1 Introducing linguistic typology
1.1 What do linguistic typologists study?
1.2 Typological analysis
13 Typology of language universals
1.4 Language universals and linguistic typology
1.5 Assumptions and problems in typological analysis
1.5.1 Cross-linguistic comparability
1.5.2 The Principle of Uniformitarianism
1.5.3 Approaches to language sampling
1.5.4 Determining language sample sizes
1.5.5 Problems with data
1.6 Partial typology VS.holistic typology
1.7 Organization ofthe rest ofthe book
2 Basic WOrd Order
2.1What is basic word order?
2.2 Early research on basic word order
2.2.1 The inception of word order typology
2.2.2 The OV-VO typology
2.2.3 Making language universals exceptionless
2.3 Explaining the distribution of the basic clausal word orders
2.4 Back to the OV-VO typology:the Branching Direction Theory
2.5 Seeking a global explanation:the Early Immediate Constituents Theory
2.6 From word order to morpheme order:the suffixing preference
2.7 Closing remarks
3 Case marking
3.1 Introduction
3.2 AS and P, and types of case marking
3.2.1 Nominative-accusative system
3.2.2 Ergative-absolutive system
3.2.3 Tripartite system
3.2.4 AP/S system
3.2.5 Neutral system
3.3 More types of case marking
3.3.1 Split-ergative system
3.3.2 Active-stative system
3.3.3 Direct-inverse system
3.4 Distribution of the case marking systems
3.5 The discriminatory view of case marking
3.6 The indexing view of case marking
3.7 The discriminatory view vs. the indexing view
3.8 The Nominal Hierarchy and the split-ergative system
3.9 Towards a unified explanation: attention flow and viewpoint
3.10 Ergativity from discourse to grammar
3.11 Case marking in altered or non-basic constructions
3.11.1 Passive
3.11.2 Antipassive
3.11.3 Noun incorporation
3.11.4 Advancement of obliques to P
3.12 Syntactic ergativity
3.13 Head marking vs. dependent marking
3.14 Case marking type and word order type
4 Relative clauses
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The position of the head noun vis-a-vis the restricting clause
4.3 Expression of the head noun
4.3.1 The obliteration strategy
4.3.2 The pronoun-retention strategy
4.3.3 The relative-pronoun strategy
4.3.4 Language-internal distribution of the relativization strategies
4.4 Accessibility Hierarchy: accessibility to relativization
4.5 Conspiracy in relativization
4.6 Correlations between RC-related properties
4.7 The head noun in the main clause
4.8 Subject primacy vs. discourse preferences in relativization
4.9 RC type and word order type
4.10 The role of processing in the distribution of RC types
4.11 The All and structural complexity
5 Causatives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The morphologically based typology of causative constructions
5.3 The syntax of the causee NP: the Case Hierarchy
5.4 Conspiracy in causativization
5.5 Doubling: coding vs. grammatical relation
5.6 Causation types and causative types
5.7 The case marking of the causee NP
5.8 The conceptual integration of the causee in the causative event
5.9 Towards a typology of causative constructions
6 The application of linguistic typology
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Linguistic typology and historical linguistics
6.2.1 Early attempts at word order reconstruction
6.2.2 Linguistic typology as a control on, and a tool in,reconstruction
6.2.3 Linguistic typology and linguistic prehistory
6.3 Linguistic typology and language acquisition
6.3.1 Accessibility to relativization in FLA
6.3.2 Accessibility to relativization in SLA
6.3.3 Two potential FLA/SLA areas of application
6.3.4 Closing remarks
7 European approaches to linguistic typology
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The Leningrad Typology Group
7.3 The Cologne UNITYP Group
7.4 The Prague School Typology
7.5 Epilogue
Author Index
Language Index
Subject Index
语言类型学 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
按特征对语言进行分类 远在19世纪初期,德国语言学家 F.von施列格尔(1772~1829)就把世界诸语言分为3大类型,即孤立型、粘着型和屈折型。后来洪堡特又增加了编插语或称多式综合语。
语言流畅,不错的书 语言类型学 (linguistic typology)。研究各种语言的特征并进行分类的学科。其方法是比较这些语言,找出其相同和相异之处。类型语言学与历史比较语言学的区别 学者们比较语言特征往往抱有不同的目的。第 1种是追溯历史渊源,其方法是比较各语言的语法结构和最古老的基本词汇的语音和语义,发现这些语言之间的亲属关系。第2种是建立人类语言类型体系,其方法是按某些特征把语言分类,如把汉语和马来-波利尼西亚语系波利尼西亚语族的萨摩亚语都归入孤立型语言(虽然二者并无亲属关系)。第3种是寻找人类语言的普遍现象或近乎普遍的现象,其方法是考察某一特征存在于多少种语言之中。这样做,同样不问所研究的语言是否有亲属关系。由于目的不同,第1种比较工作是历史比较语言学家的事情,第2、第3种才是类型语言学家的事情。又称语言类型学 (linguistic typology)。研究各种语言的特征并进行分类的学科。其方法是比较这些语言,找出其相同和相异之处。
类型语言学与历史比较语言学的区别 学者们比较语言特征往往抱有不同的目的。第 1种是追溯历史渊源,其方法是比较各语言的语法结构和最古老的基本词汇的语音和语义,发现这些语言之间的亲属关系。第2种是建立人类语言类型体系,其方法是按某些特征把语言分类,如把汉语和马来-波利尼西亚语系波利尼西亚语族的萨摩亚语都归入孤立型语言(虽然二者并无亲属关系)。第3种是寻找人类语言的普遍现象或近乎普遍的现象,其方法是考察某一特征存在于多少种语言之中。这样做,同样不问所研究的语言是否有亲属关系。由于目的不同,第1种比较工作是历史比较语言学家的事情,第2、第3种才是类型语言学家的事情。
语言流畅,不错的书 语言类型学 (linguistic typology)。研究各种语言的特征并进行分类的学科。其方法是比较这些语言,找出其相同和相异之处。类型语言学与历史比较语言学的区别 学者们比较语言特征往往抱有不同的目的。第 1种是追溯历史渊源,其方法是比较各语言的语法结构和最古老的基本词汇的语音和语义,发现这些语言之间的亲属关系。第2种是建立人类语言类型体系,其方法是按某些特征把语言分类,如把汉语和马来-波利尼西亚语系波利尼西亚语族的萨摩亚语都归入孤立型语言(虽然二者并无亲属关系)。第3种是寻找人类语言的普遍现象或近乎普遍的现象,其方法是考察某一特征存在于多少种语言之中。这样做,同样不问所研究的语言是否有亲属关系。由于目的不同,第1种比较工作是历史比较语言学家的事情,第2、第3种才是类型语言学家的事情。又称语言类型学 (linguistic typology)。研究各种语言的特征并进行分类的学科。其方法是比较这些语言,找出其相同和相异之处。