Northern Lights introduces Lyra, an orphan, who lives in a parallel universe in which science, theology and magic are entwined. Lyra's search for a kidnapped friend uncovers a sinister plot involving stolen children and turns into a quest to understand a mysterious phenomenon called Dust. In The Subtle Knife she is joined on her journey by Will, a boy who possesses a knife that can cut windows between worlds. As Lyra learns the truth about her parents and her prophesied destiny, the two young people are caught up in a war against celestial powers that ranges across many worlds and leads to a thrilling conclusion in The Amber Spyglass. The epic story Pullman tells is not only a spellbinding adventure featuring armoured polar bears, magical devices, witches and daemons, it is also an audacious and profound re-imagining of Milton's Paradise Lost. An utterly entrancing blend of metaphysical speculation and bravura storytelling, HIS DARK MATERIALS is a monumental and enduring achievement.
Philip Pullman has won many distinguished prizes, including the Carnegie Medal for The Golden Compass (and the reader-voted "Carnegie of Carnegies" for the best children's book of the past seventy years); the Whitbread (now Costa) Book of the Year Award for The Amber Spyglass; a Booker Prize long-list nomination (The Amber Spyglass); Parents' Choice Gold Awards (The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass); and the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, in honor of his body of work. In 2004, he was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
Philip Pullman is the author of many books for young readers, including two volumes related to the His Dark Materials trilogy: Lyra's Oxford and Once Upon a Time in the North. He lives in Oxford, England.
菲利普·普尔曼(Philip Pullman, 1946-),20世纪以来最重要的英国童书作家之一。毕业于牛津大学,曾任西敏学院兼任讲师,教授维多利亚时期文学与民间故事,目前与家人住在英国,专事写作。除了青少年小说外,也撰写剧本与图画书。
His Dark Materials 黑质三部曲 英文原版 [精装] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
菲利普•普尔曼(Philip Pullman,1946- ),英国当代著名作家,毕业于牛津大学,曾任教威斯敏斯特大学,教授维多利亚时期文学与民间故事,目前与家人住在英国,专事写作。除了小说,普尔曼也撰写剧本与图画书。前作《雾中红宝石》、《北方阴影》、《井中之虎》为少女莎莉•洛克赫的冒险三部曲,充满维多利亚时代的惊悚趣味,广受好评。《黑质三部曲》出版后,畅销不坠,风靡欧美,皆认为其深度与文学性足堪名列文学史。普尔曼也因此被认为是“继《魔戒》作者J•R•R•托尔金之后最优秀的盎格鲁-撒克逊奇幻小说家”。 《黑质三部曲》之一《黄金罗盘》赢得卡内基儿童文奖《黑质三部曲》之一《黄金罗盘》赢得英国儿童文学最高奖“卫报小说奖” 《黑质三部曲》之三《琥珀望远镜》赢得惠特布里德文学奖(普尔曼也由此成为英国凭借儿童文学作品赢得该重要文学大奖的第一人)菲利普•普尔曼赢得2005年第三届林格伦儿童文学奖。
精裝版 三合一 黑暗物質三部曲 書真的很有手感 內容也超好
very good
? 《黄金罗盘》是根据英国作家菲利普.普尔曼的黑暗物质三部曲第一部改编拍摄的,其余两部分别是第二部《精工小刀》和第三部《琥珀望远镜》现在才把第一步拍出来,后两部还没拍。