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Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America) 英文原版 [精裝]

Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America) 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2024

Abraham Lincoln 著,Don E. Fehrenbacher 編


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齣版社: The Library of America




The library of America is dedicated to publishing America's best and most significant writing in handsome, enduring volumes, featuring authoritative texts. Hailed as the "finest-looking, longest-lasting editions ever made" (The New Republic), Library of America volumes make a fine gift for any occasion. Now, with exactly one hundred volumes to choose from, there is a perfect gift for everyone.


Abraham Lincoln



“The best selection of Lincoln’s writings available today, perhaps the best ever.”—Christian Science Monitor --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America) 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America) 英文原版 [精裝] mobi 下載 pdf 下載 pub 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America) 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2024

Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America) 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
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This book has been described as a world-class masterpiece and indeed fascinating like so. Once I open this book, I just can’t put it down. Thus I recommend this book for all of you, my dear friends. This book has been described as a masterpiece, and for good reason. Through this "genealogy" of history, Foucault shows us how modern society has become penal and coercive in nature; and perhaps more importantly, that all us now live in the midst of an abstract, authoritative public "gaze." Discipline and Punish is still relevant for today, even though the Panopticon has vanished. I think this book is brilliant and disturbing. It is not always easy to read, but then, what book worth reading is? Foucault is given to dramatic images, and he does little to mitigate the impact of these images on the reader. Perhaps he is really trying to increase this impact. Since he is attempting to counter the powers of normalization, he may need all of the momentum he can get. 本書旨在論述關於現代靈魂與一種新的審判權力之間相互關係的曆史,論述現行的科學一法律綜閤體的係譜。在這種綜閤體中。懲罰權力獲得瞭自身的基礎、證明和規則。擴大瞭自己的效應,並且用這種綜閤體掩飾自己超常的獨特性。本書所考察的懲罰權力的曆史包括三個階段:中世紀末和舊製度時期作為王權武器的酷刑;18世紀末,包括法國大革命時期人道主義的“再現”式懲罰;19世紀開始的、使用現代規訓技術的監獄和普遍化的監視。書中提到的“古典時期,不是指古希臘羅馬時期的古典古代,而是指近代絕對君主製和法國大革命時期,大體上與西方文學史上所說的古典主義文學時期一緻。本書中這一術語的用法與福柯其他著作中的用法也是一緻的。關於古典時期的懲罰權力,書中概括為“錶象的、戲劇性的、能指的、公開的、集體的方式”。這裏的錶象一詞在書中有的場閤根據上下文譯為“觀念”或“再現”。錶象或再現是福柯用以描述古典時期“權力一知識”綜閤體的一個重要術語。這種觀點是與他在1966年發錶的《詞與物》(英譯版《事物的秩序》)一脈相承的。在《詞與物》中,福柯考察瞭近代西方的“知識型的替嬗。其中,他認為17—18世紀古典時期知識型的特點是,詞並不直接錶示物,而是一種符號,而符號隻是對其他符號的“再現”。詞組成瞭享有特權的符號係統。人們用詞的秩序來再現物的秩序。








This book has been described as a world-class masterpiece and indeed fascinating like so. Once I open this book, I just can’t put it down. Thus I recommend this book for all of you, my dear friends. This book has been described as a masterpiece, and for good reason. Through this "genealogy" of history, Foucault shows us how modern society has become penal and coercive in nature; and perhaps more importantly, that all us now live in the midst of an abstract, authoritative public "gaze." Discipline and Punish is still relevant for today, even though the Panopticon has vanished. I think this book is brilliant and disturbing. It is not always easy to read, but then, what book worth reading is? Foucault is given to dramatic images, and he does little to mitigate the impact of these images on the reader. Perhaps he is really trying to increase this impact. Since he is attempting to counter the powers of normalization, he may need all of the momentum he can get.


This book has been described as a world-class masterpiece and indeed fascinating like so. Once I open this book, I just can’t put it down. Thus I recommend this book for all of you, my dear friends. This book has been described as a masterpiece, and for good reason. Through this "genealogy" of history, Foucault shows us how modern society has become penal and coercive in nature; and perhaps more importantly, that all us now live in the midst of an abstract, authoritative public "gaze." Discipline and Punish is still relevant for today, even though the Panopticon has vanished. I think this book is brilliant and disturbing. It is not always easy to read, but then, what book worth reading is? Foucault is given to dramatic images, and he does little to mitigate the impact of these images on the reader. Perhaps he is really trying to increase this impact. Since he is attempting to counter the powers of normalization, he may need all of the momentum he can get.




This book has been described as a world-class masterpiece and indeed fascinating like so. Once I open this book, I just can’t put it down. Thus I recommend this book for all of you, my dear friends. This book has been described as a masterpiece, and for good reason. Through this "genealogy" of history, Foucault shows us how modern society has become penal and coercive in nature; and perhaps more importantly, that all us now live in the midst of an abstract, authoritative public "gaze." Discipline and Punish is still relevant for today, even though the Panopticon has vanished. I think this book is brilliant and disturbing. It is not always easy to read, but then, what book worth reading is? Foucault is given to dramatic images, and he does little to mitigate the impact of these images on the reader. Perhaps he is really trying to increase this impact. Since he is attempting to counter the powers of normalization, he may need all of the momentum he can get.



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Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America) 英文原版 [精裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2024





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