Learning in Doing·劍橋英語課堂教學係列:如何教好大班英語課

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Thanks and acknowledgements
How to make best use of this book
What is a large multilevel class?
Benefits and challenges of the large multilevel class
Eleven principles of coping in large multilevel classes
1 Getting to know our students
Learning their names
1.1 Name toss
1.2 Picture it
1.3 Names as crosswords
1.4 The story of my name
1.5 Names and adjectives
1.6 I am and I love
1.7 Desk placards
1.8 Use real pictures Learning about our students lives
1.9 The letter
1.10 Guess who?
1.11 Three things about me
1.12 Mutual interviews
1.13 The missing person announcement
1.14 Managing my time
1.15 Formal introductions

2 Motivation and activation
2.1 Burst the balloon- expressing opinions
2.2 The preference line - explaining yourself
2.3 The quick-write
2.4 Like, dislike, or neutral
2.5 Whats your number?
2.6 Again and again and again
2.7 Friendship
2.8 More about friendship
2.9 People I admire
2.10 Special places
2.11 Dreams I have
2.12 How I feel now
2.13 Slip exchange
2.14 Flip-flop books
2.15 Frame it
2.16 Colored round robin
2.17 Circle talk
2.18 Teaming up
2.19 Needle in a haystack
2.20 Optimistic snapshots
2.21 Words on cards
2.22 A solution for the problem
2.23 Student-centered dictation
2.24 The seminar

3 Reviewing while maintaining interest and momentum
3.1 Answers into questions
3.2 Review posters
3.3 Student-made quickie quizzes
3.4 Group reviews
3.5 Group summaries
3.6 Vocabulary wall
3.7 Class goals
3.8 The KWL procedure
3.9 The Venn diagram
3.10 Judging people
3.11 Running dictation
3.12 My sentence
3.13 Where is my other half?
3.14 Person, place or thing

4 Dealing with written work
4.1 Keep it going
4.2 Peer reviews
4.3 Writing conferences
4.4 Write before you talk
4.5 Buddy journals
4.6 Using email
4.7 Wall newspaper
4.8 Using chat rooms
4.9 Using websites
4.10 Writing about landscape pictures
4.11 Writing about pictures of people 1
4.12 Writing about pictures of people 2
4.13 Service writing
4.14 A bio-poem class book
4.15 The cumulative folder
4.16 Sentences into story
4.17 Personalized guide books
4.18 Change the audience
4.19 Clustering
4.20 The writing cycle
4.21 A resource for self-correction
4.22 Letters of advice
4.23 In the middle of the story
4.24 The spelling list
4.25 From words to story
4.26 Plot construction

5 Working well in groups
5.1 Working together
5.2 The quiet signal
5.3 Give me your sticks
5.4 The text jigsaw
5.5 The picture jigsaw
5.6 Making mine long
5.7 Sentences into story
5.8 The aquarium
5.9 All for one
5.10 Group dictations
5.11 The community group project
5.12 The walk-about
5.13 Picture puzzle
5.14 Back and forth movie preview/in view
5.15 Three in one
5.16 The missing word
5.17 Alphabet shopping
5.18 Pronoun search
5.19 Words to make a cake
5.20 Things we share
5.21 Our group cheer
5.22 Dictated stories
5.23 Three good questions

6 Individualizing and personalizing student work Individualizing
6.1 Multilevel dictation
6.2 The book cart
6.3 Silent task work with a self-access box
6.4 Working with words
6.5 Sentence completion
6.6 Question the reading Personalizing
6.7 Vocabulary cards
6.8 Three-minute talks
6.9 The story of my life posters
6.10 My object
6.11 The vocabulary house
6.12 The mailbox
6.13 My machine
6.14 An important decision
6.15 An important sentence
6.16 Color sadness blue
6.17 Water words
6.18 I dont like people who
6.19 Careers in my family
6.20 What we want from our work
6.21 Our own good folder
6.22 Words on my desk
6.23 Drawing interpretation

7 Making students responsible for their own learning
7.1 What kind of a learner am I?
7.2 Setting goals for myself
7.3 How a teacher helped me
7.4 How can the teacher help me?
7.5 How I can help myself
7.6 Personal conferences
7.7 What kind of a listener am I?
7.8 This course will be a success for me if ...
7.9 What kind of a reader am I?
8 Establishing routines and procedures


It is well to note that our work in large multilevel classes will never beeasy. And there will always be days when we feel frustrated. This is parfor the course. Nevertheless, there will always be many more good thanbad days. We will always know that our work is important, thatthrough our work we have contributed to the welfare of people andof society, and if today was bad, chances are that tomorrow will bebetter. If the class we have right now is impossible, next semestersgroup may be ever so much better. If the material we are working withjust doesnt click, we can always choose something more appropriatewhen we teach the same topic next time.
If you have read Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, youknow that its heroine, Scarlett OHara, had a special mantra when thingsgot too tense: I will think about it tomorrow, she said. This philosophymay prove helpful in dealing with the frustrations that accompanyteaching large multilevel classes. No matter how good we get to be, nomatter how much personal fulfillment we may find in our work, there isno escaping the fact that the job will always present us with challenges.In fictional or filmed teacher stories, the hero teacher usually strugglesmightily during his/her first year of teaching and then through somemiraculous epiphany understands why things have not worked out well.Or, our hero teacher changes his/her tactics/attitude/technique/strategyand presto he/she becomes the most wonderful and beloved teacher inthe world. No wonder real teachers get fed up with the stories! In reallife, the struggle, in all its various forms, continues throughout onescareer. Of course, we all develop and learn many things, but the job iseternally challenging and that perhaps is one reason why so many of uslove it!


  外研社從劍橋大學齣版社齣版的“Cambidge Handbooks for Language Teachers”中選齣10本,結成“Learning in Doing?劍橋英語課堂教學係列”,在中國大陸齣版發行。
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一步跟不上,步步跟不上,老師的計劃要嚴格執行。 本計劃是在前期的英語單詞基本掌握的前提下製定的,單詞還沒有達到基本掌握的,請一邊學習單詞,一邊完成下列任務。 一、英語閱讀選擇資料: 須知:一切方法都是建立在對單詞和句子的掌握、理解基礎上;否則,如果連單詞都不認識,再好的方法,也無從談起。所以,目前要很抓基礎。 第一階段(5、1前):基礎閱讀,鬍敏主編《讀真題學單詞》,要求讀懂每一句話並掌握單詞,每天務必一篇。閱讀方法: 1、順序:可以先看中文,然後再看英文。 2、看中文:要使用老師講過的“學會看書”方法,學會簡單分析;(天下文章都一樣) 3、看英文:要學會“抓中心句”,同時,分析“葡萄串”結構。 第二階段(5、1後):方法閱讀,張劍主編《真題解析》; 第三階段(7、15後):郝敬濤主講,《跳讀訓練》。 二、學習中的大敵:隨性 錶現為:不及時鞏固 三、考試中的大敵:自以為是。凡是今年英語考的不理想的同學都存在下列問題: 違背老師和學長的教誨,迴到自己的老路上去。須知,老師和學長的方法是在總結多年、多人經驗特彆是教訓的基礎上提齣的。本次考試存在下列問題,需要總結: 1、許多同學沒有使用郝敬濤的做題方法,按照自己的老路做題目。 事實上,沒有絕對的功底,文章是不可能讀明白的。同時浪費瞭大量的時間,導緻難以完成全捲。 2、沒有按照老師考前確定的做題順序做題。 許多同學按照試捲給定的順序做題,這是大忌。把許多時間浪費在得分極低的“完型”和“翻譯”上,導緻作文無時間來寫或字體潦草。須知,作文隻要寫瞭,都會給分的,至少4分。正確的做法是:先是閱讀理解(英語是否通過的決定環節),如果發現第四篇特彆睏難(第四篇一般比較睏難),就直接跳過去;接下來就是大、小作文(好壞都給分),然後是排序題(比較簡單,中間緩口氣)、翻譯,閱讀第四篇,最後應該是完型(時間不夠就直接上答案,最低得4分)。 3、交捲前改答案。 沒有絕對的把握,一般不要輕易改答案,或者乾脆不改(許多答案是感覺齣來的)。隻檢查是否答題卡序號有誤。 上述問題在考前,老師交代瞭多次,依然“自以為是”,發現錯誤並改正錯,纔能進步!







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