Part 1 題源英語四級閱讀記單詞20篇
Passage 1剽竊有理?
Passage 2獨自吃飯的人工作效率更高
Passage 3健身營養品的成效遭到質疑
Passage 4 讓貧睏生通過工作來付學費
Passage 5數字化時代的醜事更易被公諸於眾
Passage 6歐洲男性的平均身高增加瞭11 厘米
Passage 7網絡技術由開放趨嚮封閉
Passage 8 銀行見習生之死引發的風波
Passage 9 海豚為糖尿病的治療提供瞭綫索
Passage 10 在適當的時間做適當的事
Passage 11 “不做傢庭作業”協議
Passage 12 社交網絡利大於弊
Passage 13 采取措施,減少食品廢物
Passage 14 心情愉悅使人更年輕
Passage 15 青蛙或可預測地震
Passage 16 金錢真能換取快樂?
Passage 17為什麼說電動汽車造成的汙染更多?
Passage 18 美國作傢卡佛小傳
Passage 19在傢工作並不意味著傢庭更美滿
Passage 20商務旅行預計將有所增長
Part 2 高頻英語四級語法與閱讀難句歸納
第一章 定語從句
第二章 狀語從句
第三章 非謂語動詞
第四章 名詞性從句
第五章 並列平行結構
第六章 同位成分和插入語
第七章 比較結構
第八章 復雜修飾語
第九章 倒裝
第十章 虛擬語氣
第十一章 指代
Part 3 英語四級閱讀詞匯理解35篇
第一章 英語四級閱讀詞匯理解解題攻略
第二章 英語四級閱讀詞匯理解強化訓練35篇
Passage 1~ Passage 6 文化教育類
Passage 7~ Passage 15 社會生活類
Passage 16~ Passage 22 科普知識類
Passage 23~ Passage 28 自然環境類
Passage 29~ Passage 35 商業經濟類
Part 4 英語四級長篇閱讀15篇
第一章 英語四級長篇閱讀解題攻略
第二章 英語四級長篇閱讀強化訓練15篇
Passage 1~ Passage 3 文化教育類
Passage 4~ Passage 7 社會生活類
Passage 8~ Passage 10 科普知識類
Passage 11~ Passage 12 自然環境類
Passage 13~ Passage 15 商業經濟類
Part 5 英語四級仔細閱讀70篇
第一章 英語四級仔細閱讀解題攻略
第二章 英語四級仔細閱讀強化訓練70篇
Passage 1~ Passage 15 文化教育類
Passage 16~ Passage 36 社會生活類
Passage 37~ Passage 50 科普知識類
Passage 51~ Passage 57 自然環境類
Passage 58~ Passage 70 商業經濟類
Part 6 英語四級閱讀綜閤模擬40篇
Model Test 1~ Model Test 10
2.《大學英語四級閱讀180篇 配套全文翻譯》
How Do You Handle Cheating and Plagiarism?
In my first year teaching, I discovered that a student had copied part of an essay from something he found online. I went over the passages with the student and discussed with him why it had violated school policy on academic integrity, and what he could do to make up the assignment. Reluctantly, I called his parents to tell them what had happened. What I hadn’t expected was the father’s oral shrug:“Well, the president doesn’t write his own speeches.” Embarrassed, all I could think to say was, “We both know that’s a different situation.”
This week, I was reminded of that story—and all the other situations when I found that a student had copied material from another source—when I read about the 17-year-old German genius whose best-selling novel turned out to include passages lifted from another book.
The story has caused controversy in Germany not only because of the plagiarism (剽竊) charge and because the writer, Helene Hegemann, has defended herself, but also because the book is a finalist for a major book prize—and the selection committee knew about the plagiarism before choosing the novel as a finalist:
“Obviously, it isn’t completely clean but, for me, it doesn’t change my assessment of the text,” said Volker Weidermann, the jury member and a book critic for the Sunday edition of the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, a strong supporter. “I believe it’s part of the concept of the book. critic for the Sunday edition of the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, a strong supporter. ”I believe it’s part of the concept of the book.
Although Ms. Hegemann has apologized for not being more open about her sources, she has also defended herself as the representative of a different generation, one that freely mixes and matches from the flood of information across new and old media, to create something new. “There’s no such thing as originality anyway, just authenticity (真實性),” said Ms. Hegemann in a statement released by her publisher after the scandal broke.
Meanwhile, on the academic front, the Freakonomics blog reported last week on a study of college plagiarism. The authors found that “the decision to plagiarize reflects both a poor understanding of academic integrity and the perception that the chance of detection and severe punishment is low.”
大學英語四級閱讀180篇 贈全文翻譯本 含六大題源外刊記單詞+四級語法與閱讀理解難句 華研外語 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
大學英語四級閱讀180篇 贈全文翻譯本 含六大題源外刊記單詞+四級語法與閱讀理解難句 華研外語 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書完美 包裝非常乾淨整潔,我很喜歡。內容更有價值。
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大學英語四級閱讀180篇 贈全文翻譯本 含六大題源外刊記單詞+四級語法與閱讀理解難句 華研外語 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025