One of nature’s most magical sights emerges from camouflage in this evocative, informative story about a mother tiger in the wild."The zoology is as exciting as the story in this action-packed picture book. . . .Thrilling science." — BOOKLIST
In a lyrical narrative featuring many intriguing facts, Nick Dowson reveals the hidden ways of a wild tigress and her cubs, while Jane Chapman brings the mysterious creatures to rippling, roaring life.
Nick Dowson, an English teacher and drama specialist at a secondary school in England, has a passionate interest in natural history and the outdoor world. Of TIGRESS, he says, "I have always been fascinated by tigers, and I continue to be concerned for their future. I even dream of them."
Jane Chapman has illustrated many books for children, including the nonfiction stories THE EMPEROR'S EGG and ONE TINY TURTLE, and the rollicking counting book ONE DUCK STUCK. She lives in England.,,,
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