Back in 1957, Theodor Geisel responded to an article in Life magazine that lamented the use of boring reading primers in schools. Using the pseudonym of "Dr. Seuss" (Seuss was Geisel's middle name) and only two hundred twenty-three words, Geisel created a replacement for those dull primers: "The Cat in the Hat." The instant success of the book prompted Geisel and his wife to found Beginner Books, and Geisel wrote many popular books in this series, including "Hop on Pop," "Fox in Socks," and "Green Eggs and Ham." Other favorite titles in this series are "Go, Dog, Go!" and "Are You My Mother?" by P. D. Eastman, "A Fly Went By," by Mike McClintock, and "Put Me in the Zoo," by Robert Lopshire. These affordable hardcover books combine large print, easy vocabulary, and large, bright illustrations in stories kids will want to read again and again. Grades 1 - Grades 2.
P. D. Eastman was one of the stars of the Beginner Books line with beloved classics like
Are You My Mother?; Go, Dog. Go!; The Best Nest; and more!
"This 50th Anniversary Edition brings back a beloved beginning reader for another generation to enjoy. Beginning with a single word, "Dog" and gradually adding 74 additional words, the text encourages children to increase their reading vocabulary. There is no plot, but plenty of action, as dogs are shown driving cars, riding roller coasters, rowing boats, swimming, riding a Ferris wheel, playing baseball, and skiing. A yellow dog is critical of a pink dog's hat in several scenes. There is a happy resolution in the end when a whole lot of dogs gather at the top of a big tree for a boisterous party. The concept of antonyms occurs throughout: "The green dog is up. The yellow dog is down." "A dog over the water. A dog under the water." The traffic light changes from green to red to green as the dogs go and stop and go. The comical illustrations add to the fun."
--Children's Literature
Go, Dog. Go! [精裝] [3歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Go, Dog. Go! [精裝] [3歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
書籍裝幀精美,將司空見慣的文字融入耳目一新的情感和理性化的秩序駕馭,從外錶到內文,從天頭到地腳,三百六十度的全方位滲透,從視覺效果到觸覺感受……始終追求“秩序之美”的設計理念把握,並能賦予讀者一種文字和形色之外的享受和滿足,開本大小很閤適,充滿活力的字體不僅根據書籍的體 裁、風格、特點而定.字體的排列,而且還讓讀者感受受第一瞬間刺激,而更可以長時間地品味個中意韻。從秩序有臻的理性結構中引伸齣更深層更廣瀚的知識源,創遊一番想像空間,排列也很準確,圖像選擇有規矩,構成格式、版麵排列、準確的圖像選擇、有規矩的構成格式、到位的色彩配置、個性化的紙張運用,毫厘不差的製作工藝……近似在演齣一部靜態的戲劇。插圖也十分好,書畫讓我覺得十分細膩具有收藏價值,書的圖形.包括插圖和圖案.有寫實的、有抽象的、還有寫意的。具備瞭科學性、準確性和感人的說明力,使讀者能夠意會到其中的含義.得到精神感受。封麵色設計雖然隻是書刊裝幀中的一部分但這個書設計彩鮮艷奪目、協調統一,設計齣來的畫麵,顯得比較豐富不會給人看一眼就産生沒有看頭的感覺,隻留下不可缺少的書名。 說明文(齣版意圖、叢書的目錄、作者簡 介)責任編輯、裝幀設計者名、書號定價等.有機地融入畫麵結構中.參與各種排 列組閤和分割.産生趣味新穎的形式.讓人感 到言有盡而意無窮。設計以及紙張很乾淨都是自己的美術設計,體鏇律,鋪墊節奏起伏,用知性去設置錶達全書內涵的各類要素有人說,讀者層次與素質不同.“陽春白雪,和者蓋寡”,影響發行量。那麼請看,甘肅的《讀者》發行至今,從未設計過這類低俗封麵,何以1991年發行150萬,1994年上升至390萬,雄居全國16開雜誌之首;餘鞦雨的《文化苦旅》、楊東平的《城市季風》都不是依靠封麵的廣告誘惑而令“洛陽紙貴”的。盡管它們的裝幀設計並不十分前衛和十分理想,但它們在流俗麵前的潔身自好是值得倡導的。還有一本被塵封20多年的學術著作《顧準文集》,封而極其樸素,齣版不久即在北京脫銷。由此可見,封麵的廣告作用不是左右發行量的唯一因素,內容的精萃纔是一本書的最齣色的廣告!作為一個從“皇帝的女兒不愁嫁”,“讀者買書是看內容不是看你的封麵!”等等歪麯書裝設計功能的壓力下掙紮過來的裝幀工作者,無論從專業上、理論上、感情上都無意貶低書裝設計的作用,而唯有更強烈的呼喚—本好書必須有一個好的裝幀設計!要尊重那些好書,善待那些好書,為它們創造齣獨特的有意味的書的藝術形象是我們的責任。 麯高未必和寡。沉淪汙濁爭相媚俗的封麵今天或許還有市場,明天就會被不斷提高審美情趣的人們所厭棄。正像近年來一些園林景區原有的熊貓垃圾桶被那些與環境和諧的樹根垃圾箱取代一樣。“聽音樂的耳朵是音樂創造的”,書籍藝術工作者的使命在於創造懂得欣賞美的大眾,使廣大讀者時時接觸情趣高超、形式優美的文化環境,使圖書市場逐步過渡成一個美育的課堂
那個拉風的狗 誰能抗拒。太酷瞭。
半價購入 為孩子準備的 很值
Go, Dog. Go! [精裝] [3歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025