全宋笔记9(第5编) 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
全宋笔记9(第5编) 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书看到田渭的《辰州风土记》,感到文献幽眇,流传可见的万不及一。春秋以前,先民应该已经生活了数千年,可几乎无任何片言只字。辰州,春秋时期属楚巫中地,战国属楚黔中地,秦属黔中郡,故城在县内太常乡窑头村。汉高祖五年(公元前202年)始置沅陵县,属武陵郡。高后元年(前187年)封长沙王子吴阳为沅陵顷侯。新莽时改沅陵县为沅陆县。东汉时,县属荆州武陵郡。三国时,县随武陵郡,先属蜀,后属吴。南朝齐置武陵都尉府于沅陵。陈天嘉元年(公元560年),县改属沅州通宁郡。太建七年(575年),改为沅陵郡,治沅陵。隋开皇九年(589年),废沅州沅陵郡,改置辰州,治沅陵。大业二年(606年),复改辰州为沅陵郡,隶荆州。隋末沅陵郡为梁萧铣所据。唐武德二年(619),萧铣部将董景珍以沅陵郡降唐,改为辰州。贞观元年(627),分天下为十道,辰州隶江南道。开元二十一年(733)分天下为十五道,辰州隶黔中道。天宝元年(742),改辰州为卢溪郡。乾元元年(758)复为辰州。仍治沅陵。后梁开平元年(907),马殷据湖南,受封楚王,辰州属楚国。后周广顺元年(951),南唐灭楚,三年隶武平军节度使,先后为刘言、王进逵、周行逢所据。辰州属之。宋乾德元年(963),辰州隶荆湖北路。元至元十二年(1275)五月,宋知辰州吕文兴降元,改辰州为辰州路,治沅陵,属江南湖北道肃政廉访司,隶湖广行中书省。至正二十四年(1364)吴王朱元璋遣徐达克辰州路,改辰州路为辰州府,治沅陵。明洪武九年(1376)革元行中书省,置湖广等处承宣布政使司,隶湖广布政使司。宣德八年(1433年),封辽简王朱植第十七子朱贵谲为沅陵王,传122年无子除。嘉靖十二年(1533年)湖北分守道驻沅陵,历134年。
评分This article from the angle of case study "the scholars", through the description of attached to the understanding of the content, mainly including the abundance of the food, drinking environment and drinking of wine, a further analysis about attached cultural implication and function description attached. This article from the angle of case study "the scholars", through the description of attached to the understanding of the content, mainly including the abundance of the food, drinking environment and drinking of wine, a further analysis about attached cultural implication and function description attached.
评分This article from the angle of case study "the scholars", through the description of attached to the understanding of the content, mainly including the abundance of the food, drinking environment and drinking of wine, a further analysis about attached cultural implication and function description attached. This article from the angle of case study "the scholars", through the description of attached to the understanding of the content, mainly including the abundance of the food, drinking environment and drinking of wine, a further analysis about attached cultural implication and function description attached.
全宋笔记9(第5编) mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025