書名:Scholastic Success with Math3 學樂數學練習冊 美國小學三年級
商品尺寸:21.6 x 0.6 x 28.6 cm
美國學樂教育集團(Scholastic)齣版的Scholastic Success with Math《學樂數學練習冊》根據美國國傢課程標準編寫,反映瞭美國小學的現行教學內容和教學要求。對於中國的學生或教師來說,不僅可以瞭解美國小學數學課堂的學習內容,學會基本的數學知識和基本技能,如數數、圖形、圖錶、加減法等,還可以從中學習和掌握各種常用數學術語的英文錶達。這套書共包括5冊,可配閤小學一到五年級使用,既適閤學校老師作為英語補充練習,也可供傢長在傢輔導孩子自學。
本冊書為Scholastic Success with Math3《學樂數學練習冊 三年級》。
1. 學樂“成功”係列練習冊,美國孩子常用的練習冊之一;
2. 對應美國國傢課程標準,題目設計閤理,注重趣味性;
3. 內容編排循序漸進,由淺入深,讓孩子逐步掌握;
4. 英文原版,圖文並茂,大開本,附答案。
An no other math resource help kids succeed like Scholastic Success with Math! For classroom or at-home use, this exciting series for kids in grades 1 through 6 provides invaluable reinforcement and practice for math skills as:
·Number sense and concepts
·Reasoning and logic
·Basic operations and computations
·Story problems and measurement
·Fractions, decimals, and percentages
·Geometry and basic shapes
·Graphs, charts, tables… and more
Each 64-pages books contains loads of challenging puzzles, inviting games, and clever practice pages to keep kids delighted and excited as they strengthen their basic math skills.
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than 40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Every activity in each book is correlated to state standards. For use with Grade 1-5.
每年,學樂發行超過3億2韆萬冊圖書,使用45種不同語言,150個國傢和地區。學樂不僅齣版瞭迄今為止非常的兒童書籍Harry Potter《哈利•波特》和Hunger Game《飢餓遊戲》係列,更為全世界兒童帶來眾多在國際上屢獲殊榮的圖書。其中包括有名的I SPY《視覺大發現》、Clifford the Big Red Dog《大紅狗剋裏夫係列叢書》、Goosebumps《雞皮疙瘩》、Magic School Bus《神奇校車》等。
Scholastic was founded in 1920 as a single classroom magazine. Today, Scholastic books and educational materials are in tens of thousands of schools and tens of millions of homes worldwide, helping to Open a World of Possible for children across the globe.
英文原版 美國小學三年級數學練習冊 英文進口原版教材 Scholastic Success 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
英文原版 美國小學三年級數學練習冊 英文進口原版教材 Scholastic Success 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書英文原版 美國小學三年級數學練習冊 英文進口原版教材 Scholastic Success mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025