适读人群 :8-12岁 “小屁孩日记”系列作者介绍视频:
Greg Heffley is not willing to be the odd man out.
A dance at Greg's middle school has everyone scrambling to find a partner, and Greg is determined not to be left by the wayside. So he concocts a desperate plan to find someone—anyone!—to go with on the big night.
But Greg's schemes go hilariously awry, and his only option is to attend the dance with his best friend, Rowley Jefferson, and a female classmate as a "group of friends." But the night is long, and anything can happen along the way. Who will arrive at the dance triumphantly, and who will end up being the third wheel?
Jeff Kinney is an online game developer and designer, and a #1 New York Times bestselling author. In 2009, Jeff was named one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England in 1995. Jeff lives in southern Massachusetts with his wife and their two sons.
杰夫·金尼,生于1971年,毕业于美国马里兰州立大学,取得computer science/criminal justice双学位。大学时期,即在校园报纸《Diamondback》以漫画专栏“Igdoof”初试啼声,旋即获得《华盛顿邮报》和《巴尔的摩太阳报》的介绍。《小屁孩日记》是他第一部正式出版的作品,甫上市即跃居全美畅销书排行榜,更获得《出版人周刊》、Borders’ Original Voice、美国独立书商协会等殊荣,被《时代周刊》提名为2009年百位风云人物尽管因《小屁孩日记》一夕成名,Jeff仍维持原来的生活型态,身兼网络出版公司的设计总监、计算机工程师及全职爸爸数职,与太太Julie和两个儿子Will和Grant住在麻州南部。
——美国公立中学 阿甘老师 甘平治
“This is a book that grasps your interest at the very moment you start reading. The title can be deceiving and lead you to think that it’s only a book of some kid’s diary targeted to reach teenage readers. But as you read along, you realize even an adult can enjoy this funny book just as much. The major character, Greg, in the book is an ordinary kid on the brink of his adolescence. The author does a wonderful job of making his ordinary life hilarious. Through the vivid illustrations and straightforward writing style, Diary of a Wimpy Kid successfully brings a smile to any reader’s face. If you are looking for a book for teenage English language learners to start extensive reading, this is without a doubt a top choice.”
——台北市私立复兴中小学 李珀校长
「“小屁孩日记系列”是本兼具休闲娱乐与英文学习的佳作,作者Jeff Kinney以搞笑而生活化的口吻加上简单却夸大的漫画,生动描绘出美国中学生在「转大人」时期所呈现的各种尴尬和拙稚情态,深受美国读者欢迎,出版后旋即登上《纽约时报》畅销书的榜首。而中文版以中英两种文字对照,译者赖慈芸教授以其赤子之心和生花译笔更增添本书的阅读趣味和学习效果,不论是年少轻狂的学子或老成持重的大人,看完本书后都不免在会心一笑间习得众多英文字汇和句型。」
——国立台北大学应用外语系 副教授 廖柏森博士
“Diary of a Wimpy Kid has become a must for every learner of English to read. Once you start reading it, you will be instantly captivated by its stylish and practical juvenile language as well as its simple yet jocular cartoon illustrations. Read it a moment, and your pleasure lasts a long time. The more often you read it, the better your English will get. You can read it ten minutes per time and/or diary by diary. Never will you be alone if you spend time——lying, sitting, or standing——with it. Plus, keep reading it, and you keep young. That is how it can keep a firm grip on you. All in all, Diary of a Wimpy Kid is an awesome book worth a read. Whoever or whatever you are, the fact that you hold such a book in your hands is a step in the right direction.”
——师大附中 英文老师 刘云湘
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #7: The Third Wheel 小屁孩日记7:电灯泡 [精装] [8-12岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #7: The Third Wheel 小屁孩日记7:电灯泡 [精装] [8-12岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
“小屁孩日记系列”以图文并茂的形式给我们展现了美国乃至世界各国少年儿童的真实生活以及情感世界。幽默诙谐的漫画和妙趣横生的文字天然浑成,相映生辉。主人公格雷是一个念初中的小屁孩。他善良、诚实、聪明、爱玩,满脑子的鬼点子。他的妈妈让他记日记,他除了松散地记述了有趣的或难忘的事情外,还画了许多漫画。在 日记里,格雷记叙了他如何驾驭充满冒险的中学生活,如何巧妙逃脱学校歌唱比赛,最重要的是如何不让任何人发现他的秘密。我们在富有喜剧性色彩的文字和图画中,真切地感受到了那种鲜活的现代气息以及蓬勃向上的热情。这是一套很有趣的、能让我们感觉到童年很美妙的书。
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid #7: The Third Wheel 小屁孩日记7:电灯泡 [精装] [8-12岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025