When Mario Puzo's blockbuster saga, The Godfather, was first published in 1969, critics hailed it as one of the greatest novels of our time, and "big, turbulent, highly entertaining." Since then, The Godfather has gone on to become a part of America's national culture, as well as a trilogy of landmark motion pictures. From the lavish opening scene where Don Corleone entertains guests and conducts business at his daughter's wedding...to his son, Michael, who takes his father's place to fight for his family...to the bloody climax where all family business is finished, The Godfather is an epic story of family, loyalty, and how "men of honor" live in their own world, and die by their own laws.
Mario Puzo was born on Manhattan’s West Side in the neighborhood known as Hell’s Kitchen. His first books, The Fortunate Pilgrim (“a minor classic” New York Times) and Dark Arena, brought him critical acclaim, but it was the publication of The Godfather in March 1969 that catapulted him into the front ranks of American authors. Reviewers hailed the book as “a staggering triumph” (Saturday Review), “big, turbulent, highly entertaining” (Newsweek), “remarkable” (Look), and “a voyeur’s dream, a skillful fantasy of violent personal power” (New York Times). Winning readers by the millions, it stayed at or near the top of the New York Times bestseller lists for sixty-nine weeks. His follow-up novel, Fools Die (1978), was hailed as the publishing event of the decade. Puzo’s last novel, Omerta, was finished shortly before his death in 1999.
Diehard Godfather fans play second banana to no other subculture in their obsession with the minutiae of Puzo's novel and Coppola's films. These dedicated fans will be most disappointed by the new audio version, although perhaps only an hour of material is missing, but casual aficionados will barely notice the abridgment. Missing are the subplot involving Sonny's mistress, Lucy Mancini, and Dr. William Kennedy and the descriptions of the regional Mafia chieftains that precede the commission meeting at which Don Corleone flushes out Don Barzini as his number one rival. Actor Joe Mantegna does a fine job throughout, largely resisting the temptation to put on voices for too many of the characters. However, this cannot be said for his Don Corleone. Perhaps it is vengeance: after all, Andy Garcia, as the late Don's nephew, Vincent Mancini, put the hit on Mantegna's Joey Zasa in Godfather III, but whatever the reason, Mantegna gives Corleone a raspy falsetto-imagine the Pillsbury Doughboy with a tracheotomy-that ranks as one of the worst Brando impressions ever. Also, Puzo's chilling ending in which Kay converts to Catholicism with the hope of saving her husband's soul is inexplicably transformed into a chamber-of-commerce-style bromide about the family's new life in Nevada. Still, the popularity of Puzo's novel 27 years after its publication makes this abridgment a must-have.
--Adam Mazmanian, "Library Journal"
"You can't stop reading it."
-- New York magazine
"A staggering triumph."
-- The Saturday Review
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再便宜点就好了 工作之余,人们或楚河汉界运筹帷幄,或轻歌曼舞享受生活,而我则喜欢翻翻书、读读报,一个人沉浸在笔墨飘香的世界里,跟智者神游,与慧者交流,不知有汉,无论魏晋,醉在其中。我是一介穷书生,尽管在学校工作了二十五年,但是工资却不好意思示人。当我教训调皮捣蛋的女儿外孙子们时,时常被他们反问:“你老深更半夜了,还在写作看书,可工资却不到两千!”常常被他们噎得无话可说。当教师的我这一生注定与清贫相伴,惟一好处是有双休息日,在属于我的假期里悠哉游哉于书香之中,这也许是许多书外之人难以领略的惬意。好了,废话不多说。好了,我现在来说说这本书的观感吧,坐得冷板凳,耐得清寂夜,是为学之根本;独处不寂寞,游走自在乐,是为人之良质。潜心学问,风姿初显。喜爱独处,以窥视内心,反观自我;砥砺思想,磨砺意志。学与诗,文与思;青春之神思飞扬与学问之静寂孤独本是一种应该的、美好的平衡。在中国传统文人那里,诗人性情,学者本分,一脉相承久矣。现在讲究“术业有专攻”,分界逐渐明确,诗与学渐离渐远。此脉悬若一线,惜乎。我青年游历治学,晚年回首成书,记忆清新如初,景物历历如昨。挥发诗人情怀,摹写学者本分,意足矣,足已矣。好大一本书,是正版!各种不错!只是插图太多,有占篇符之嫌。故事很精彩,女儿很喜欢。书写的不错,能消除人的心瘾。目前已经戒烟第三天了,书拿到手挺有分量的,包装完好。还会继续来,一直就想买这本书,太谢谢京东了,发货神速,两天就到了,超给力的!5分!京东商城图书频道提供丰富的图书产品,种类包括小说、文学、传记、艺术、少儿、经济、管理、生活等图书的网上销售,为您提供最佳的购书体验。网购上京东,省钱又放心!在网上购物,动辄就要十多元的运费,往往是令许多网购消费者和商家踌躇于网购及销售的成本。就在买方卖方都在考虑成本的同时,京东做了一个表率性的举动。只要达到某个会员级别,不分品类实行全场免运费。这是一个太摔的举动了,支持京东。给大家介绍本好书《小时代3.0:刺金时代》内容简介《小时代3.0:刺金时代》是郭敬明的第五部长篇小说,于2007年11月开始在《最小说》上独家连载,获得读者们空前热烈的追捧,各大媒体的相关讨论和争议也层出不穷,一场火爆的《小时代3.0:刺金时代》风潮由此掀起。郭敬明在《小时代3.0:刺金时代》的创作中,又一次展现了对多种文字风格的完美驾驭能力。他以全新的叙事风格和敏感而细微的笔触,将当代青少年、大学生、都市白领的生活和情感故事集中、加工、娓娓道来,从小角度展现了作者对整个社会的观察和思考。这部长篇系列正式开始前,郭敬明曾许诺将要连续创作五年,而在五年终结之际,《小时代3.0:刺金时代》系列将如约迎来它辉煌的谢幕。林萧、简溪、顾源、顾里、南湘、唐宛如……五年间,他们已然成为陪伴读者们度过青春时期的伙伴,他们仿佛活生生地站在读者身边,呼吸着,微笑着,与每一个人共同欢乐,共同哭泣。故事有终结的一天,然而人物却能跃出故事,在读者心中长长久久地鲜活下去,从这个意义上来讲,《小时代3.0:刺金时代》是每一个读者的小时代,它永远也不会完结。