The Caldecott Honor book, now in paperback!
With mournful moan and silken tone,
itself alone comes ONE TROMBONE...
Then a trumpet joins in to become a duet; add a French horn and voila! you have a trio — and on it goes until an entire orchestra is assembled on stage. Lloyd Moss's iresistible rhymes and Marjorie Pricemans's energetic illustrations make beautiful music together — a masterpiece that is the perfect introduction to musical instruments and musical groups, and a counting book that redefines the genre.
Lloyd Moss, the classical music guru of WQXR, has a long list of TV and film appearances and voice-overs to his credit. He lives in Croton-on-Hudson, New York.
Marjorie Priceman has illustrated several picture books. She lives in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
"Fans of Stellaluna, Cannon's exceptional debut book, will approach her second with high expectationsand those will be met. Carefully crafted prose and stunning art shape a story that delicately spans the fictional and real, at the same time delivering a message worthy of reflection. Curious about what lies beyond his Family Cave, Trupp, a cat-like creature with snow-white fur and ice-blue eyes, walks for days until he approaches "people-dwellings." The peace-loving Fuzzhead borrows clothing from a scarecrow so humans won't notice his odd appearance and, accompanied by a raven, heads for a city. No one on the bustling streets pays any attention to Trupp until he meets a homeless woman named Bernice, who removes a piece of broken glass from his foot and takes him to a safer part of town. Equally affecting as her text, Cannon's poignantly detailed acrylic and pencil art underscores the contrasts between Trupp's primitive homeland and the gritty, graffiti-scarred city; and between his ethereal presence and the eccentric, gaudy appearance of Bernice, who keeps half a dozen toothbrushes tucked into her woolen cap. As the new friends settle down to sleep in the park, Bernice's wise words expose the heart of the story: "Funny, isn't it? I wear all this bright stuff to keep from feeling invisible. When people stare at me, it helps me know I'm here. But Trupp puts on clothes so he will disappear." Cannon says so much so simply. Ages 4-8. (Apr.)"
--Publishers Weekly
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin 大傢來聽音樂會(Aladdin圖畫書係列) 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin 大傢來聽音樂會(Aladdin圖畫書係列) 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
“樂讀”——願意讀,讀期待每當快要讀完一本書時,心中便泛起陣陣的惆悵,就像親密的朋友漸行漸遠漸離去後心裏空落落的感覺,於是便期待著能去當當網看看,在茫茫的書海中繼續尋找那朋友的感覺,進入彆樣的感人世界。在下單的那一刻,不禁覺得心中憑添瞭一分明快,減瞭一分仿徨;多瞭一份期待! “越讀”——跨越讀,讀共鳴閱讀就像是跨越時空的邂逅,讀《福爾摩斯全集》使我看見瞭福爾摩斯的高超偵破手段,讀《先秦諸子百傢爭鳴》使我看見瞭孔子的顛沛流離,看《明朝那些事兒》使我看見瞭硃元璋的起伏人生……歌德曾經說過“讀一本好書,就是和許多高尚的人談話。”確實,好的書籍能夠讓人産生共鳴,催人思考,發人奮進。 所以你看吧,閱讀是人生最簡單也是至愛的樂趣,閱讀的樂趣已深入骨髓,和著我的血液流遍全身每個角落、每寸肌膚,每天快樂地沉浸其中迷途而不願返!那麼你呢?趕緊抽齣時間讀一本好書吧! 在如水般的靜夜,手捧一杯香氣裊裊的熱茶,傍著柔和的燈光,攤開深愛的書本,聽著輕柔的音樂,任憑那些漂亮的文字衝撞著我的神經末梢。整個人的心情隨著書中情節而跌宕起伏,旁若無人地和著書中的他(她)一起恨,一起愛,一起哭,一起笑…… 這讀書的樂趣隻有我纔能夠體會的到!在當當網上看到一句“閱讀.樂讀.收獲”這幾個詞形容很貼切,思考許久,也參考瞭一些內容,決定用“yue讀”來描述心情! “閱讀”——用心讀,讀好書小時候曾經站在書店裏,昂著小腦袋用艷羨的眼光久久地看著書架上五顔六色的書本,什麼時候我能把這些書都讀完呢?這是兒時最大的嚮往!長大後夢想雖未實現,卻著實讀瞭不少書!隨著文字的積澱慢慢發現有些書隻需淺嘗,有些書可以狼吞,有些書則要細嚼慢咽,慢慢消化。
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it is very good for the family, the children will like it
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin 大傢來聽音樂會(Aladdin圖畫書係列) 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025