适读人群 :3-7岁 Publisher Comment* High-spirited read aloud by debut author.
From BooklistThis version of the classic children’s song expands the traditional rhyme by featuring a variety of modes of transportation, not just the “little puffer-bellies.” Beginning with the traditional “down by the station, early in the morning,” readers are introduced to different vehicles on each two-page spread. School buses, tractor trailers, excavators, jumbo jets, sailboats, race cars, fire engines, and rocket boosters are all highlighted with an original four-stanza rhyme. Each rhyme works well with the original cadence that many parents, teachers, librarians, and youngsters are familiar with. For example, “Down by the water / Early in the morning / See the bobbing sailboats all in a row / See the salty skipper pulling up the mainsail. / Flap flap splash splash! Off we go!” Remkiewicz’s lively watercolor illustrations add energy to the rhymes, and storytimes, preschools, and kindergarten classrooms will be requesting this title, as will budding transportation enthusiasts. Preschool-Kindergarten.
Down by the depot, early in the morning See the yellow school buses all in a row See the school bus driver warming up the engine Vroom vroom beep beep! Off we go!
Little fans of trucks and trains and boats and planes will love to sing this action-packed, expanded version of the classic rhyme, paired with Frank Remkiewicz's happy, vibrant illustrations.Reviews"Vetter's debut adds new verses to the familiar favorite. Children who love things that go will be thrilled with the vehicles included here: school bus, tractor-trailer, excavator, jumbo jet, sailboat, racecar, fire engine and rocket. The ending is a good segue to bedtime, as the train returns to the station and several sleepyheads head to bed.
JENNIFER RIGGS VETTER is a former children's book editor who has always loved to read. She lives with her husband and two sons in Oakland, California. This is her first book.
FRANK REMKIEWICZ has illustrated more than sixty books, including Jonathan London's beloved Froggy series, and has even written a few of his own. Frank lives with his wife in Sarasota, Florida.
"Vetter's debut adds new verses to the familiar favorite. Children who love things that go will be thrilled with the vehicles included here: school bus, tractor-trailer, excavator, jumbo jet, sailboat, racecar, fire engine and rocket. The ending is a good segue to bedtime, as the train returns to the station and several sleepyheads head to bed. With only one exception, the new verses scan well and fit the rhythm of the traditional tune. Other than starting and finishing with the train in the station, however, there is little to tie this collection of verses together-there is no narrative flow. Reminiscent of television cartoons, Remkiewicz's watercolors fit the tone and target age group well; his colors are bright, his backgrounds uncluttered and his lines simple. While the size makes this a good choice for group sharing, individual readers will enjoy finding the same two characters (a worm and a chicken) on every spread. For transportation enthusiasts, storytime read-alouds and long car trips, the lack of a story will scarcely be noticed."
--Kirkus Reviews
Down by the Station去火车站 英文原版 [精装] [3-7岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Down by the Station去火车站 英文原版 [精装] [3-7岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
东西挺好 就是贵 东西挺好 就是贵
保尔,一个活生生的、有血有肉的热血青年。在战乱的时期,他没有选择逃避,而是选择了最有利的办法——抗战! 在富人面前,他没有卑躬屈膝,他选择挺起胸膛,让别人知道——穷人不是好欺负的。贫贱不能移! 在暴力面前,他没有低下他的头,他选择直面强暴,让别人知道——穷人也有尊严。威武不能屈! 有时,我好羡慕保尔他们两兄弟,无时无刻都是那么的团结,没有一点破绽。即使是与自己的利益相冲突或者是关系到自己的生命。但是,我就每那么幸福了,从小,我就和哥哥“战争”在中度过直到他到外面读书。可能那是增进感情的一种方法吧。 保尔,生在一个温馨的家庭,交到了真挚的友谊,拥有此致不渝的爱情,也算是不枉此生了吧,但,你有没有想过,保尔为什么有这样的“成就”呢?我想,那是因为他的人格魅力,他拥有“钢”一般的意志、精神。 在保尔被瓦西里神甫赶出学校之前,他和神甫的冲突就不断的发生,不是因为上次妈妈求情,保尔一早就被人赶出校门了,自从那次以后,神甫就一直想找个机会赶保尔出去学校,好让自己痛快一翻。而今次正好是机会,谁也不能怪,怪的就怪自己和神甫结怨了吧,大家一起干这件事,谁也没有事除了保尔,这次应该是“公报私仇”吧,不然哪能轮到保尔选中呢,他一向都很倒霉的。就算是他倒霉吧,妈妈也总算帮他找了一份工作,暂时安身吧。谢廖沙也算有点人性,在这时候,还能去安慰一下保尔,也不失为一个死党吧。有了谢廖沙的安慰,保尔也安了心,放心去闯出属于他的世界。 在保尔用心工作的时候,一起工作的阿姨和同年人跟保尔也相处得很好,不过,晴天的日子总是短暂的,就在这时候,一起工作的一些工人就眼红了,觉得保尔是来抢他们饭碗的,就四处刁难保尔,好让保尔知难而退。这时候,力量的象征--阿尔焦姆出现了,他为了维护弟弟的利益,他那沙煲般大的拳头就落在那帮人身上了。最后,保尔的利益被维护了,但,阿尔焦姆却被控告伤人送进了监狱。如果说阿尔焦姆这样做值得吗?为什么?那是简单得不得了事了,就因为保尔是他的弟弟,两兄弟有困难的时候就应该挺出胸膛,告诉他,我们不是好欺负的! 在保尔被送进监狱的时候,遇到了一个同年人,那是一个很漂亮的姑娘,她的每一处都深深地吸引着保尔。那个姑娘是被迫害送进监狱的,那些无耻的官兵迫害,他们想强暴她。但是,他们失败了,他们受到了姑娘的誓死反抗,最后她被送进来了。姑娘在和保尔交谈的时候,发现保尔是一个正人君子,她知道,如果过了今晚,她就会被那些可恶的官兵强暴,她宁愿把身体交给保尔也不愿被官兵玷污了她的身体。面对诱人的双唇、丰满的双乳保尔失去了力量,那是无法阻挡的诱惑,但是,当她靠近的时候,保尔没有失去理性,而是拒绝了她,保尔想到冬妮亚就无法接受别的一切,包括这诱惑。第二天,姑娘被送走了,她的眼里充满了水晶般的液体,既包含着失望又包含着绝望,那眼神使人难受,但是,保尔更不能背弃对冬妮亚的承诺,因为冬妮亚才是保尔的唯一。坐怀不乱,足以看出保尔对爱情的那种坚贞,这是值得让我们现代人借鉴的
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Down by the Station去火车站 英文原版 [精装] [3-7岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025