A sumptuous large-format hardback containing sketches and paintings from the illustrated Lord of the Rings, together with brand new and previously unseen material. In this large-format hardback Alan Lee reveals in pictures and in words how he created the images in the authorised illustrated edition of The Lord of the Rings. These images would prove so powerful, matching perfectly with Tolkien's own vision, that they would eventually define the look of Peter Jackson's movie trilogy and earn Alan a coveted Academy Award. The book is filled with over 150 of his sketches and early conceptual pieces to show how the project progressed from idea to finished art. It also contains 20 colour paintings reproduced in full-page glory, together with numerous examples of his conceptual art produced for the films and brand new pieces drawn specially for this book. It also includes an exclusive foreword written by Sir Ian McKellen. The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook provides a fascinating insight into the imagination of the man who painted Tolkien's vision, firstly onto the page and then in three dimensions on the cinema screen. It will also be of interest to many of the 100,000 people who have bought the illustrated Lord of the Rings as well as for budding artists and illustrators interested in unlocking the secrets of book illustration.
Alan Lee was born in Middlesex in 1947. His illustrated books include Faeries (with Brian Froud), Castles and Merlin Dreams, and has worked on such prestigious films as Erik the Viking (Terry Gilliam), Legend (Ridley Scott), and the acclaimed NBC miniseries Merlin. He is best known however for his work on the books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and now the film version.
'Alan Lee,s artwork has a beauty and lyricism about it. His art captured what I hoped to capture with the films.'
-- Peter Jackson
'Among the greatest works of imaginative fiction of the 20th century.'
-- Sunday Telegraph
'An extraordinarily imaginative work, part saga, part allegory, and wholly exciting.'
-- The Times
'A grand piece of work in both conception and execution.'
-- Daily Telegraph
Lord of the Rings Sketchbook 《指环王》写生簿 [精装] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Lord of the Rings Sketchbook 《指环王》写生簿 [精装] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
好书 做工质量都不错~
从书籍中汲取知识和力量,是人生之必需。每个人从一出生开始,就在不停地学习各种各样的知识,以便将来在社会上更好的立足。 读书就如同一个科学家去读当代文学作品,一个诗人去读某个考古学家的记录一样,读是因为喜欢,读是源于兴趣,有一句话说的好:“阅读不能改变人生的长度,但它可以改变人生的宽度。”正是这种兴趣的阅读,让我的生活丰富多彩。 读书已经成为我的一种习惯,小学时最爱做的事情,就是看各种各样的“闲书”,从爸爸妈妈给订阅的儿童杂志,到一些文学名著,我都照单全收。即使是上中学以后,也是依然爱读书,也要在繁忙间隙让自己的心灵得到些许的休憩。拿起一本喜爱的书籍,就好像随手推开一扇窗户,欣赏窗外美丽的风景。这风景或粗犷豪放,或细腻委婉,或雄伟磅礴,或感人肺腑,令我浑然忘却了学习中的烦恼与不快,仿佛排徊在青山绿水之间,呼吸着新鲜的空气,挥着思想的翅膀,感受着生命的美好。 捧一帧书册,看史事五千;品一壶清茗,行通途八百。无须走马塞上,你便可看楚汉交兵;无须程门立雪,你便可听师长之谆谆教诲。莘莘学子,自幼苦读经书,不惜为此头悬梁,锥刺骨,为的是什么,就是充实自己的知识体系,而这最根本的途径就是“开卷”。曹雪芹“披阅十载,增删五次”,方成“红楼巨著”;纪晓岚“饱览群书,徜徉书海”,方得“天下第一才子”称号……他们都是从“开卷”那里得到了最大的益处。 初读好书,如获良友;重读好书,如逢故知。书,可以使我们增长见识,不出门便可知天下事。书,可以提高我们的阅读能力和写作水平。书,可以使我们变得有修养。书,还可使我们在竞争激烈的社会上立于不败之地……其实读书的好处有很多,就等着有心人去慢慢发现。 同书一样,报纸上形形色色的消息,五花八门的知识,都像磁铁般吸引着人们。世界天天在变化,社会天天在发展,新人新事新科技层出不穷。这样,报纸就天天有新内容,每天都会给你新的启发,新的感受。忠实的读者因经常读报,不仅乐趣无穷,而且开阔了视野,陶冶了性情,有的人因此而走上了成功之路。毫无疑问,报纸是千百万人终身的良师和益友。 读书好,好读书,读好书;勤读报,会读报,你就会和大千世界息息相通。这样的好机会,我们从小就因该抓住;这样的好习惯,我们从小就因该养成。[BJTJ],买回来觉得还是非常值的。我喜欢看书,喜欢看各种各样的书,看的很杂,文学名著,流行小说都看,只要作者的文笔不是太差,总能让我从头到脚看完整本书。
Lord of the Rings Sketchbook 《指环王》写生簿 [精装] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025