After escaping an underwater volcano, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd drive their submersible vehicle, the Water Bug, right down a whale’s throat! This is the second in a four-book set that will take the kids on a tour of undersea phenomena, from the Great Barrier Reef to the Mariana Trench to the inside of a whale, as they try to find their way home.
J. C. Greenburg is the author of many books for young people in the library and reference fields. She’s a frequent visitor to schools and pays close attention to kid feedback. She lives in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY.
"Cheese Louise! Jumping Gerbils! Queen Isabella on a jelly doughnut! Young readers don't remember the old cliff hanger movie serials, but they can get the same chills and thrills from this innovative series about Andrew, his cousin, Judy, his tiny companion robot, Thudd, and their adventures in the Water Bug, a Volkswagen adapted by scientist Uncle Al for underwater exploration. As we join our young heroes, they are trying to save the ocean's giant squids from the villain, Soggy Bob Sloggins, who is opening a theme park, Squid World, and advertising squid burgers. As in all good serials, they get sidetracked—swallowed by a whale. This adventure is a great opportunity for Thudd to educate Andrew, Judy and the reader about whale anatomy, behavior, habitat, etc. Just as they exit the cetacean, via whale poop—Blufoooweee!—and things are looking up, along comes Soggy Bob and his sidekick, a robotic parrot named Burp, in the Crab-Mobile! Andrew and Judy no sooner dispense with Bob's nefarious deeds when they run into a gray wall—a sperm whale. Neato Mosquito! Will the brave duo escape being whale snacks? Will they be foiled again by Soggy Bob? Will they ever get to join Uncle Al in Hawaii or save a giant squid? Does the rest of the series have charming black and white illustrations by Mike Reed? Tune in next book—
Andrew Lost on the Reef. The reader gets a sneak peek at the next story, plus whale facts and suggested readings from Thudd before the book is really over. Wowzers schnauzers! Short chapter books for beginning readers are always welcome; this one, part of a whole set of Andrew adventures, is a great read with some conservation education slipped in."
--Children's Literature
Andrew Lost in the Whale [平装] [6-9岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
1916年出生于威尔士卡地夫的兰达夫,双亲均是挪威人,父亲名叫哈拉尔德•达尔(Harald Dahl),母亲名叫苏菲•玛德莲•达尔(Sofie Magdalene Dahl)。达尔一家在1880年代由挪威迁往卡地夫。罗尔德是因一个当时挪威的民族英雄北极探险家罗尔德•亚孟森而得名的。他在家中跟他的父母及姊妹说的是挪威语。达尔和他的姊妹在卡地夫挪威水手的教会施洗及命名,那里是他们父母上的教会。 在1920年,罗尔德3岁的时候,他7岁的姊姊艾丝翠得(Astrid)死于盲肠炎。大约一个月之后,他父亲死于肺炎,时年57岁。他的母亲虽然可以选择回到挪威与亲戚一起生活,但她还是决定留在英国,因为罗尔德的父亲生前一直十分希望他的儿女能在英国接受教育,他认为英国的教育是最好的。 罗尔德最初就读于天主教兰达夫学校(Llandaff Cathedral)。8岁那年,他和四个朋友放了一只死老鼠在“吝啬又讨人厌”的普莱契太太(Mrs. Pratchett)店中的糖果罐里,校长为此打了他们一顿。 于是,罗尔德被转到一所寄宿学校,但在那里他过得非常不愉快。他十分想家,几乎每天都会给家里写信,不过他从来都没有在信里显示出他的不开心。在母亲去世后,他才发现她收藏了所有当时往来的信件。 在德比郡的立普顿公学,他是级长的小跟班,在他的早年比较重要的一部份中,他拥有了他自己的小书桌。他的个子很高,在成年后有1.98米,他擅长运动,因而成为学校的壁手球和壁球队的队长,还是学校足球队的成员,这令他十分受人欢迎。那个时候,他逐渐喜欢上了摄影。在他就读这所学校期间,吉百利食品公司(Cadbury),一家巧克力制造厂,偶尔会寄新的巧克力产品到他的学校让学生测试味道。达尔常常想自己发明一些新的巧克力,希望得到吉百利食品公司的赞扬,而这也触发了他的灵感,并以此写出他的第三本书,《查理与巧克力工厂》。 在童年和青少年时期,他都会在暑假时回他父母亲的祖国挪威,多数时间都是去享受海岸边的峡湾。他自传体的作品,《男孩:我的童年往事》(Boy: Tales of Childhood)就主要是讲述那段童年时光。 在完成学业后,他用了3个月在纽芬兰与一个称为公学探险组织(Public Schools' Exploring Society)的队伍远足。在1934年7月,他加入了壳牌公司(Shell Petroleum)。经过2年在英国的训练后,他被调到坦葛尼喀(今属坦桑尼亚)的达累斯萨拉姆。他与其他两位雇员前往那里,居住在达累斯萨拉姆外围地区的高级房屋,有着一个厨师和私家仆人。在工作上,他得横越坦葛尼喀提供石油给顾客,他曾在途中遭到树眼镜蛇、狮子和其他野生动物的袭击。