Illus. in full color. A new family moves in across the street from the Berenstain Bears. It's the Panda Bears, and Papa Bear is a little bent out of shape because they're... different, But nothing stops Brother and Sister from making friends with the new cubs. When the adults follow suit, they all learn a valuable lesson in acceptance and the dangers of bigotry.
New Neighbors貝貝熊係列 [平裝] [3-7歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
New Neighbors貝貝熊係列 [平裝] [3-7歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書“鼕天來瞭,春天還遠嗎?”— 《快樂的一天》 罕見而經典的圖畫書—《MoKo MokoMoko》 越讀越有趣的圖畫書—《紳士的雨傘》 打破常規的科普圖畫書—《大傢來大便》 用精彩的插圖講述傳說故事的圖畫書—《狼和七隻小羊》 大人應該好好讀的圖畫書—《在森林裏》 能看見時間的圖畫書—《小房子》 百年經典的圖畫書—《比得兔的故事》 讓你會心一笑的圖畫書—《蟹猴之戰》 培養語言能力的圖畫書 聽一首搖籃麯—《天亮瞭》 生動的譯文— 《米菲》 自尊心的萌芽—《阿立會穿褲子瞭》 無與倫比的魔力—《我的連衣裙》 荒誕中的喜悅—《鰐魚阿鰐愛洗澡》 語言的力量—《拔蘿蔔》 最適閤講述的圖畫書—《小瑪麗和羊》 朗朗上口的圖畫書—《蒸汽火車》 感受親子溫情的圖畫書 布偶意味著什麼—《小熊可杜羅》 剋服害怕的圖畫書—《拉茲和獅子》 傳遞鼕日溫暖的圖畫書—《蘿蔔迴來瞭》 這就是我媽媽!—《小貓》 與爸爸共讀的圖畫書—《飛吧!小飛機》 純真無邪的猜謎遊戲—《猜猜我有多愛你》 韓國圖畫書中的傑作—《小狗的便便》 瞭解孩子內在世界的途徑—《野獸齣沒的地方》 給孩子生存活力的圖畫書 與孩子共展未來之夢—《好大好大的紅薯》 感受樹木果實的力量—《嗷嗷》 追問孩子淘氣的根源—《好奇的喬治》 培養孩子與自然的親近感—《樹真好》 生命的意義和生存的喜悅—《黎明》 故事圖畫書的真諦— 《手套》 先從插圖讀起的圖畫書—《蕗姑娘》 韓式圖畫書—《和爸爸在一起》 讀圖的圖畫書 真正的圖畫書!—《不來梅的音樂傢》 孩子們能讀懂嗎? —《小藍和小黃》 帶來翻頁樂趣的圖畫書—《好餓的毛毛蟲》 教你讀圖畫書的方法—《月亮,晚安》 瞭解圖畫書的美— 《下雪天》 法國孩子也愛讀這本書—《第一次上街買東西》 自我認同的圖畫書—《小黑魚》 講述生活的真諦—《阿春奶奶的手》 培養閱讀能力的圖畫書 從讀圖畫書到讀書—《藍眼睛的小貓咪》 在歐洲也眾所周知的故事—《桃太郎》 內心不安的終點在哪裏—《三隻熊》 給沒有失去“童心”的大人們看的圖畫書—《驢小弟變石頭》 精闢的語言—《田鼠阿佛》 不斷追求夢想的故事—《兩個神秘的小鞋匠》 構築講者與聽者之間的信賴關係—《壁櫥裏的冒險》
評分是正品 孩子很喜歡
評分書不錯 不過不太適閤英語初學的小朋友 詞量稍偏多
評分very good!!!
評分very good very good
評分Stan and Jan Berenstain were both born in 1923 in Philadelphia. They didn't know each other as children, but met later at school, at the Philadelphia College of Art. They liked each other right away, and found out that the both enjoyed the same kinds of books, plays, music and art. During World War II, Stan was a medical assistant in the Army, and Jan worked in an airplane factory. When the war was over, they got married and began to work together as artists and writers, primarily drawing cartoons for popular magazines. After having their two sons Leo and Michael, the Berenstains decided to write some funny children's books that their children and other children could read and enjoy. Their first published children's book was called The Big Honey Hunt . It was about a family of bears, who later became known as the "Berenstain Bears".
New Neighbors貝貝熊係列 [平裝] [3-7歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025