"Surely no audiobook collection should be without some version of this timeless classic, arguably the most famous and well-loved gothic novel of the 20th century, and this production would be an excellent choice. Read in wonderfully British cadences by Anna Massey, all the mysterious and oppressive nuances are made immediate and chilling. We even feel some sympathy for the absurdly timid and cowering heroine; it is, after all, easy to imagine feeling woefully inferior to the predecessor and desperately eager to please. Of course the story requires great leaps of credulity... Forget the movie; it makes mincemeat of the actual tale. A wise seven-year-old once told me, "The book is always betterDit goes right into your head." This is a prime exampleDlisten again; it gets even better. Highly recommended."
--DHarriet Edwards, East Meadow P.L., NY
"Rebecca is a novel of mystery and passion, a dark psychological tale of secrets and betrayal, dead loves and an estate called Manderley that is as much a presence as the humans who inhabit it: "when the leaves rustle, they sound very much like the stealthy movement of a woman in evening dress, and when they shiver suddenly and fall, and scatter away along the ground, they might be the pitter, patter of a woman's hurrying footsteps, and the mark in the gravel the imprint of a high-heeled satin shoe." Manderley is filled with memories of the elegant and flamboyant Rebecca, the first Mrs. DeWinter; with the obsessive love of her housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers, who observes the young, timid second Mrs. DeWinter with sullen hostility; and with the oppressive silences of a secretive husband, Maxim. Rebecca may be physically dead, but she is a force to contend with, and the housekeeper's evil matches that of her former mistress as a purveyor of the emotional horror thrust on the innocent Mrs. DeWinter. The tension builds as the new Mrs. DeWinter slowly grows and asserts herself, surviving the wicked deceptions of Mrs. Danvers and the silent deceits of her husband, to emerge triumphant in the midst of a surprise ending that leaves the reader with a sense of haunting justice."
--Vickie Sears
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评分 评分人生发展学如何发掘、发展、发挥你的独特优势,合理规划自己的人生,从而成就辉煌的人生开卷释惑,本书将助你解开人生困惑,准确定位自己的人生发展方向。如果人生是一场竞赛,您只有懂得规则——人生发展规律,才能脱颖而出。本书全面系统地向您介绍人生发展法则,让您轻松玩转人生竞赛,登上人生的领奖台。,编辑推荐写的不错,和书的内容相符,没有夸大其词,人生发展学运用整体的科学思想,结合心理学、成功学、系统论和社会学等科学理论,与人生发展实践相结合,形成了诠释人生发展客观规律的理论。人生发展学总结了影响人生发展的五大要素,并诠释了五要素之间的相互关系,在此基础上形成了人生能量理念,人生高度理念,螺旋式上升、波浪式前进理论,人生五要素振动理论,人生五要素活性理论,人生五要素组合理论,人生干扰因素影响控制论等。本书深入浅出地探索了人生发展规律,以丰富的贴近生活的实例、大量的图片,帮助读者一览人生全貌。,对书的内容大体讲了一下,当浏览的时候大体能了解这本书的含义,讲的内容,写的不错人生发展学这本书,很值得看,不然我也不买了,价格还算可以,新书嘛贵点,但是比实体店买便宜好多还省车费,选择的范围还大,书的内容直得一读,我推荐大家看的:..李德超1.李德超的书是朋友推荐的,很满意,会继续购买印刷精致得很,而我则喜欢翻翻书、读读报,一个人沉浸在笔墨飘香的世界里,跟智者神游,与慧者交流,不知有汉,无论魏晋,醉在其中新东方员工的数量也从最初的寥寥几人发展到2012年的27000多人,其中海外归国人员800多名,本科以上学历占70%以上。北京新东方英语学校创立于1993年11月16日。经过十余年的奋斗,已经从最初二三十名学员,单一的出国考试培训,迅速发展成为今天全国最大最有名望的集出国考试培训、国内考试培训、基础英语、中学英语、少儿英语、多语种培训等领域为一体的规模最大最有声望的教育培训基地之一。,前言我对了好几遍啊,一本书多读几次,。快递没的书,京东快递就是牛啊,送货也很快。还送货上楼。非常好。人生发展学运用整体的科学思想,结合心理学、成功学、系统论和社会学等科学理论,与人生发展实践相结合,形成了诠释人生发展客观规律的理论。人生发展学总结了影响人生发展的五大要素,并诠释了五要素之间的相互关系,在此基础上形成了人生能量理念,人生高度理念,螺旋式上升、波浪式前进理论,人生五要素振动理论,人生五要素活性理论,人生五要素组合理论,人生干扰因素影响控制论等。本书深入浅出地探索了人生发展规律,以丰富的贴近生活的实例、大量的图片,帮助读者一览人生全貌。人生发展学这本书,很值得看,不然我也不买了,价格还算可以,新书
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