Mark Pilgrim是Google公司的高級開發人員,專門研究開源技術和開放標準。Mark是多本技術書籍的作者,包括“Dive Into Python”(APress)和“Dive Into Accessibility”。後者是一本關於Web親和力的免費在綫教程。他和妻子、兩個孩子及一條毛茸茸的大狗生活在北卡羅來納。
If you don't know about the new features available in HTML5, now's the time to find out. This book provides practical information about how and why the latest version of this markup language will significantly change the way you develop for the Web. HTML5 is still evolving, yet browsers such as Safari, Mozilla, Opera, and Chrome already support many of its features -- and mobile browsers are even farther ahead. HTML5: Up & Running carefully guides you though the important changes in this version with lots of hands-on examples, including markup, graphics, and screenshots. You'll learn how to use HTML5 markup to add video, offline capabilities, and more -- and you'll be able to put that functionality to work right away. * Learn new semantic elements, such as , , and * Meet Canvas, a 2D drawing surface you can program with JavaScript * Embed video in your web pages without third-party plugins * Use Geolocation to let web application visitors share their physical location * Take advantage of local storage capacity that goes way beyond cookies * Build offline web applications that work after network access is disconnected * Learn about several new input types for web forms * Create your own custom vocabularies in HTML5 with microdata
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評分 評分##比較全,但還不夠深入,手機上看的,一些reference 不方便看,加上那些的話應該會好很多
評分 評分 評分 評分##Mark同學忽然從整個網絡世界神秘消失,不留痕跡,我隻好翻看一下他的作品以示憑吊。網絡上有無數做好事不留姓名的活雷鋒,他們創造瞭無法估量的價值,卻從中得到很少的迴報,有些甚至生活貧睏拮據。這真TMD的是國際共産主義精神,馬剋思所倡導的精神,在知識領域日昌日榮!
評分 評分HTML5 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025