商品名称: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics | 出版社: 西安电子科技大学出版 | 出版时间:2018-03-01 |
作者:朱婧晶 | 译者: | 开本: 16开 |
定价: 22.00 | 页数: | 印次: 1 |
ISBN号:9787560648705 | 商品类型:图书 | 版次: 1 |
本书包含热力学和统计物理学两部分内容。全书共七章,分别是热力学的基本规律、均匀物质的热力学性质、相变、化学反应平衡和热力学第三定律、近独立粒子的*概然分布、玻尔兹曼统计、系综理论。 本书可作为大学物理专业的教材和相关专业参考书,也可以作为介绍现代热力学和统计物理学的科普书,还可作为一本内容丰富的科技英语阅读参考书。
Chapter 1 The Basic Law of Thermodynamics 1 § 1.1 Equilibrium state and description of thermodynamic system 1 § 1.2 Thermal equilibrium and temperature-the zeroth law of thermodynamics 4 § 1.3 Equation of state 6 § 1.4 Work 10 § 1.5 The first law of thermodynamics 11 § 1.6 Heat capacity and enthalpy 14 § 1.7 Internal energy of an ideal gas 15 § 1.8 Adiabatic process of an ideal gas 18 § 1.9 Carnot cycle of an ideal gas 19 § 1.10 The second law of thermodynamics 22 § 1.11 Carnot‘s theorem and Clausius inequality 24 § 1.12 Entropy and the central equation of thermodynamics 26 § 1.13 The free energy and Gibbs function 29 Exercises 30 Chapter 2 Thermodynamic Properties of the Uniform System 33 § 2.1 Maxwell‘s relations 33 § 2.2 The application of Maxwell‘s relations 36 § 2.3 The throttling process and adiabatic expansion of gas 38 § 2.4 Determination of the basic thermodynamic functions 40 § 2.5 Specific functions 42 Exercises 43 Chapter 3 Phase Transitions 45 § 3.1 The criterion of thermodynamic dynamic equilibrium 45 § 3.2 Thermodynamic basic equations of open systems 48 § 3.3 The complex phase equilibrium condition of a single component system 50 § 3.4 The Clausius�睠lapeyron equation 53 § 3.5 Classification of phase transitions 56 Exercises 59 Chapter 4 The Equilibrium of Chemical Reactions and the third Law of Thermodynamics 61 § 4.1 Thermodynamic functions and equations of a multicomponent system 61 § 4.2 The complex phase equilibrium condition of a multicomponent system 65 § 4.3 The Gibbs phase rule 66 § 4.4 Equilibrium of chemical reaction 67 § 4.5 The law of mass action 70 § 4.6 The third law of thermodynamics 73 Exercises 77 Chapter 5 The Most Probable Distribution of Nearly Independent Particles 80 § 5.1 The classical description of the motion state of particle 80 § 5.2 The quantum description of the motion state of particle 84 § 5.3 The description of microstate of system 89 § 5.4 Distribution and microscopic states 92 § 5.5 Maxwell�睟oltzmann distribution, Bose�睧instein distribution and Fermi�睤irac distribution 93 Exercises 96 Chapter 6 Boltzmann Statistics 97 § 6.1 The statistical definitions of thermodynamic quantities 97 § 6.2 The Maxwell velocity distribution 100 § 6.3 The equipartition theorem of energy 102 § 6.4 The internal energy, heat capacity and entropy of an ideal gas 105 Exercises 107 Chapter 7 Ensemble Theory 109 § 7.1 Phase space and Liouville‘s theorem 109 § 7.2 The microcanonical ensemble 112 § 7.3 The canonical ensemble 116 § 7.4 The grand canonical ensemble 118 Exercises 120 Bibliography 122
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