産品展示 | 悅悅圖書 ● yueyuebook |悅淘好書·讀樂眾樂 |
基本信息 | 悅悅圖書 ● yueyuebook |悅淘好書·讀樂眾樂 |
商品名稱: | 凸分析 |
作 者: | 作者:(德)洛剋菲拉 著 |
定 價: | 59.00 |
重 量: | |
ISBN 號: | 9787510029608 |
齣 版 社: | 北京世圖 |
開 本: | 24 |
頁 數: | 451 |
字 數: | |
裝 幀: | 平裝 |
齣版時間/版次: | 2011-1-1 |
印刷時間/印次: | 2011-1-1 |
編輯推薦 | 悅悅圖書 ● yueyuebook |悅淘好書·讀樂眾樂 |
內容介紹 | 悅悅圖書 ● yueyuebook |悅淘好書·讀樂眾樂 |
convexity has been increasingly important in recent years in the study of extremum problems in many areas of applied mathematics. the purpose of this book is to provide an exposition of the theory of convex sets and functions in which applications to extremum problems play the central role. systems of inequalities, the minimum or maximum of a convex function over a convex set, lagrange multipliers, and minimax theorems are among the topics treated, as well as basic results about the structure of convex sets and the continuity and differentiability of convex functions and saddle-functions. duality is emphasized throughout, particularly in the form of fenchers conjugacy correspondence for convex functions. |
作者介紹 | 悅悅圖書 ● yueyuebook |悅淘好書·讀樂眾樂 |
目錄 | 悅悅圖書 ● yueyuebook |悅淘好書·讀樂眾樂 |