書[0名0]: | (正版特價)分布式係統:概念與設計(英文版.[0第0]5版)(決戰[0大0]數據時代!IT技術人員不得不讀!)|218723 |
圖書定價: | 139元 |
圖書作者: | (英)Jean Dollimore;George Coulouris;Tim Kindberg;Gordon Blair |
齣版社: | [1機1] 械工業齣版社 |
齣版日期: | 2012/10/1 0:00:00 |
ISBN號: | 9787111397724 |
開本: | 16開 |
頁數: | 989 |
版次: | 1-1 |
內容簡介 |
從移動電話到互聯網,我們的生活越來越依賴於以無縫和透明的方式將計算 [1機1] 和其他設備鏈接在一起的分布式係統。本書全麵介紹分布式係統的設計原理和實踐及其新進展,並使用[0大0]量新的實例研究來闡明分布式係統的設計與開發方[0法0]。 《分布式係統概念與設計(英文版.[0第0]5版)》前幾版已被愛丁堡[0大0][0學0]、伊利諾伊[0大0][0學0]、卡內基—梅隆[0大0][0學0]、南加州[0大0][0學0]、得剋薩斯A&M;[0大0][0學0]、多倫多[0大0][0學0]、羅切斯特理工[0學0]院、北京[0大0][0學0]等眾多[0名0]校選用為教材。[0第0]5版在上一版的基礎上,新增瞭三章內容,分彆介紹間接通信、分布式對象和組件、分布式係統設計(以Google為例)。 |
目錄 |
《分布式係統概念與設計(英文版.[0第0]5版)》 PREFACE 1 CHARACTERIZATION OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Examples of distributed systems 1.3 Trends in distributed systems 1.4 Focus on resource sharing 1.5 Ch[0all0]enges 1.6 Case study: The World Wide Web 1.7 Summary 2 sYSTEM MODELS 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Physical models 2.3 Architectural models 2.4 Fundamental models 2.5 Summary 3 NETWORKING AND INTERNETWORKING 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Types of network 3.3 Network principles 3.4 Internet protocols 3.5 Case studies: Ethernet, WiFi and Bluetooth 3.6 Summary 4 INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The APl for the Internet protocols 4.3 External data representation and marsh[0all0]ing 4.4 Multicast communication 4.5 Networkvirtualization: Overlay networks 4.6 Case study: MPI 4.7 Summary 5 REMOTE INVOCATION 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Request-reply protocols 5.3 Remote procedure c[0all0] 5.4 Remote method invocation 5.5 Case study: Java RMI 5.6 Summary 6 INDIRECT COMMUNICATION 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Group communication 6.3 Publish-subscribe systems 6.4 Message queues 6.5 Shared memory approaches 6.6 Summary 7 OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The operating system layer 7.3 Protection 7.4 Processes and threads 7.5 Communication and invocation 7.6 Operating system architecture 7.7 Virtualization at the operating system level 7.8 Summary 8 DISTRIBUTED OBJECTSAND COMPONENTS 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Distributed objects 8.3 Case study: CORBA 8.4 From objects to components 8.5 Case studies: Enterprise JavaBeans and Fractal 8.6 Summary 9 WEB SERVICES 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Web services 9.3 Service descriptions and IDL for web services 9.4 A directory service for use with web services 9.5 XML security 9.6 Coordination of web services 9.7 Applications of web services 9.8 Summary 10 PEER-TO-PEER SYSTEMS 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Napster and its legacy 10.3 Peer-to-peer middleware 10.4 Routing overlays 10.5 Overlay case studies: Pastry, Tapestry 10.6 Application case studies: Squirrel, OceanStore, Ivy 10.7 Summary 11 SECURITY 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Overview of security techniques 11.3 Cryptographic algorithms 11.4 Digital signatures 11.5 Cryptography pragmatics 11.6 Case studies: Needham-Schroeder, Kerberos, TLS, 802.11 WiFi 11.7 Summary 12 DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEMS 12.1 Introduction 12.2 File service architecture 12.3 Case study: Sun Network File System 12.4 Case study: The Andrew File System 12.5 Enhancements and further developments 12.6 Summary 13 NAME SERVICES 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Name services and the Domain Name System 13.3 Directory services 13.4 Case study: The Global Name Service 13.5 Case study: The X.500 Directory Service 13.6 Summary 14 TIME AND GLOBAL STATES 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Clocks, events and process states 14.3 Synchronizing physical clocks 14.4 Logical time and logical clocks 14.5 Global states 14.6 Distributed debugging 14.7 Summary 15 COORDINATION AND AGREEMENT 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Distributed mutual exclusion 15.3 Elections 15.4 Coordination and agreement in group Communication 15.5 Consensus and related problems 15.6 Summary 16 TRANSACTIONS AND CONCURRENCY CONTROL 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Transactions 16.3 Nested transactions 16.4 Locks 16.5 Optimistic concurrency control 16.6 Timestamp ordering 16.7 Comparison of methods for concurrency control 16.8 Summary 17 DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTIONS 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Flat and nested distributed transactions 17.3 Atomic commit protocols 17.4 Concurrency control in distributed transactions 17.5 Distributed deadlocks 17.6 Transaction recovery 17.7 Summary 18 REPLICATION 18.1 Introduction 18.2 System model and the role of group communication 18.3 Fault-tolerant services 18.4 Case studies of highly available services: The gossip architecture, Bayou and Coda 18.5 Transactions with replicated data 18.6 Summary 19 MOBILE AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Association 19.3 Interoperation 19.4 Sensing and context awareness 19.5 Security and privacy 19.6 Adaptation 19.7 Case study: Cooltown 19.8 Summary 20 DISTRIBUTED MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Characteristics of multimedia data 20.3 Quality of service management 20.4 Resource management 20.5 Stream adaptation 20.6 Case studies: Tiger, BitTorrent and End System Multicast 20.7 Summary 21 DESIGNING DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS: GOOGLE CASE STUDY 21.1 Introduction 21.2 Introducing the case study: Goggle 21.3 Over[0all0] architecture and design philosophy 21.4 Underlying communication paradigms 21.5 Data storage and coordination services 21.6 Distributed computation services 21.7 Summary REFERENCES INDEX |
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