Outlaws of the Marsh, One of the best known and best loved of the ancient Chinese novels which have come down through the ages, written in the fourteenth century, is a fictional account of twelfth-century events in the final years of Hui Zong, a Song Dynasty emperor who reigned from 1101 to 1125. It tells why and how one hundred some-old men and women are forced by the harsh feudal officialdom and banded together on a marsh-girt mountain, became leaders of an outlaw army of thousands and fought brave and resourceful battles against pompous, heartless tyrants.
Chapter 1
Demons Including Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends are Released
Chapter 2
Sagacious Lu Throws Peach Blossom Village into Confusion
Chapter 3
Lin Chong Goes to Mount Liangshan in the Snowy Night
Chapter 4
Yang Zhi Sells His Sword in the Eastern Capital
Chapter 5
Wu Yong by a Ruse Captures the Birthday Gifts
Chapter 6
Three Ruan Brothers in the Village of Stone Tablet
Chapter 7
Lin Chong Kills Wang Lun
Chapter 8
Song Jiang Slays Poxi in a Fit of Anger
Chapter 9
Wu Song Kills a Tiger on Jingyang Ridge
Chapter 10
Pan Jinlian Carries on a Clandestine Love Affair
Chapter 11
Wu Song Avenges at Lion Bridge Tavern
Chapter 12
Wu Song Beats Jiang the Gate Guard Giant
Chapter 13
General Zhang’s Blood Spatters the Duck and Drake Bower
Chapter 14
Hua Rong Turns Topsy-turvy Clear Winds Fort
Chapter 15
The Thunderbolt Qin Ming
Chapter 16
Song Gongming is Tattooed with the Mark of His Exile to Jiangzhou
Chapter 17
In the Xunyang Pavilion Song Jiang Recites a Rebellious Poem
Chapter 18
Mount Liangshan Gallants Raid the Execution Grounds
Chapter 19
Song Jiang Becomes an Outlaw in Liangshan Marsh
Chapter 20
Li Kui Goes down the Mountain
Chapter 21
Shi Xiu Takes Chivalrous Action
Chapter 22
The First Attack on the Zhu Family Manor
Chapter 23
The Second Attack on the Zhu Family Manor
Chapter 24
The Third Attack on the Zhu Family Manor
Chapter 25
Wu Yong Uses a Plan to Get Zhu Tong
Chapter 26
Song Jiang Meets the Spell in Gaotang Prefecture
Chapter 27
Dai Zong Goes out to Seek Gongsun Sheng
Chapter 28
Gongsun Sheng Performs Magic Arts
Chapter 29
Huyan Zhuo Deploys an Armored Cavalry
Chapter 30
Chao the Heavenly King is Killed
Chapter 31
Guan Sheng Surrenders and Lu Junyi is Saved
Chapter 32
Lu the Magnate Captures Shi Wengong
Chapter 33
Song Jiang Defeats Marshal Gao
Chapter 34
Song Jiang and All of His Men are Amnestied
Chapter 35
Song Jiang is Ordered to Smash the Liao Tartars
Chapter 36
Song Jiang is Sent to Suppress Fang La Rebellion
Chapter 37
Song Jiang Returns Home in Finery but is Poisoned to Death by the Emperor
Sagacious Lu Throws Peach Blossom Village into Confusion
Shi Jin arrived in Weizhou. Hearing that this is also a border garrison he went in a small tea-house and asked the waiter, “Do you know whether they have an arms instructor from the Eastern Capital, a man called Wang Jin?” While the waiter was talking, a big fellow who looked like an army officer strode in. A full beard framed his round face.The waiter said to Shi Jin: “That’s the major. You can ask him about Wang Jin. He knows all the arms instructors.”
The big fellow said, “The arms instructor Wang Jin you said is with Old General Zhong in the Yanan garrison. And who are you, brother?” “My name is Shi Jin, the fellow they call Nine Dragons? May I be so bold as to ask your name, sir?” Shi Jin queried. “I’m called Lu Da. I’m a major in this garrison.” He took Shi Jin by the hand and said, “Come out and have a few drinks with me.”
The two encountered Li Zhong, nicknamed the Tiger-Fighting General. The three came to a famous tavern. Just as their conversation was at its liveliest, they heard the sound of sobbing in the next room. Lu Da immediately became enraged, shouting, “who are weeping in the next room while we dine.” “The people weeping are a man and his daughter who sing in the taverns,” The waiter replied.
Lu Da said, “Bring them here to me.”
The waiter returned with a girl of about eighteen, followed by a man in his late fifties. Lu Da asked the two why they wept. The girl replied, “My name is Jin Cuilian. Master Zheng, who is called the Lord of the West, saw me and wanted me for a concubine. He sent people to wheedle and threaten, and finally signed a contract promising my father three thousand strings of cash for me. In less than three months his wife, a hard woman, drove me out of the house. What’s more, Master Zheng ordered the innkeeper to demand that we ‘return’ his three thousand strings of cash. We didn’t know what to do. We earn money just by making rounds of the taverns, singing and repay him.”
“Bah,” said Lu Da contemptuously. “So Master Zheng is only Zheng the pig-sticker, the dirty rogue who runs a butcher shop.” Lu Da took out some money and gave it to the father and daughter, saying “Tomorrow you can depart from herel. I’ll return the butcher’s money in person.” Old Jin and his daughter thanked him and departed.
On the morning of the following day, Lu Da came to the door of Zheng’s butcher shop. Looking at Zheng, he shouted, “Butcher Zheng, The garrison commander has ordered me to buy ten catties of lean meat, chopped fine, to be used for filling. There mustn’t be a speck of fat in it. You do it yourself.” After Zheng finished chopping lean meat, Lu Da asked him to cut up ten catties of fat meat.
Zheng wrapped the minced meat in a lotus leaf and placed it in front of Lu Da. Lu Da said, “Now I want ten catties of gristle, chopped fine, also to be used for filling, and I don’t want to see any meat in it.” Zheng laughed awkwardly. “Are you making fun of me?” Lu Da flung the packages of chopped meat full in Zheng’s face. The shower of meat stung the butcher into a rage. He grabbed a paring knife from the butcher’s block and jumped down from the shop steps.
Lu Da sent the butcher sprawling with a swift kick in the groin. Another step forward and he put his foot on Zheng’s chest. He landed three punches on Zheng’s head that brought the blood flowing to the ground. The butcher lay stretched on the ground at his last gasp. Lu Da thought to himself, “Killing him would hold me for trial. I’d better get out of here.” He rose and strode away, shouting, “Go on playing dead. I’ll settle with you later.”
水滸傳故事(英文版) [Outlaws of the Marsh] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
水滸傳故事(英文版) [Outlaws of the Marsh] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書買瞭送給外國朋友的
評分一本好書就象一盞明燈照亮我們前進的道路,給我們諸多啓示。《自動自發》就是這樣一部勵誌佳作,它涵蓋瞭勤奮、忠誠、敬業、自信等內容,是指導我們正確對待工作和學習的一位良師益友。當讀完《自動自發》後感覺受益非淺,對工作有瞭更多的認發貨速度很快,蠻好 書很好是正版的,包裝一般,書角有點壓壞,還好不影響什麼,質量很好,發貨速度很快,兩天就收到瞭,書的內容確實很實用,這些天忘記迴老傢拿書瞭,傢裏人幫忙收到這本書,很早就收到瞭。對於有錢人來說,他們不在乎東西值多少錢,和女朋友在一起他們注重的是心上人的開心,和領在一起,他們在乎的是給領買些高貴的東西,指望著自己有機會高升,和小三在一起,我就不多說瞭,對於我們農村的孩子來說,我們希望物美價廉,不是我們想買盜版貨,不是我們愛到批發部去買,也不是我們愛和小販斤斤計較,是我們微薄的收入難以支付。總的來說購物本身是一個開心的過程,從中我們利用自己的勞動購買自己需要的東西。京東商城的東西太便宜瞭,所以我來買瞭。好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,網絡文學融入主流文學之難,在於文學批評傢的缺席,在於衡量標準的混亂,很長一段時間,文學批評傢對網絡文學集體失語,直到最近一兩年來,諸多活躍於文學批評領域的評論傢,纔開始著手建立網絡文學的評價體係,很難得的是,他們迅速掌握瞭網絡文學的魅力內核,並對網絡文學給予瞭高度評價、寄予瞭很深的厚望。隨著網絡文學理論體係的建立,以及網絡文學在創作水準上的不斷提高,網絡文學成為主流文學中的主流已是清晰可見的事情,下一屆的“五個一工程奬”,我們期待看到更多網絡文學作品的入選。據說,2011年8月24日,京東與支付寶閤作到期。官方公告顯示,京東商城已經全麵停用支付寶,除瞭無法使用支付服務外,使用支付寶賬號登錄的功能也一並被停用。京東商城創始人劉先生5月份曾錶示京東棄用支付寶原因是支付寶的費率太貴,為快錢等公司的4倍。在棄支付寶而去之後,京東商城轉投銀聯懷抱。這點我很喜歡,因為支付寶我從來就不用,用起來也很麻煩的。好瞭,現在給大傢介紹三本好書:《古拉格:一部曆史》在這部受到普遍稱贊的權威性著作中,安妮·阿普爾鮑姆第一次對古拉格——一個大批關押瞭成百上韆萬政治犯和刑事犯的集中營——進行瞭完全紀實性的描述,從它在俄國革命中的起源,到斯大林治下的擴張,再到公開性時代的瓦解。阿普爾鮑姆深刻地再現瞭勞改營生活的本質並且將其與蘇聯的宏觀曆史聯係起來。《古
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