My Mother Is Mine 英文原版 [平装] [1岁及以上]

My Mother Is Mine 英文原版 [平装] [1岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

Marion Dane Bauer 著,Peter Elwell 绘


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出版社: Simon & Schuster US




Celebrate the warm and loving bond between mothers and children — of all kinds. As a child makes a Mother's Day card, various animal mothers are shown taking care of their young.


Marion Dane Bauer is the author of many books for young readers, including the Newbery Honor book On My Honor and the New York Times bestseller My Mother Is Mine. Her other titles include A Mama for Owen, If You Were Born a Kitten, Grandmother's Song, and Thank You for Me! She has recently retired from the faculty of the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA program in Writing for Children and Young Adults where she was the first Faculty Chair. She lives in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and can be reached at



Publishers Weekly Bauer (If You Were Born a Kitten) and Elwell (Three Brave Women) explore the depths, delights and ferocity of the mother-child bond and for the most part, their foray into unabashed emotion works well. Bauer's rhymed text brings to mind the poignant vulnerability of a mash note from a young child: "My mother is pretty./ My mother is brave./ My mother still loves me when I misbehave." But because the sentences are parceled out one per page, the effect is never cloying. Elwell's stunning, diaphanous pastel illustrations flirt with the conventions of calendar art: his characterizations are mostly grounded in a realistic appreciation of the natural world, but the gauzy surfaces and the intensity of the animals' expressions are the stuff of pure romanticism. A tiger mother beams with pride as she carries her pliant cub by the scruff of the neck; a vigilant mother horned owl is regarded with utter adoration by her little puffball baby. Unfortunately, the final sequence, showing a girl creating a greeting card for her mother, lacks the intensity of the animal illustrations; the child's expressions seem a bit clich d. An actual card bearing the same illustration as that on the girl's is included inside the back cover. Ages 1-5. (Apr.) Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information. Publishers Weekly "Author and artist explore the depths, delights and ferocity of the mother-child bond, and their foray into unabashed emotion works well," wrote PW. Ages 1-5. (Apr.) Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information. Fewer Reviews Children's Literature In a brief sentence for each two-page spread, children of various species tell something special about their mothers. There are rhymes along with the love expressed in these simple statements—"She holds me tight." "She never forgets to kiss me good night." This book is meant for reassuring reading and re-reading in a comfortable relationship. Elwell's naturalistic illustrations are simple scenes of each pair, including a young girl at the end, created with a fuzzy warmth that reinforces the text's message. The creatures are not named, but their identification could be part of the shared reading with pre-schoolers. A greeting card with one of the rhymes is included. 2001, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, $13.00. Ages 2 to 5. Reviewer: Ken Marantz and Sylvia Marantz School Library Journal PreS-Gr 1-This book captures the warmth of a mother-child relationship in verse and illustrations. Each spread features a full-page picture of a baby animal interacting with its mother, along with a page of text explaining what makes that parent special. "My mother is soft" appears opposite two sheep cuddled together; "My mother is strong" shows a tiger carrying her cub in her mouth; and two owls sitting together on a branch illustrate "My mother watches me long and long." Young children will recognize the parallels between their own families and those of the animals, as a baby bird is given a worm ("My mother feeds me"), and a kangaroo rides safely inside its mother's pouch ("She holds me tight"). The soft focus of Elwell's pastel illustrations is well suited to the gentle rhythms of the text. The end of the book reveals a young girl drawing pictures of the animals, making a card for her mother with the inscription: "My mother is special./My mother is fine./My mother,/my mother,/my mother is mine!" A welcome addition to Mother's Day collections and family storytimes.-Linda Ludke, London Public Library, Ontario, Canada Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information. Kirkus Reviews In a sweetly sentimental ode to motherhood, with a gently rhyming text, Bauer (Grandmother's Song, 2000, etc.) extols the virtues of Mom, as seen through the eyes of a bevy of animal babies. The infants' encomiums reflect the distinct attributes of their particular species; a tiger cub's mother is strong while a ewe is soft, and a giraffe's mom is "tall and tall and tall." Bauer's simple text is a celebration of the multitude of tiny acts that define motherhood: loving hugs, watchful care, goodnight kisses. Elwell's softly hued, pastel illustrations radiate warmth; slightly blurred images artfully reflect the loving bonds between mother and child, regardless of the species. Each two-page spread contains an accolade printed in oversized text on a delicately colored background rendered in a palette of twilight colors: translucent lavender, soft sage, luminescent blue. On the facing page is a full-color, full-bleed illustration depicting a different mother and child. Elwell's studies encompass an array of animal life, both domestic and wild, featuring docile sheep, howling wolves, and leaping kangaroos, culminating in a tender portrayal of a human mother/daughter pair. This reverent tribute to a mother's devotion also serves to remind mothers of the extraordinary way their children perceive them. An inviting tale: just perfect for cozy moments and quiet read-alouds. (Greeting card included) (Picture book. 1-5)


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八十年代,在我上小学的时候,明信片才刚刚兴起,上面往往印了一些小诗。姐姐去上大学时曾寄给我一张,上面写的是:“如果错过太阳时你流了泪,那么你也将错过群星了”( 这是《飞鸟集》里的第6篇。朝内166文库中的译文为:“如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那末你也将失去群星了”)。这段诗行使当时的我很受启发,我觉得这句子真美,真有意义。二十几年过去了,我还记得那张明信片。那些文字。这也是我认识泰戈尔的开始。   历史上类似于语录体的著作有许多,《论语》、《孟子》,甚至《圣经》和一些佛教典籍,利用简短的句子,阐述一定的思想和哲学思维。就像这些微言大义的短句们一样,《飞鸟集》诚然是短诗集,但其中承载的信息量极其丰富。它节奏轻快,简单明了,但却能轻易地俘获人心。   这些短句,没有韵脚,结构松散,没有分行,我们却称之为“诗”。因为其中的诗意超越了诗的外在形式。我们不会把《论语》当成诗来朗诵,但是《飞鸟集》却完全可以。那些富有哲理的话语值得长久回味;诗行中或隐或现的神秘感,让人心驰神往。   你能够说出飞鸟为什么歌唱吗?偏偏是在你的窗前?你能说出秋叶为什么叹息么?偏偏在你的窗前?大自然的每一个动作都有着不可言传的深意。譬如舞蹈的湿婆,眉眼,手势,姿态,都有着他自在的暗示。   “在黑暗中‘一’视若一体,在光亮中,‘一’便视若众多”。泰戈尔的诗源于冥想,冥想源于“梵我合一”的信念。没有宗教意义上的灵的信仰,是不会产生出这些诗行的。只有虔诚的心,才会有虔诚的话语。缺乏虔诚的基础,写出的东西往往轻浮和虚伪;没有心灵上的碰撞,读者也不会得到共鸣。通过诗歌为载体,枯燥的思想显得并不深邃,一切变得简单和易于接受,因为,美的来袭是不可抗拒的。我们从中得到的感悟可能不会太多,但是我们从诗行里领略到的境界却让人耳目聪明,为之沉醉。   绿草求她地上的伴侣,   树木求他天空的寂寞。   人的追求不尽相同,但再花样百出,也是共处一片土地,共对一片蓝天,这就是社会人生。步履匆匆的当代,我们停不下脚步来审视自我,甚至忘记了自己除了对物欲的追求之外,还有其他什么追求。泰戈尔抱怨诗行被放逐到了苍白的纸张上,而现在,那些载着诗行的苍白的纸张亦被放逐乃至遗忘。至于那些所谓绿草和树木的追求也成了微不足道的,它们随着环境的恶化也逐渐在枯萎老去。我们无暇顾及。包括信仰。遑论倾听来自心灵里的诗歌。   我在这儿把我的诗篇献给你   密密地写满这个本子   仿佛一只笼子里挤满了鸟儿   我的诗句成群地飞过的   那蔚蓝的空间,那环绕星辰的无限   可都留在诗集外边了——《序诗》   这一段,其实可以作为《飞鸟集》的一个注脚。   Ⅵ   与其叹息,不如开脱。我们不会重新涉足同一条河流。   因为诗歌的远去而惋惜乃至抑郁,实在是于事无补,当今人的需求形形色色、精彩多元,当然也包括对诗歌的需求。总会有热爱诗歌的人,总会有印刷诗歌的人,总会有吟唱诗歌的人,总会有传播诗歌的人。我们不必过于杞人忧天,不必担心印刷机,不必担心数字化,甚至不必担心小众化——要求全民都来读泰戈尔,同样是一种荒谬。   有热爱的心灵,在哪里都能读出诗行。   出版社的小编在微博上是这样推介这本书的:“《新月集》实际上一本育儿经。当下育儿图书那么多,什么《好妈妈胜过好老师》《我陪儿子一起长大》等等,非常多,包括《亲爱的安德烈》。其实买这些书的人,我都推荐他们也去买《新月集》,如果说上面提到的书是治标,那《新月集》才是治本,治标治本同时下手,才能根本治病”。






比较喜欢,一边享受阅读乐趣,一边练习英语阅读能力。以下凑字数:《哈利·波特》系列小说被翻译成七十四种语言,在全世界两百多个国家累计销量达 哈利波特诞生地(20张)五亿多册,位列史上非宗教、市场销售类图书首位。《哈利·波特》系列共有七本,其中前六部以霍格沃茨魔法学校为主要舞台,描写的是主人公哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校六年的学习生活和冒险故事。第七本描写的是哈利·波特在校外寻找魂器并消灭伏地魔的故事。这个人物惊诧文学江湖,让数不清的读者为之倾倒,这不得不说是文学史上的一个奇迹。罗琳这个富有想象力的魔法妈妈带给了无数人欢笑与泪水,更带给了全世界的哈迷一个美丽的梦。让世界文学进入新的潮流。[1] 《哈利·波特》以其小说的闻名,带动了一系列相关文化内容的开发,包括电影,游戏,道具,相关玩具,系列景点,系列公园,游乐园,相关书籍,相关主题城市等。 墓地之战 时间:1995年6月 在哈利与塞德里克同时触摸到已经被修改为门钥匙的三强杯时,他们同时被带到了里德尔墓地。随之出现的虫尾巴杀死了塞德里克,并用哈利的血,老汤姆的骨头,和自己的右手为伏地魔创造了新的肉身。伏地魔在召唤出他的食死徒们后,递回哈利的魔杖,要求跟他决斗。哈利在闪回咒的帮助下死里逃生,带着塞德里克的尸体和三强杯回到了三强争霸赛赛场。 神秘事务司之战 时间:1996年6月 一群霍格沃茨的学生被伏地魔引诱至神秘事务司后,被一群食死徒逼近预言大厅。学生们由哈利·波特率领,是邓布利多军队(D.A.)的一部分;食死徒由卢修斯·马尔福率领,这群学生在贯穿神秘事务司一系列房间的战斗中遭受了无数的伤害,但也使他们的敌人遭受打击。然而,在凤凰社的一个小分队赶来使在死亡之室的战斗达到高峰时,学生们几乎被完全击败。最后,邓布利多亲自赶来并抓住了在场几乎所有的食死徒。伏地魔通过幻影移形进入魔法部,没有料到他的死敌也在场,于是他与邓布利多在魔法部大厅中进行了一场旷世决斗。伏地魔在决斗中失败并与贝拉特里克斯一起逃跑。双方均有伤亡,凤凰社一边的小天狼星·布莱克被贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇杀害。 塔楼之战 时间:1997年6月 利用一个有求必应屋的消失柜,德拉科·马尔福找到了一个将食死徒偷运进霍格沃茨的方法。他带领一伙食死徒来到天文塔对抗并打算杀死邓布利多,他知道邓布利多会被释放在塔楼上空的黑魔标记引诱至此。幸运的是,被哈利提醒的D.A.成员及被D.A.成员部署在城堡作为警卫的凤凰社成员及时赶到参加了战斗。在塔楼底下的走廊里爆发了激烈的战斗。马尔福和四个食死徒及后来的斯内普爬上塔楼对抗邓布利多。邓布利多在之前由于喝了毒药严重受伤无力反击,但马尔福仍然没有勇气杀死他,最终还是斯内普用杀戮咒杀死了邓布利多。在斯内普和马尔福逃跑过程中,哈利和海格紧紧追赶,但仍被食死徒们设法逃离了学校。战斗中有许多人受伤,特别是比尔·韦斯莱被狼人芬里尔·格雷伯克严重咬伤。 后来证实斯内普杀死邓布利多是几个月前两人共同策划的。在斯内普和马尔福逃跑过程中,哈利和海格紧紧追赶,但仍被食死徒们设法逃离了学校。战斗中有许多人受伤,特别是比尔·韦斯莱被狼人芬里尔·格雷伯克严重咬伤。 后来证实斯内普杀死邓布利多是几个月前两人共同策划的。



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