"I Spy…一隻嬰兒的小腳印,一個心形盒子,一個銀質插座,一段火車軌道,一把梳子,一個按鈕,一個鬆果。。。數以百計的可愛有趣的物品等著你起來發現!
"Following in the footsteps of the Waldo books Where's Waldo and presented in the now-familiar but still arresting Eyewitness Books format, this oversize puzzle book presents a wealth of opportunities for education and entertainment. Dozens of brightly colored objects of all shapes and sizes, some conventional and some not, are scattered helter-skelter across 13 spreads. Balls and skittles spill over racquets; flowers, leaves and stones are set out for a nature picnic; a sandy scene depicts fish, shells and zany sunglasses. A rhyming riddle on each page invites children to dive in and hunt down certain objects, and this is merely the beginning. Variations on the search are limitless, as are the possibilities for learning--colors, numbers, shapes. The challenge is surprisingly great. Excellent, sharp photographic work combined with ingenuity and imagination make this well-conceived book a winner."
--Publishers Weekly
"One of the more successful efforts in the ever-growing crop of visual game books. The popular favorite, 'I Spy,' is played out here with a series of rhymed riddles listing objects that children must locate in the accompanying photographs. Each double-page spread features crisp, full-color shots featuring an abundance of familiar items. The objects range from large and easy-to-spot to tiny and partially hidden. Overall, the illustrations are not as detailed or as intricate as those in the 'Waldo' series (Little), but still provide plenty of challenges. The final pages offer 'extra credit riddles,' a list of rhymes that must be matched with the appropriate photographs, and the suggestion that children write some of their own. An appealing book for children and adults to share and enjoy together."
--Heide Piehler, Shorewood Public Library, WI
I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現 (精裝) [精裝] [7-10歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現 (精裝) [精裝] [7-10歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Ten years after its original publication, the first book in the I Spy series still has all of the magic and wonder that captured readers in 1991. Each brilliantly composed spread is a treasure trove of intriguing items. Rhymes present hide-and-seek challenges for young readers in a lively and accessible way. Like each best-selling title that followed, I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles is a true feast for the eyes. This special edition is a must-have for I Spy fans both old and new.
透過來,差一點連筷子也持不住,不禁大驚,暗用內力,氣貫單臂,又二次去接那肉,不想還是紋絲不動。心中這纔想,此老分明風塵俠隱一流,自己偌大臂力竟未把對方筷子搖動分毫,當時隻羞得臉一陣紅。那老人此時竟笑著點點頭:“長江後浪催前浪,一輩新人換舊人!小夥子,我在你這歲數時比你差遠瞭,彆氣餒。”言罷,竟把那肉送到硯霜碗中。 這硯霜此時纔紅著臉道:“還未請教老前輩尊姓高名,弟子亦好稱呼,否則太失敬瞭。” 那老人嗬嗬一笑道,“我老人傢嚮居苗疆,已經忘瞭叫什麼名字瞭,我也最討厭論什麼輩分。要高興你就叫我
Ten years after its original publication, the first book in the I Spy series still has all of the magic and wonder that captured readers in 1991. Each brilliantly composed spread is a treasure trove of intriguing items. Rhymes present hide-and-seek challenges for young readers in a lively and accessible way. Like each best-selling title that followed, I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles is a true feast for the eyes. This special edition is a must-have for I Spy fans both old and new.
I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現 (精裝) [精裝] [7-10歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025