"Pete the Cat is wearing his favorite shirt the one with the four totally groovy buttons. But when one falls off, does Pete cry? Goodness no! He just keeps on singing his song after all, what could be groovier than three groovy buttons? Count down with Pete in this rocking new story from the creators of the bestselling Pete the Cat books. "
Eric Litwin (aka Mr. Eric) is a New York Times bestselling author. He is a guitar-strumming, book-writing, harmonica-blowing, song-singing, national-award-winning, fun and folksy type of guy. Eric is a popular performing artist, focusing on interactive songs and literacy. He has recorded several award-winning music CDs. Eric is the cofounder of The Learning Groove, which creates children’s music and programs. He likes guitars, books, and coffee.
From Barnes & Noble The favorite shirt of Pete the Cat is now missing a button. Does he panic? Does he cry? Of course not. He just adds another verse to his groovy button songs and invites little readers to join in. A charming interactive button book by a talented team. —— Lisa Dugan Kirkus Reviews In his third outing Pete the Cat follows the pattern of his previous appearances: Despite repeated wardrobe malfunctions, he maintains his upbeat attitude and bouncy charm.
This time around the focus is on the buttons on Pete's favorite shirt, instead of his shoes, and there's even a bit of math involved. Still, for readers who have met Pete previously there's not much here that's new. Pete moves from his cozy chair to a skateboard to the street outside to a surfboard on top of an old-style Volkswagen Beetle. In each spot, for no apparent reason, one button pops off. The repeated refrain asks "Did Pete cry?" and answers "Goodness, no! Buttons come and buttons go." As a song it's likely perky, but read aloud, the text can seem tedious and overlong. Still, the brightly colored, childlike paintings and playful typography should keep kids' attention, and some will also enjoy identifying the large numerals as they count backwards from four to zero.
A final twist finds Pete admiring his bellybutton, which will always be with him unlike the "stuff" that "will come and…go," offering the option of a mildly anti-consumerist message for parents who choose to emphasize it. Fans will definitely want to visit the publisher's website to check out the extras, while newcomers will either do the same or let Pete go, depending on their taste. (Picture book. 3-7)
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons 皮特貓和他的四個奇妙的紐扣 英文原版 [精裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons 皮特貓和他的四個奇妙的紐扣 英文原版 [精裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
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Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons 皮特貓和他的四個奇妙的紐扣 英文原版 [精裝] [4歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025