適讀人群 :4-8歲 A classic horror movie gone pastoral? Not to worry; no flesh-eating zombies here. It's just cows Minnie and Moo facing Halloween.
哈佛大學教育學博士硃莉嚮您推薦“I Can Read!係列”: 內容簡介
One of the scariest nights of the year turns into one of the funniest! After racing into town on a runaway bed, Minnie and Moo and their fellow farm buddies decide to join the Halloween festivities-- performing hilarious tricks to earn their treats!
Denys Cazet is the author and illustrator of more than 25 picture books for children, including Never Spit On Your Shoes, winner of the California Young Readers Medal.
The books about Minnie and Moo are his first for beginning readers. He was inspired to tell stories about the silly cow best-friends when he passed a herd of cows in which all but two were facing the same way. The other two stood next to each other, facing in the opposite direction from the rest of the cows. He immediately dubbed the two nonconformists Minnie and Moo and imagined the adventures two cows who were loyal friends rather than followers of the herd. Mr. Cazet is currently writing I Can Read Books featuring Elvis the Rooster from the farm on which Minnie and Moo live.
Mr. Cazet was an elementary school teacher for 25 years, and has also been a school librarian and elementary school media specialist. He remains active in his local elementary school parent and advisory committees. A California native, Mr. Cazet lives with his family in the foothills of the Napa Valley.
"This hilarious, crazy story is bound to keep kids in stitches. Get ready for a wild ride."
--Dallas Morning News
"Humorous color illustrations help make this holiday book a delight to read any day of the year."
--School Library Journal
"Clever and hilarious."
--Kirkus Reviews
"Cazet has struck a vein of precious ore in his 'Minnie and Moo' series for beginning readers."
--Kirkus Reviews
"The two funniest, most winsome cows on the early-reading circuit have to be Minnie and Moo."
--Kirkus Reviews (starred review of MINNIE AND MOO MEET FRANKENSWINE)
"Brief chapters and exhuberant pencil-and-watercolor artwork make these books udderly likable."
--Publishers Weekly
"This latest adventure of Minnie and Moo is pure delight."
--Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed (I Can Read, Level 3)[米妮和哞哞:快活床之夜] [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed (I Can Read, Level 3)[米妮和哞哞:快活床之夜] [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed,很好
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Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed (I Can Read, Level 3)[米妮和哞哞:快活床之夜] [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025