(Blake Crouch)
"My son has been erased." Those are the last words the woman tells Barry Sutton, before she leaps from the Manhattan rooftop.
Deeply unnerved, Barry begins to investigate her death, only to learn that this wasn't an isolated case. All across the country, people are waking up to lives different from the ones they fell asleep to. Are they suffering from False Memory Syndrome, a mysterious new disease that afflicts people with vivid memories of a life they never lived? Or is something far more sinister behind the fracturing of reality all around him?
Miles away, neuroscientist Helena Smith is developing a technology that allows us to preserve our most intense memories and relive them. If she succeeds, anyone will be able to reexperience a first kiss, the birth of a child, the final moment with a dying parent.
Barry's search for the truth leads him on an impossible, astonishing journey as he discovers that Helena's work has yielded a terrifying gift--the ability not just to preserve memories but to remake them . . . at the risk of destroying what it means to be human.
Recursion 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Recursion 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##如果是亞洲作品一定會懷疑抄襲瞭醉步男重赴各種galgame直到小圓,而美國作者能否有這個閱覽範圍就不知道瞭。很美國寫法,因其世俗在前兩部分倒能激起對過去的一切悔恨和失落而有些感同身受。之後一路下滑,先變成瞭遊戲要記得存盤,又變成狗血愛情劇。最後一捲冗長拖遝到惡心,解決手段極為無聊,整體上也是不能自洽的。一兩個小時內度過五個人生並嚮美國發射五次核彈這是鋼鐵鑄成的意誌還是一貫的對敵國的非人類式想象呢,多大的題材都會落在冷戰思維上太煩人瞭,冷戰時期的科幻作傢都不這樣。
評分 評分 評分##3.5⭐️吧。很不喜歡作者前一本 Dark Matter,這本書也是抱持著「隨便看看再捐掉吧」的心情在看。但這本 time loop 比 Dark Matter 精巧許多,看到 Book 2 的時候一邊讀一邊畫時間綫,種種猜測和疑問也被作者在後文中一一迴應瞭,體驗不錯。Blake Crouch 文筆不大行,對人性的探索也乏善可陳(非常美式通俗),但本本書都是很有影視化前景的好苗子,也算是獨樹一幟吧…
評分 評分##•“我的兒子從未存在過。你懂嗎?他隻是我腦子裏一枚未能引爆的美麗啞彈。” 僞記憶癥候群(FMS)——“不會,他們會突然間有兩組記憶,一真一假。有患者覺得自己的記憶與意識從一種生活轉移到另一種,也有患者腦中會‘閃現’一些假記憶,是他們從未經曆過的人生。” •我...
評分##“Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once.” 看完書再讀這句話,細思極恐。
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