Tom Wright was one of the first journalists to arrive at the scene of the raid in which Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden. In 2013, he spearheaded coverage of the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh, which killed over 1,000 people, earning the Wall Street Journal a Sigma Delta Chi award from The Society of Professional Journalists. He is a Pulitzer finalist, a Loeb winner, and has garnered numerous awards from the Society of Publishers in Asia, which in 2016 named him "Journalist of the Year." He speaks English, Malay, French and Italian.
Bradley Hope has worked for the Wall Street Journal for the last four years, covering finance and malfeasance from New York City and London. Before that, he spent six years as a correspondent in the Middle East, where he covered the Arab Spring uprisings from Cairo, Tripoli, Tunis, and Beirut. He was detained by authorities in Bahrain, reported from the front lines of the Libyan civil war, and has been teargassed in raucous Egyptian protests. Bradley is a Pulitzer finalist and a Loeb winner, and also author of Last Days of the Pharaoh, a chronicle of the final days and hours of the presidency of Hosni Mubarak.
In 2009, a chubby, mild-mannered graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business named Jho Low set in motion a fraud of unprecedented gall and magnitude--one that would come to symbolize the next great threat to the global financial system. Over a decade, Low, with the aid of Goldman Sachs and others, siphoned billions of dollars from an investment fund--right under the nose of global financial industry watchdogs. Low used the money to finance elections, purchase luxury real estate, throw champagne-drenched parties, and even to finance Hollywood films like The Wolf of Wall Street.
By early 2019, with his yacht and private jet reportedly seized by authorities and facing criminal charges in Malaysia and in the United States, Low had become an international fugitive, even as the U.S. Department of Justice continued its investigation.
BILLION DOLLAR WHALE has joined the ranks of Liar's Poker, Den of Thieves, and Bad Blood as a classic harrowing parable of hubris and greed in the financial world.
Billion Dollar Whale 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Billion Dollar Whale 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##像一般的金融調查故事一樣有點拖遝冗長。還是想給四分齣於兩個主要原因,一個是涉及投行業務的部分想到日常工作心有戚戚焉,另外一個是難得裏麵涉及不少我認識的明星感覺有點親切 最近讀瞭一本書叫《Billion Dollar Whale》,颱灣版的譯名叫《鯨吞億萬》。這本書講的是一個叫Jho Low的馬來西亞人,在沃頓商學院畢業以後通過和馬來西亞當時的總理,沙特的外交官,以及沙特主權基金的成員進行勾結,以1MDB這個馬來西亞主權基金為載體,詐欺,洗錢,大量挪用公...
評分##書的序章描述瞭我們的主人公——劉特佐,在2012年11月舉辦的生日派對。這不是一個普通的生日派對,即便是在拉斯維加斯這個見慣瞭燈紅酒綠、揮霍無度的虛幻城市,人們還是為派對主人的一擲韆金和影響力驚呆:萊昂納多‧迪卡普裏奧、Kayne West、Britney Spears、Psy、Paris Hi...
評分 評分##精彩程度堪比華爾街之狼+瞭不起的蓋茲比...然而Jho Low至今依然逍遙法外、相比美國陷阱中鋃鐺入獄的法國高管,隻能感嘆這個世界的可笑
評分 評分##哇,撐死膽大的。好精彩的周末讀物!
評分##書的序章描述瞭我們的主人公——劉特佐,在2012年11月舉辦的生日派對。這不是一個普通的生日派對,即便是在拉斯維加斯這個見慣瞭燈紅酒綠、揮霍無度的虛幻城市,人們還是為派對主人的一擲韆金和影響力驚呆:萊昂納多‧迪卡普裏奧、Kayne West、Britney Spears、Psy、Paris Hi...
Billion Dollar Whale mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025