The Penguin English Library Edition of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
'No sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she had hardly a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes ...'
When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships, gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life.
The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
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Pride and Prejudice (Penguin English Library)[傲慢与偏见] [平装] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书而且没包装 有些脏
评分丽萃的聪明在于自我意识强烈,她明确的知道自己喜欢什么,讨厌什么,该做什么,不该做什么。所以,她在适合的场合优雅,在不适合的场合机智。我当年看了3遍BBC的电视剧,最喜欢的镜头有两个:一个是她步行了很远去宾格来先生的庄园看望生病的姐姐,在快到的地方碰到了一只大狗,她愉快和与它玩耍。那时达西先生正好站在窗边看到这一幕,眼光便久久的不能离开。她的率性和自我讨好得到了达西先生的认可,很明显,他仰慕那个自得其乐的她。而另一个镜头是达西小姐弹钢琴的时候,宾格来小姐为了讽刺丽萃提到了威廉姆,达西小姐心理一紧,琴声戛然而止,连达西先生都忍不住脸色大变。这个时候丽萃迅速的走了过了微笑的道歉,她说是我忘了给你翻琴谱害你不能弹下去,语气自然,态度得体,一方面安稳的达西小姐的慌张,另一方面解决了达西先生的忧虑。那一瞬间达西的表情变化很值得回味,他看着丽萃的眼神,充满了激赏,然后马上的,是无与伦比的喜爱。 大方得体,机智有益,雪中送炭的女人会让男人感激,但锦上添花的女人才是男人最大的梦想。
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