選擇,將我帶到瞭許多陌生的世界,最後停留在從未想到的一個地方。      前幾天媽媽發來信息,說傢裏下瞭一天的雨,她說往常天氣不好的時候,總會給姥姥打電話,雖然姥姥的五七已經過瞭,但她仍然覺得姥姥還在。姥姥在一個多月前去世瞭,她健壯的身體在癌癥晚期的最後三個月裏急速的惡化,連帶神智也不清楚瞭,每次在電話裏跟她說話,她隻會發齣咿呀的聲音,連一句完整的話也說不齣。唯一算得上慶幸的,是她走的時候沒有帶著痛苦,在她住瞭一輩子的那個院子裏,剛剛蓋起不久新房的床上,悄然離開瞭。      我知道姥姥去世的消息已經是三天之後,電話裏媽媽的聲音有些哽咽,她剋製著情緒對我說,你爸纔剛剛好些,能自己做飯瞭,我本想迴老傢多待些日子,誰知道你姥姥在我齣發前一天的晚上就不行瞭,我連最後一麵也沒有見上。我知道,她對於這件事一直有自責,如果是由她來照顧姥姥,相信結果不會來的這麼快,但麵對兩個都需要她的人,她無法分身。      在很多時候,必須要做齣抉擇,盡管是痛苦的抉擇,盡管是麵對著兩個對自己同樣具有重要意義的人。媽媽做齣瞭她的選擇,她比任何人都清楚這個選擇的代價。可以預見的,人生的後半程,我也會麵對許多的抉擇,也許同樣痛苦,也許難以取捨,不知道命運會將我帶往哪裏,而我是不是又能像她一樣的堅強。      後來我又夢到瞭姥姥,夢到我終於迴去老傢,她像往常一樣站在門口等我。我也不知道,到現在,我是不是真的接受瞭這個現實,隻是覺得偶爾起風的時候,感到的深深失落,覺得自己離那個曾經熟悉的世界那樣遙遠。也隻是兩個夏天過去,一切卻像是倒轉後又重新排列過,在我離開之前,未曾想到這些會付齣的代價。         對於我,文字就像是用來洗刷記憶中陰暗角落的柔軟海綿,是與自我相處的一個通道,它將我身上濕冷的部分吸收,又將我在陽光下曬乾。在這本書中,收集瞭這些年零零散散寫的文章,我想這也許是最後一次再次翻閱這些記憶,這些在不同境遇寫下的文字,原本靜靜躺在角落,現在得以變成瞭印刷品,散布到我想不到的地方。      人生而孤獨,有些幻想中的生活,也許永遠不會來,那些期待中的愛情,也許不存在。然而消極的人可以樂觀的活著,相信宿命的人也可以相信努力就會被記得。時光飛速掠過,有些故事,當時的人們都忘記瞭,一件又一件,像是山榖中悄悄開放又枯萎的花。但也許,不是忘記瞭,也許是那記憶的閘口一旦打開,洶湧的水會將現實和虛幻的邊界湮沒,如果是這樣,還是讓自己忘記的好。生活不算太艱難,亦不算太容易,一切嚮前看,往事都拋在身後吧。      而我選擇,在還能記得的時候把它們寫下來,收藏到一個安全的去處,再將記憶的閘口關上。如同將心淬火,將細小的火光收集,在無盡的長夜裏,給需要的人一點溫暖。也可以在未來的某個時候,當我懂得瞭如何安然的麵對自己時,讓它們重新迴到我身上。


Garfield Cat pack:Calvin and hobbies is the book that I have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow! is the book that ICalvin and hobbies is the book that I have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow! have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow!


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Garfield Cat pack:Calvin and hobbies is the book that I have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow! is the book that ICalvin and hobbies is the book that I have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow! have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow!






Garfield Cat pack:Calvin and hobbies is the book that I have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow! is the book that ICalvin and hobbies is the book that I have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow! have been looking forward to. As you know, reading comic books is helpful for us to improve our ability in using native English. Though the book is a little expensive, I like it vey much. Hope this method of learning can help more and more enthusiastic English lovers. English learining is a long, interesting, sometimes a dull process but as long as we keep trying, we will finally realize the funny part of this language. You may enlight youself in the interest for all kinds of language. Wow!





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Garfield Fat Cat 3-pack: Vol. 5 [平裝] [NA--NA] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025





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