碧与美国出版商Chronicle Books共同宣布,在3月8日于Xbox One、PS4与PC平台推出的在线开放动作角色扮演游戏《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》带来求生体验小说“纽约沦陷(New York Collapse)”。由曾撰写《猩球掘起:黎明的进击》官方电影小说的知名科幻作家Alex Irvine执笔,以“后设(Meta Novel)”的形式引ling玩家探索不同角度的灾后纽约。
碧旗下的次世代大作《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)》无疑是今年非常受期待的游戏之一。在游戏中的舞台-虚构的纽约市,毁灭性的病毒疫情在美国感恩节购物季“黑色星期五”后袭击了美国纽约市,全市的重要机构与基础设施接连瘫痪。短短几天之内,在缺乏食物和水源下整个社会很快便陷入一片混乱之中。这款游戏还采用了全新的Snowdrop游戏引擎,在尽可能的范围内城市内的细节。现场也说明,一开始地面上单纯覆盖雪花,为了真实感,加入了车驶过的「轮胎痕」、接着置放了各种可供掩蔽的垃圾桶、长椅和废弃车辆、为了营造“生活感”还将城市中的霓虹灯的细节刻划加入。这些细节都让观加真实厚重。作为社会文明的终线,一支秘密且可独立运作的战术特工部队 —The Division就此启动。你的任务是保护仅存的,并且重建希望。
“病毒大流行对社会造成的影响是个很有趣的主题”,碧Massive工作室总经理David Polfeldt表示:“《纽约沦陷》提供了真实的建议和提示来探讨都会求生这个主题,包括基本的生存需求乃至于在城市公园里捕捉可食用的猎物,还带来了 具有教性的资讯并同时揭露了在《全境封锁》游戏当中的重大秘密。”
Tom Clancy's The Division: New York Collapse
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Chronicle Books; Ina Pck Fo edition (8 Mar. 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1452148279
ISBN-13: 978-1452148274
Product Dimensions: 14.6 x 2.5 x 22.2 cm
New York Collapse in an in-world fictionalised companion to one of the biggest video game releases of 2016: Tom Clancy's The Division from Ubisoft. Within this discarded survivalist field guide, written before the collapse, lies a mystery - a hwritten account of a woman struggling to discover why New York City fell. The keys to unlocking the survivor's full story are hidden within seven removable artifacts, ranging from a full-city map to a used transit card. Retrace her steps through a destroyed urban lscape decipher her clues to reveal the key secrets at the heart of this highly anticipated game.
"Tom Clancy's The Division: New York Collapse...looks like it was found in a doomsday bunker. It's weathered, torn waterproofed with wax. Printed inside is an honest-to-goodness survival guide full of tips about snaring rabbits in Central Park making space heaters out of terra-cotta flower pots. But the survival guide is only one layer of New York Collapse. Scrawled in what looks like a hwritten font through the margins is the firsth account of April Kelleher, a 30-something Brooklynite trapped in the citywide quarantine."
It may have been created specifically to accompany the game, but it's probably the most effective survival book about urban disaster that I've read. And I'm a survival nerd, so I've read a lot of them."
-Outside online
Alex Irvine is an award-winning author of games fiction.
【中商原版】汤姆克兰西的全境封锁纽约沦陷 英文原版小说 英文版 The Division解密小说 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
【中商原版】汤姆克兰西的全境封锁纽约沦陷 英文原版小说 英文版 The Division解密小说 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书一次满意的购物
【中商原版】汤姆克兰西的全境封锁纽约沦陷 英文原版小说 英文版 The Division解密小说 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025