圖書基本信息 | |
圖書名稱 | 通信原理:英文版 |
作者 | 樊昌信著 |
定價 | 69.0元 |
齣版社 | 電子工業齣版社 |
ISBN | 9787121264238 |
齣版日期 | 2015-08-01 |
字數 | 700000 |
頁碼 | |
版次 | 2 |
裝幀 | 平裝 |
開本 | 16開 |
商品重量 | 0.4Kg |
內容簡介 | |
On the basis of introducing the principles of analog munication,the book is focused on the principles of digital munication,and describes the munication system constitute,the specifications,the operation principles,the performance analysis,and the design methods. New munication systems and technologies developed recently are emphasized. |
作者簡介 | |
樊昌信,西安電子科技大學教授、博士生導師、中國通信學會谘詢委員會委員。先後被評選為中國通信學會會士、中國電子學會會士、(美國)電氣電子工程師學會終身會士(IEEE Life Fellow)。發錶過通信工程領域學術論文100餘篇、著譯10餘本,其中《通信原理》(1980年)一書曾獲電子工業部教材特等奬、國傢教委教材奬。 |
目錄 | |
編輯推薦 | |
文摘 | |
序言 | |
INSTRUCTION ON THE SECOND EDITION The first edition of this textbook has been published for 5 years. It is the time to revise it. In addition to error correction and improvement on description, the main differences between the second edition and the first edition are as follows. In recent years, the technology on telemunication works has developed rapidly. Many new working technologies and new work functions emerge endlessly, especially in the field of wireless vehicle munication. Today, cellular vehicle munication work with 4G performance has been spread extensively in China and Wi-Fi has benefited most of the notebook puter and mobile phone users. Bluetooth, RFID, GPS, and NFC are used more and more popular. Those new developed technologies and applications can’t be included in a textbook which is belonging to the scope of fundamental principle of munication. On the other hand, some old working technologies are gradually declined, such as ISDN, ATM, and so forth. Hence, the chapter on munication works in the first edition is deleted. Along with the capacity of munication system increasing and the munication channel rapidly digitizing, multimedia munication has been extensively used. Multimedia technology is closely relevant to source pression coding which includes speech pression coding, image pression coding and digital data pression coding. So, the contents on source pression coding are enhanced in the second edition, and the contents on information theory are reduced. Preface In recent years,munication theory and technology has witnessed rapid development. In China,the application of telemunication service has perated into almost every household and every person. The huge modern munication works have been one of the important infrastructures in China. Correspondingly,the amount of telemunication enterprises and employees there has also been increasing remarkably. Under this situation,the education of the new specialized personnel in the telemunication field and the reeducation of the personnel in service have bee important tasks. In addition,bilingual teaching is a new requirement in Chinese institutions of high 通信原理:英文版 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式 通信原理:英文版 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 pub 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025通信原理:英文版 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025 通信原理:英文版 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書用戶評價
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