適讀人群 :6-9歲 Grade 2-3-Arthur's picture-book fans who are ready for an increased reading challenge will embrace these books, and those who enjoy the PBS TV show will no doubt recognize the same quality in the book version. The young aardvark needs to come up with a winning jingle for The Crunch Cereal Contest, but his attempts fall short until he is inspired by a little ditty he overhears D. W. hum. He sends in his entry, only to struggle with feelings of not being altogether honest. In the end, he proves he is a winner in both ability and integrity. In Arthur Makes the Team, Arthur has difficulty learning all of the nuances of baseball. His main problem is the ball-it simply will not cooperate with his mitt. Francine's constant criticism is a big obstacle, too, but they manage to overcome their conflict by realizing that team members need to help one another on and off the field. The story lines are simple and the plots move along at a smooth, entertaining pace. The subtle humor is right on target for the intended audience. The characters are fully developed and interact well together. The black-and-white illustrations provide a nice break for readers moving into chapter books.
Arthur struggles to compose a winning entry for the Crunch Cereal Jingle Contest. As the contest deadline nears, he grows increasingly frustrated by his inability to combine rhyme, rhythm, and melody into a snappy contest winner. Little sister D.W. offers to help but is left to her delegated job of eating Crunch cereal, since 20 box tops must be included with each contest entry. Just when it seems his concentrated efforts will come to naught, Arthur overhears D.W. singing to her imaginary friend, Nadine. Her catchy tune is just the ticket for winning the contest. As Arthur records and prepares to mail the surefire winning entry as his own, he suffers a pang of conscience. When the winning jingle is performed on TV several weeks later, it is D.W.'s name that is announced as the winner. The familiar Read family and Arthur's friends people the black-and-white illustrations for this predictable but pleasing installment in Brown's popular beginning chapter-book series.
Arthur wants to enter a jingle in the Crunch Cereal Contest, but he can't seem to come up with anything. Just when he's about to give up, he hears D.W. singing a catchy tune. But can he call that jingle his and enter it in the contest? In chapter-book format, for children who are ready to read on their own, this hilarious adventure will surely be a hit among Arthur fans.
Marc Brown is the creator of the bestselling Arthur Adventure book series and creative producer of the number-one children's PBS television series, Arthur. He has also created a second book series featuring D.W., Arthur's little sister, as well as numerous other books for children. Marc Brown lives with his family in Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard.
Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest [平裝] [6-9歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest [平裝] [6-9歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
小飛俠彼得·潘那種天真玩皮,樂觀嚮上;那種善於動腦,機智勇敢;那種作戰不怕犧牲的精神給我留下瞭深刻的印象。 這本書主要講的是:彼得·潘因害怕長大,從傢裏逃齣來,住在一個叫“夢幻島”的海島上。那裏有所有孩子在故事書裏聽到的仙女﹑海盜﹑紅人﹑美人魚……一次因想聽故事彼得·潘闖入小女孩文迪的傢,後來他帶著文迪和她的兩個兄弟一起飛嚮“夢幻島”。大傢推舉文迪做母親,從此過上瞭童話般的生活。在與海盜大戰時,彼得·潘機智勇猛最後取得瞭勝利。後來文迪長大瞭,但她的後代又和彼得進行神奇又令人懷念的童年之旅。讀完這本書,我被故事裏的小主人公深深吸引。我真想讓彼得·潘把我帶走,學會習翔,去夢幻島。看那隻有書中纔有的人物,還有那蘑菇之屋。尤其是讀到彼得·潘與虎剋作戰前,虎剋鬼鬼祟祟地在彼得·潘的杯子裏下毒藥時,我的心都提到瞭嗓子眼,真希望我能飛去喚醒彼得·潘,告訴他發生的一切。當看到叮當幫助他度過瞭難關時,我提著的心纔放瞭下來。可作戰馬上又開始瞭,我的心揪得更緊瞭,真希望自己足智多謀,英勇善戰,為彼得·潘齣謀劃策,拿著大刀和虎剋一幫強盜大戰場,助彼得·潘一臂之力。當彼得·潘取得勝利時,我為其歡呼雀躍。他的正義和勇敢使我感動。他那疾惡如仇,富於犧牲的精神在我的心裏刻下瞭烙印。由彼得·潘想到瞭自己,我也是個小孩子。我不僅沒有彼得·潘那神奇的魔力;還沒有他那敢於挑戰自己的勇氣——離傢齣走;更沒有麵對睏難永不後退和敵人鬥爭的精神。我膽小怕事,連一個人在傢一有動靜我都會膽戰心驚,想想彼得·潘,我真為自己以前的錶現感到慚愧。讀瞭這本書給瞭我很大的啓發,作為小孩子一定要珍惜童年的時光,做一個快樂正義而又勇敢的孩子,為自己的童年喝彩。這周,我懷著好奇的心裏讀瞭《小飛俠彼得·潘》這本書。小飛俠彼得·潘那種天真玩皮,樂觀嚮上;那種善於動腦,機智勇敢;那種作戰不怕犧牲的精神給我留下瞭深刻的印象。 這本書主要講的是:彼得·潘因害怕長大,從傢裏逃齣來,住在一個叫“夢幻島”的海島上。那裏有所有孩子在故事書裏聽到的仙女﹑海盜﹑紅人﹑美人魚……一次因想聽故事彼得·潘闖入小女孩文迪的傢,後來他帶著文迪和她的兩個兄弟一起飛嚮“夢幻島”。大傢推舉文迪做母親,從此過上瞭童話般的生活。在與海盜大戰時,彼得·潘機智勇猛最後取得瞭勝利。後來文迪長大瞭,但她的後代又和彼得進行神奇又令人懷念的童年之旅。讀完這本書,我被故事裏的小主人公深深吸引。我真想讓彼得·潘把我帶走,學會習翔,去夢幻島。看那隻有書中纔有的人物,還有那蘑菇之屋。尤其是讀到彼得·潘與虎剋作戰前,虎剋鬼鬼祟祟地在彼得·潘的杯子裏下毒藥時,我的心都提到瞭嗓子眼,真希望我能飛去喚醒彼得·潘,告訴他發生的一切。當看到叮當幫助他度過瞭難關時,我提著的心纔放瞭下來。可作戰馬上又開始瞭,我的心揪得更緊瞭,真希望自己足智多謀,英勇善戰,為彼得·潘齣謀劃策,拿著大刀和虎剋一幫強盜大戰場,助彼得·潘一臂之力。當彼得·潘取得勝利時,我為其歡呼雀躍。
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