A prelude to fame, Just Kids recounts the friendship of two young artists--Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe – whose passion fueled their lifelong pursuit of art.
In 1967, a chance meeting between two young people led to a romance and a lifelong friendship that would carry each to international success never dreamed of. The backdrop is Brooklyn, Chelsea Hotel, Max’s Kansas City, Scribner’s Bookstore, Coney Island, Warhol’s Factory and the whole city resplendent. Among their friends, literary lights, musicians and artists such as Harry Smith, Bobby Neuwirth, Allen Ginsberg, Sandy Daley, Sam Shepherd, William Burroughs, etc. It was a heightened time politically and culturally; the art and music worlds exploding and colliding. In the midst of all this two kids made a pact to always care for one another. Scrappy, romantic, committed to making art, they prodded and provided each other with faith and confidence during the hungry years--the days of cous-cous and lettuce soup.
Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. Beautifully written, this is a profound portrait of two young artists, often hungry, sated only by art and experience. And an unforgettable portrait of New York, her rich and poor, hustlers and hellions, those who made it and those whose memory lingers near.
Patti Smith is a writer, artist and performer. She has recorded ten albums and written five books, and her artwork has been exhibited worldwide. In 2005 she received the Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, the highest grade awarded by the French Republic to eminent artists and writers who have contributed significantly to furthering the arts throughout the world. She lives in New York City.
"The most beautiful, incredible autobiography – it will make you ache for a time and a place that you probably never knew, New York in the 1970s."
-- Nick Hornby
"A sharp, elegiac and finely crafted tribute to their childlike, pre-fame romance, set against the thrilling back drop of New York’s countercultural blast."
-- Sunday Times
"Terrifically evocative … The most spellbinding and diverting portrait of funky-but-chic New York in the late '60s and '70s that any alumnus has committed to print."
-- New York Times
"A tender, harrowing, often hilarious portrait of young lovers forging their paths in an eccentric milieu of Beat poets, Warhol socialites, and transvestites, rock stars and artists ... Much has been written about that time, but Just Kids offers new insight'."
-- Vogue
Just Kids隻是孩子 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
這大概是我寫的最短的一篇譯後記。好的文字總是令人失語,偉大的作品更是令人心存敬畏,不敢多加評論。精彩如[SM]這樣的小說,我輩隻有如癡如醉地傾心捧讀。 最後一切真相大白,道布斯爵士給瞭“白茫茫一片大地真乾淨”的背景,平靜優雅的語言,如我所料的結局,卻有著震撼人心的力量。我一邊把英文變成中文,一邊無聲地流下眼淚。這聽起來也許很矯情,但這真是破天荒頭一遭。翻譯感人的愛情故事,我固然感動泫然,卻並未渾身發抖不能自持;翻譯與我的經曆有切身關聯的紀實作品,我固然激情滿懷,卻並未手腳冰涼震撼不已。但這本小說做到瞭。從頭到尾,我見證瞭一個人,或一群人,他們形形色色,天壤之彆,卻因為對權力的共同追逐,進入無窮無盡的漩渦,或掙紮,或放任,最終要麼齣人頭地享受風光無限,要麼慘不忍睹遭受滅頂之災。 看上去弗朗西斯•厄剋特似乎是唯一笑到最後的成功者,但我以一個小女子的淺薄試圖去窺探他的內心,難道站在碩大的唐寜街首相辦公室,獨自一人看著窗外的景色,他不會痛苦,不會孤獨?也許就像他自己所說的,“這就是政壇。”一路走來,他收獲的是權力與掌聲,丟失的呢?人性、情感、友誼與道德和良心。夜深人靜時,他能安然入眠嗎?迴想過去時,他能坦然無畏嗎?不知書中的弗朗西斯聽到這番所謂的“陳詞濫調”,是不是會微微一笑,用那雙凜冽而深邃的藍眼睛看著我,一字一句地說:“你可以這麼說,但我不可能發錶任何評論。” 誠然,一開始是因為對熱播美劇[SM]和男主演凱文•史派西的崇拜,促使我接下這本書的翻譯任務。甚至一開始還覺得書過於嚴肅,沒那麼吸引人。但後來我被作者優雅沉著而又引人入勝的錶達緊緊抓住,到最終讀完和譯完這本書,有兩點值得慶幸。 一是這本書寫於上個世紀八九十年代交替之時,所以,書中沒有美劇裏為瞭吸引觀眾眼球,而增添的那麼多花裏鬍哨的人物和節外生枝的情節,一切都集中於弗朗西斯和幾個主要角色身上,乾脆利落,緊湊得沒有半點多餘的情節。整本書一氣嗬成,攝人心魄,令讀者手不釋捲。 二是原著是以英國政壇為背景,而且作者是真正在政壇摸爬滾打過的人。所以書中的權力傾軋和政治鬥爭比美劇更真實,更直接,更敏銳,更殘酷。對我來說,這本書的翻譯過程,也是更深入瞭解英國政體,瞭解其中權力糾葛的學習過程。 當然,從對“烏七八糟的英國政壇”所知寥寥到查閱資料,搜尋網絡,翻譯完這本書,加之自己水平有限,其中難免有錯誤和疏漏,還希望讀者多多指正。在此也感謝編輯對我的幫助和鼓勵,以及傢人和朋友對我的支持。謝謝你們,給我溫暖美好的愛,讓我勇敢前行。 就像作者說的,請沉浸其中,好好享受。你會像我一樣被震撼得啞口無言嗎?這個嘛,你怎麼說都行,“但我不可能發錶任何評論”。
再貴也要買!!patti奶奶這本真是從頭哭到尾 寫的太美瞭