2015年2月2日,由中国出版协会举办的第五届中华优秀出版物奖在京揭晓, “许译中国经典诗文集”(汉英对照)(14册)荣获“提名奖”。
许渊冲--诗译英法专家 ,北京大学教授,翻译家。希望这套许氏译本能使英语读者对中国经典诗文也能“知之,好之,乐之”,能够分享孔子、老子的智慧,分享唐诗、宋词、中国古典戏曲的优美,并以此促进东西文化的交流。值得珍藏。许渊冲先生从事翻译工作70年,2010年12月荣获“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”。他被称为将中国诗词译成英法韵文的专家,经他的妙手,许多中国经典诗文被译成出色的英文和法文韵语。这套“中国经典诗文集”就是由他所译,前半部分是英文,后半部分是中文。
Ancient Chinese classic poems are exquisite works of art. As far as 2,000 years ago, Chinese poets composed the beautiful work Book of Poetry and Elegies of the South, Later, they created more splendid Tang poetry and Song lyrics. Such classic works as Thus Spoke the Master and Laws: Divine and Human were extremely significant in building and shaping the culture of the Chinese nation. These works are both a cultural bond linking the thoughts and affections of Chinese people and an important bridge for Chinese culture and the world. Mr. Xu Yuanchong has been engaged in translation for 70 years. In December 2010, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation conferred by the Translators Association of China (TAC). He is honored as the only expert who translates Chinese poems into both English and French. After his excellent interpretation, many Chinese classic poems have been further refined into perfect English and French rhymes. This collection of Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose gathers his most representative English translations. It includes the classic works Thus Spoke the Master, Laws: Divine and Human and dramas such as Romance of the Western Bower, Dream in Peony Pavilion, Love in Long-life Hall and Peach Blossom Painted with Blood. The largest part of the collection includes the translation of selected poems from different dynasties. The selection includes various types of poems, lyrics and Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty songs. The selected works start from the pre-Qin era to the Qing Dynasty, covering almost the entire history of classic poems in China. Reading these works is like tasting "living water from the source" of Chinese culture. We hope this collection will help English readers "know, love and appreciate" Chinese classic poems, share the intelligence of Confucius and Lao Tzu, share the gracefulness of Tang Dynasty poems, Song lyrics and classic operas and songs and promote exchanges between Eastern and Western culture. This book is one of the 14 books of Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose, a translation of Confucian classics Thus Spoke the Master.
目 录
卷 一
Book of Songs
国 风
Songs Collected South of the Capital, Modern Shaanxi and Henan
周 南
Cooing and Wooing
关 雎
Home-going of the Bride
葛 覃
Mutual Longing
卷 耳
Married Happiness
樛 木
Blessed with Children
螽 斯
The Newly-wed
桃 夭
The Rabbit Catcher
兔 罝
Plantain Gathering
芣 苢
A Woodcutter’s Love
汉 广
A Wife Waiting
汝 坟
The Good Unicorn
Songs Collected South of Shao, Modern Henan
召 南
The Magpie’s Nest
鹊 巢
The Sacrifice
采 蘩
The Grasshoppers
草 虫
Sacrifice before Wedding
The Duke of Shao
甘 棠
I Accuse
行 露
Officials in Lamb Furs
羔 羊
Why Not Return?
An Old Maid
The Starlets
小 星
A Merchant’s Wife
A Deer Killer and a Jadelike Maiden
The Princess’ wedding
A Hunter
驺 虞
First Decade of Odes
To Guests*
How gaily call the deer
While grazing in the shade!
I have welcome guests here.
Let lute and pipe be played.
Let offerings appear
And lute and strings vibrate.
If you love me, friends dear,
Help me to rule the state.
How gaily call the deer
While eating southernwood!
I have welcome guests here
Who give advices good.
My people are benign;
My lords will learn from you.
I have delicious wine;
You may enjoy my brew.
How gaily call the deer
Eating grass in the shade!
I have welcome guests here.
Let lute and flute be played.
Play lute and zither fine;
We may enjoy our best.
I have delicious wine
To delight the heart of my guest.
卷 四
小 雅
鹿 鸣
①呦呦(yōu 优):鹿鸣声,见食相呼。 ②苹:皤蒿,艾蒿。③簧:乐器中用以发声的振动器。 ④承筐是将:承,奉也。将,送也。古代奉筐盛币帛以送宾客。 ⑤周行:大路。 ⑥视:示。 恌(tiāo 挑):轻佻。 ⑦式:语辞。燕:同“宴”。敖:游乐。 ⑧芩(qín 琴):蒿类植物。 ⑨湛(dān 耽):乐之久。 ⑩宴:安。
Loyalty and Filial Piety*
Four horses forward go
Along a winding way.
How can my homesickness not grow?
But the king’s affairs bear no delay.
My heart is full of woe.
Four horses forward go;
They pant and snort and neigh.
How can my homesickness not grow?
But the king’s affairs bear no delay.
I can’t rest nor drive slow.
Doves fly from far and near
Up and down on their way.
They may rest on oaks with their peer.
But the king’s affairs bear no delay,
Doves fly from far and near
High and low on their way.
They may perch on trees with their peer.
But the king’s affairs bear no delay,
And I can’t serve my mother dear.
I drive black-maned white steed
And hurry on my way.
Don’t I wish to go home with speed?
I can’t but sing this lay
Though I have my mother to feed.
四 牡
① (fēi fēi 非非):马行不停貌。 ②倭迟:迂远。 ③靡盬(ɡǔ 古):不牢固。 ④啴啴(tān tān 摊摊):喘气。骆(luò 落):白毛黑鬣的马。 ⑤启处:安居。 ⑥ (zhuī 追):斑鸠。 ⑦苍栩:丛生栎树。 ⑧ (qīn qīn 侵侵):马速行。 ⑨谂(shěn 审):念。
四匹马在不停地跑,大路又迂回。难道不想回归? 周王的事不牢固,我的心里在伤悲。
Few people in Europe and America know that the earliest anthology of verse in the world is the Book of Poetry compiled in China 2500 years ago. This book consists of 305 poems dating from 1713 B.C. (“The Rise of Shang”) to 505 B.C. (“Comradeship”). It is divided according to the type of music into four main sections: 160 Songs sung by the people in 15 city states and collected by royal musicians; 74 Odes and 31 Epics sung by the nobles at court or at banquets, and 40 Hymns used during sacrifice to the gods and ancestors. The section of Hymns is subdivided into “Hymns of Zhou,” “Hymns of Lu” and “Hymns of Shang,” the last of which is said to be the oldest, dating from between the 17th and the 12th century B.C.
Songs of the early Western Zhou Dynasty composed from the 11th to the 9th century B.C. include all the “Hymns of Zhou”, a small part of the Epics and a few lyrical Songs. The majority of these songs are narrative or historical poems, the most outstanding being “Hou Ji, the Lord of Corn,” “Duke Liu,” “The Migratio 许渊冲英译中国经典诗文集-诗经(精装)(汉英) [Book of Poetry] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
许渊冲英译中国经典诗文集-诗经(精装)(汉英) [Book of Poetry] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
许渊冲英译中国经典诗文集-诗经(精装)(汉英) [Book of Poetry] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书除了封面有中华书局四个字,里面都是别的出版社的内容,许先生的翻译没得说,但是排版感觉不是很好看,价格略贵
评分打开书本,书装帧精美,纸张很干净,文字排版看起来非常舒服非常的惊喜,让人看得欲罢不能,每每捧起这本书的时候 似乎能够感觉到作者毫无保留的把作品呈现在我面前。 作业深入浅出的写作手法能让本人犹如身临其境一般,好似一杯美式咖啡,看似快餐,其实值得回味 无论男女老少,第一印象最重要。”从你留给别人的第一印象中,就可以让别人看出你是什么样的人。所以多读书可以让人感觉你知书答礼,颇有风度。 多读书,可以让你多增加一些课外知识。培根先生说过:“知识就是力量。”不错,多读书,增长了课外知识,可以让你感到浑身充满了一股力量。这种力量可以激励着你不断地前进,不断地成长。从书中,你往往可以发现自己身上的不足之处,使你不断地改正错误,摆正自己前进的方向。所以,书也是我们的良师益友。 多读书,可以让你变聪明,变得有智慧去战胜对手。书让你变得更聪明,你就可以勇敢地面对困难。让你用自己的方法来解决这个问题。这样,你又向你自己的人生道路上迈出了一步。 多读书,也能使你的心情便得快乐。读书也是一种休闲,一种娱乐的方式。读书可以调节身体的血管流动,使你身心健康。所以在书的海洋里遨游也是一种无限快乐的事情。用读书来为自己放松心情也是一种十分明智的。 读书能陶冶人的情操,给人知识和智慧。所以,我们应该多读书,为我们以后的人生道路打下好的、扎实的基础!读书养性,读书可以陶冶自己的性情,使自己温文尔雅,具有书卷气;读书破万卷,下笔如有神,多读书可以提高写作能力,写文章就才思敏捷;旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知,读书可以提高理解能力,只要熟读深思,你就可以知道其中的道理了;读书可以使自己的知识得到积累,君子学以聚之。总之,爱好读书是好事。让我们都来读书吧。 其实读书有很多好处,就等有心人去慢慢发现. 最大的好处是可以让你有属于自己的本领靠自己生存。 最后在好评一下京东客服服务态度好,送货相当快,包装仔细!这个也值得赞美下 希望京东这样保持下去,越做越好
评分打开书本,书装帧精美,纸张很干净,文字排版看起来非常舒服非常的惊喜,让人看得欲罢不能,每每捧起这本书的时候 似乎能够感觉到作者毫无保留的把作品呈现在我面前。 作业深入浅出的写作手法能让本人犹如身临其境一般,好似一杯美式咖啡,看似快餐,其实值得回味 无论男女老少,第一印象最重要。”从你留给别人的第一印象中,就可以让别人看出你是什么样的人。所以多读书可以让人感觉你知书答礼,颇有风度。 多读书,可以让你多增加一些课外知识。培根先生说过:“知识就是力量。”不错,多读书,增长了课外知识,可以让你感到浑身充满了一股力量。这种力量可以激励着你不断地前进,不断地成长。从书中,你往往可以发现自己身上的不足之处,使你不断地改正错误,摆正自己前进的方向。所以,书也是我们的良师益友。 多读书,可以让你变聪明,变得有智慧去战胜对手。书让你变得更聪明,你就可以勇敢地面对困难。让你用自己的方法来解决这个问题。这样,你又向你自己的人生道路上迈出了一步。 多读书,也能使你的心情便得快乐。读书也是一种休闲,一种娱乐的方式。读书可以调节身体的血管流动,使你身心健康。所以在书的海洋里遨游也是一种无限快乐的事情。用读书来为自己放松心情也是一种十分明智的。 读书能陶冶人的情操,给人知识和智慧。所以,我们应该多读书,为我们以后的人生道路打下好的、扎实的基础!读书养性,读书可以陶冶自己的性情,使自己温文尔雅,具有书卷气;读书破万卷,下笔如有神,多读书可以提高写作能力,写文章就才思敏捷;旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知,读书可以提高理解能力,只要熟读深思,你就可以知道其中的道理了;读书可以使自己的知识得到积累,君子学以聚之。总之,爱好读书是好事。让我们都来读书吧。 其实读书有很多好处,就等有心人去慢慢发现. 最大的好处是可以让你有属于自己的本领靠自己生存。 最后在好评一下京东客服服务态度好,送货相当快,包装仔细!这个也值得赞美下 希望京东这样保持下去,越做越好
许渊冲英译中国经典诗文集-诗经(精装)(汉英) [Book of Poetry] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025