When Barry Fairweather dies unexpectedly in his early forties, the little town of Pagford is left in shock. Pagford is, seemingly, an English idyll, with a cobbled market square and an ancient abbey, but what lies behind the pretty fa?ade is a town at war. Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils…. Pagford is not what it first seems. And the empty seat left by Barry on the town’s council soon becomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has yet seen. Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations? Blackly comic, thought-provoking and constantly surprising, The Casual Vacancy is J.K. Rowling’s first novel for adults.
新书以人到中年的巴里·费尔韦瑟之死为开头,他的死给佩格弗德(Pagford)小镇带来了不小的震动。佩格弗德看起来就是一个典型的英国田园小镇,有一个铺满鹅卵石的市场和一座古老的修道院,但随着剧情展开,读者会发现小镇平静的假象背后隐藏着激烈的矛盾:富人和穷人,少年和父母,妇人和丈夫,老师和学生……佩格弗德小镇实际上并不是第一眼看上去那样, 而且巴里留下来的小镇议会空席也成了小镇有史以来的最大矛盾的导火索,谁又能赢得这场充满激情、欺诈和黑幕的选举呢?
书编辑奥尼尔·丹尼(Neill Denny)表示,罗琳的新作显然是一次“有趣”的尝试,“这显然不是之前人们猜测的典型的犯罪小说。这本书有点古怪,又野心勃勃。这本书的设置看似无法装下太多的东西,也许只有罗琳的妙手能填补这些空白。”今年2月,罗琳首次宣布新书计划时即表示,哈利·波特系列的成功给了她探索新领域的自由。七册《哈利·波特》小说在全球范围售出4.5亿册,被改编成8部电影,译成74种语言。《哈利·波特》系列的热销让读者对《偶发空缺》充满期待,丹尼亦表示《偶发空缺》仅在英国一国就能轻易创出销售量过百万册的佳绩。
J.K. Rowling is the author of the bestselling Harry Potter series of seven books, published between 1997 and 2007, which have sold more than 450 million copies worldwide, are distributed in more than 200 territories, translated into 74 languages, and have been turned into eight blockbuster films.
J.K. 罗琳为英国女作家,是风靡全球的《哈利·波特》系列丛书的作者. 共为七册《哈利·波特》小说在全球范围售出4.5亿册,被改编成8部电影,译成74种语言。罗琳凭着哈利·波特的魔力荣登福布斯的10亿富翁排行榜。罗琳也是“10亿富豪俱乐部”中唯一的英国女性、唯一的作家,是世界上白手起家打入其中的仅有的5名女性之一,也是最年轻的成员之一。
"I had come under the spell of a great novel....A big, ambitious, brilliant, profane, funny, deeply upsetting and magnificently eloquent novel of contemporary England, rich with literary intelligence....This is a deeply moving book by somebody who understands both human beings and novels very, very deeply." --Time Lev Grossman
"A vivid read with great, memorable characters and a truly emotional payoff....Rowling captures the humanity in everyone, even if that humanity is not always a pretty sight." --People
"This book represents a truckload of shrewdness.... There were sentences I underlined for the sheer purpose of figuring out how English words could be combined so delightfully....genuinely moving." --Washington Post
——美国小说家、记者Lev Grossman 《时代》杂志
——英国 《每日电讯》
——美国Andrew Losowsky 郝芬顿邮报
——英国 《卫报》
——新西兰 Linda Herrick 《新西兰先驱报》
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