Welcome to the world of high-powered investment banking. Please check your soul at the door. Meet John and Peter, two young business school graduates, grabbing their chance to become lords of the investment universe, as they run willingly into the open arms of one of Wall Street's giants, DLJ. Frustrated foot soldiers in a designer white-collar army, the two find themselves embedded in the strata of overworked and overlooked lemmings furiously trying to spin straw into gold. It's a high-stakes pressure cooker fueled by 20-hour days, inflated salaries, senseless prospects, outlandish characters, and strip club lap dances. Suddenly, escaping with their sanity seems like the wisest investment of all -- if it's still on the market.
John Rolfe graduated from Virginia Tech, The University of Florida, and Wharton Business School. At Wharton, he was the editor of The Wharton Vulgarian. Following his sentence with DLJ, he spent several years working at a private investment fund. In 2001, he co-founded an equity-oriented money management firm, and today manages the firm from a top secret location deep in Vermont. He lives with his wife and two children, and is currently attempting to learn how to produce maple syrup. Peter Troob graduated from Duke University and Harvard Business School. At Harvard, he was the humor editor for Harbus. After a gross error in judgment caused him to return to the investment banking world at DLJ, he left for the greener pastures of distressed debt investing at a private investment fund. In 2002 he co-founded a debt-oriented money management firm, which he continues to manage today. He lives with his wife and two children outside of New York City, where he can often be seen limping around the neighborhood and complaining about his bad knees.
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Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書相信京東,越來越好,贊贊
評分毫無疑問這是一本好書,京東送貨也很快,我很滿意!開捲有益,讀書好處多,陶冶情操,修身養性,還會再來的哦。非常棒! 高尚的人有許多值得我們領略的思想和品格,我們如果有一本好書,而且認真去領略他的思想,就想是在瞭解高尚人的思想,學習高尚人的品格,所以讀好書和高尚的人談話是差不多的,目的都是更加完善自我 兒時的我,在“鋤禾日當午,汗滴何下土”的詩歌聲中長大,每次端起書,看著那毫無生命的方塊字,我總是大喊沒意思。讀書是我最頭疼的事瞭。 漸漸長大瞭,我感到瞭知識的缺乏,每次作文,我都不知從何說起。爸爸、媽媽為我不喜歡讀書而煩惱,常常買許多書讓我閱讀。直到有一天,那天晚上,我們傢裏開展成語比賽,該我說成語,媽媽說意思,我翻開成語詞典,說道:“金蟬脫殼(ké)。”剛一說完,爸爸、媽媽都哄堂大笑,我感到奇怪,不知道他們笑什麼,媽媽看我一臉的驚詫,說:“自己看看拼音,到底讀什麼。”“噢!是‘金蟬脫殼(qiào)’!”我恍然大悟。爸爸嚴肅的對我說:“以後要注意多讀書,那纔能積纍知識呀!”於是,我便暗暗下決心,一定要多讀書,懂得好多好多的知識。 從那以後,我真的喜歡上瞭讀書,因為書給我帶來瞭無窮的樂趣。當讀到安徒生的童話集——賣火柴的小女孩時,我曾為賣火柴的小女孩的命運做過祈禱;當我看到狼牙山五壯士時,我為狼牙山五壯士的悲壯流過眼淚;當我讀到三國演義時,我為諸葛亮的雄纔大略欽佩不已。我深深地陶醉在書的海洋中, 曾經在一本書上看到這樣一段話“讀書能醫愚,讀書能治窮,讀書能療病,讀書能礪誌,讀書能緻遠,讀書能練達,讀書能聰慧,讀書能知道怎樣交友,怎樣識人,怎樣說話,怎樣做事,怎樣活著纔身心健康,讀書能明白什麼樣地人生稱得上完美無憾。”是啊!讀書得好處無窮無盡。 現在,當我捧起鋼鐵識怎樣煉成的,深深融入到裏麵時,我感到自己是多麼的幸福,因為我擁有健康的身體,保爾雖然殘廢,但他那種不嚮命運低頭,堅強的毅誌和頑強的精神,深深地把我摺服,讓我佩服。我對今後的學習、生活充滿瞭希望。我更愛讀書瞭。 讀三國演義水滸傳可以讓我們對中國名著有所瞭解;看十萬個為什麼可以使我們的知識更加豐富;讀作文大全可以提高我們的作文水平;就是看一些漫畫、搞笑之類的,也可以讓我們更加幽默,更加富有想象力。 讀書給瞭我知識,讀書給瞭我樂趣,讀書更給瞭我力量。 我讀書!讀書讓我知道瞭什麼是酸?什麼是甜?什麼是苦?什麼是辣?讀書讓我知道瞭怎麼為人處事?讀書給我的最大東西是:知識。它豐富瞭我的大腦,增長瞭我的見識。 你能說讀書不快樂嗎?買瞭那麼多年的書,京東沒有讓我失望過哦,就算有問題,聯係客服也是很好解決的, 客服態度也不錯,嗬嗬,贊一個。希望網站做大做強。
Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025