這是華裔物理學傢徐一鴻教授的又一本關於物理學的專著。量子場論是物理學之大成,它融閤瞭狹義相對論和量子力學,是物理學精義的集中體現,也是物理學艱深的部分之一。許多量子場論的教程,寫的晦澀難懂。冗長復雜的數學公式,讓物理學的核心思想模糊不清,不知所在。物理學的專業人士,也常常不知所雲,更遑論一般讀者。而徐一鴻教授的“Quantum Field Theory ia Nutshell”,無論是寫作的風格,或者是問題的闡述及處理,都一掃前非。《簡明量子場論(第2版)》用略帶口語化的語言寫成,作者似乎是麵對麵與你談論有關的物理學話題。體現作者深刻物理學智慧的內容,俯拾皆是。用簡潔的數學工具,凸顯物理學思想,結閤輕鬆幽默的語言,不經意之間,將你引入物理學問題的核心。閱讀《簡明量子場論(第2版)》給你帶來的喜悅,和喜悅之後的收獲,似乎隻有“The FeynmaLectures oPhysics”,與之在伯仲之間。如果想體念和分享,量子場論之美,量子場論之優雅,你不可不讀《簡明量子場論(第2版)》。
preface to the first edition
preface to the second edition
convention, notation, and units
part i: motivatioand foundation
1.1 who needs it
1.2 path integral formulatioof quantum physics
1.3 from mattress to field
1.4 from field to particle to force
1.5 coulomb and newton: repulsioand attraction
1.6 inverse square law and the floating 3-brane
1.7 feynmadiagrams
1.8 quantizing canonically
1.9 disturbing the vacuum
1.10 symmetry
1.11 field theory icurved spacetime
1.12 field theory redux
part ii: dirac and the spinor
ii.1 the dirac equation
ii.2 quantizing the dirac field
ii.3 lorentz group and weyl spinors
ii.4 spin-statistics connection
ii.5 vacuum energy, grassmanintegrals, and feynmadiagrams for fermions
ii.6 electroscattering and gauge invariance
ii.7 diagrammatic proof of gauge invariance
ii.8 photon-electroscattering and crossing
part iii: renormalizatioand gauge invariance
iii.1 cutting off our ignorance
iii.2 renormalizable versus nonrenormalizable
iii.3 counterterms and physical perturbatiotheory
iii.4 gauge invariance: a photocafind no rest
iii.5 field theory without relativity
iii.6 the magic moment of the electron
iii.7 polarizing the vacuum and renormalizing the charge
iii.8 being imaginary and conserving probability
part iv: symmetry and symmetry breaking
iv.1 symmetry breaking
iv.2 the pioas a nambu-goldstone boson
iv.3 effective potential
iv.4 magic monopole
iv.5 nonabeliagauge theory
iv.6 the anderson-higgs mechanism
iv.7 chiral anomaly
part v: field theory and collective phenomena
v.1 superfluids
v.2 euclid, boltzmann, hawking, and field theory at finite temperature
v.3 landau-ginzburg theory of critical phenomena
v.4 superconductivity
v.5 peierls instability
v.6 solitons
v.7 vortices, monopoles, and instantons
part vi: field theory and condensed matter
vi.1 fractional statistics, chern-simons term, and topological field theory
vi.2 quantum hall fluids
vi.3 duality
vi.4 the a models as effective field theories
vi.5 ferromags and antiferromags
vi.6 surface growth and field theory
vi.7 disorder: replicas and grassmanniasymmetry
vi.8 renormalizatiogroup flow as a natural concept ihigh energy and condensed matter physics
part vii: grand unification
vii.1 quantizing yang-mills theory and lattice gauge theory
vii.2 electroweak unification
vii.3 quantum chromodynamics
vii.4 large expansion
vii.5 grand unification
vii.6 protons are not forever
vii.7 so(10) unification
part viii: gravity and beyond
viii.1 gravity as a field theory and the kaluza-kleipicture
viii.2 the cosmological constant problem and the cosmic coincidence problems
viii.3 effective field theory approach to understanding nature
viii.4 supersymmetry: a very brief introduction
viii.5 a glimpse of string theory as a 2-dimensional field theory
closing words
part n
n.1 gravitational waves and effective field theory
n.2 gluoscattering ipure yang-mills theory
n.3 subterraneaconnections igauge theories
n.4 is einsteigravity secretly the square of yang-mills theory
more closing words
appendix a: gaussiaintegratioand the central identity of quantum field theory
appendix b: a brief review of group theory
appendix c: feynmarules
appendix d: various identities and feynmaintegrals
appendix e: dotted and undotted indices and the majorana spinor
solutions to selected exercises
further reading
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簡明量子場論(第2版) 9787510061448 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書簡明量子場論(第2版) 9787510061448 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025