Positioning 定位 英文原版 [平装]

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Al Ries,Jack Trout 著


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出版社: McGraw-Hill Professional




'One of the most important communication books I've ever read. I highly recommend it!' - Spencer Johnson, author of "Who Moved My Cheese?" and co-author of "The One Minute Manager". '...Ries and Trout taught me everything I know about branding, marketing, and product management. When I had the idea of creating a very large thematic community on the Web, I first thought of "Positioning"...' - David Bohnett, Chairman and Founder of GeoCities. The first book to deal with the problems of communicating to a skeptical, media-blitzed public, "Positioning" describes a revolutionary approach to creating a "position" in a prospective customer's mind - one that reflects a company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors.Writing in their trademark witty, fast-paced style, advertising gurus Ries and Trout explain how to: make and position an industry leader so that its name and message wheedles its way into the collective subconscious of your market - and stays there; position a follower so that it can occupy a niche not claimed by the leader; and, avoid letting a second product ride on the coattails of an established one." Positioning" also shows you how to: use leading ad agency techniques to capture the biggest market share and become a household name; build your strategy around your competition's weaknesses; reposition a strong competitor and create a weak spot; use your present position to its best advantage; choose the best name for your product; determine when - and why - less is more; and, analyze recent trends that affect your positioning. Ries and Trout provide many valuable case histories and penetrating analyses of some of the most phenomenal successes and failures in advertising history. Revised to reflect significant developments in the five years since its original publication, "Positioning" is required reading for anyone in business today.


Al Ries is Chairman of Ries & Ries, Focusing Consultants. Jack Trout is Chairman of Trout & Partners. Al Ries and Jack Trout are undoubtedly the world's best-known marketing strategists.


Introduction 1
Chapter 1. What Positioning Is All About 5
Chapter 2. The Assault on the Mind 11
Chapter 3. Getting Into the Mind 21
Chapter 4. Those Little Ladders in Your Head 33
Chapter 5. You Can't Get There from Here 43
Chapter 6. Positioning of a Leader 51
Chapter 7. Positioning of a Follower 65
Chapter 8. Repositioning the Competition 77
Chapter 9. The Power of the Name 89
Chapter 10. The No-Name Trap 107
Chapter 11. The Free-Ride Trap 119
Chapter 12. The Line-Extension Trap 127
Chapter 13. When Line Extension Can Work 145
Chapter 14. Positioning a Company: Monsanto 159
Chapter 15. Positioning a Country: Belgium 171
Chapter 16. Positioning a Product: Milk Duds 179
Chapter 17. Positioning a Service: Mailgram 183
Chapter 18. Positioning a Long Island Bank 191
Chapter 19. Positioning the Catholic Church 199
Chapter 20. Positioning Yourself & Your Career 207
Chapter 21. Six Steps to Success 219
Chapter 22. Playing the Positioning Game 229
Index 245
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This book has been described as a world-class masterpiece and indeed fascinating like so. Once I open this book, I just can’t put it down. Thus I recommend this book for all of you, my dear friends. This book has been described as a masterpiece, and for good reason. Through this "genealogy" of history, Foucault shows us how modern society has become penal and coercive in nature; and perhaps more importantly, that all us now live in the midst of an abstract, authoritative public "gaze." Discipline and Punish is still relevant for today, even though the Panopticon has vanished. I think this book is brilliant and disturbing. It is not always easy to read, but then, what book worth reading is? Foucault is given to dramatic images, and he does little to mitigate the impact of these images on the reader. Perhaps he is really trying to increase this impact. Since he is attempting to counter the powers of normalization, he may need all of the momentum he can get. 本书旨在论述关于现代灵魂与一种新的审判权力之间相互关系的历史,论述现行的科学一法律综合体的系谱。在这种综合体中。惩罚权力获得了自身的基础、证明和规则。扩大了自己的效应,并且用这种综合体掩饰自己超常的独特性。本书所考察的惩罚权力的历史包括三个阶段:中世纪末和旧制度时期作为王权武器的酷刑;18世纪末,包括法国大革命时期人道主义的“再现”式惩罚;19世纪开始的、使用现代规训技术的监狱和普遍化的监视。书中提到的“古典时期,不是指古希腊罗马时期的古典古代,而是指近代绝对君主制和法国大革命时期,大体上与西方文学史上所说的古典主义文学时期一致。本书中这一术语的用法与福柯其他著作中的用法也是一致的。关于古典时期的惩罚权力,书中概括为“表象的、戏剧性的、能指的、公开的、集体的方式”。这里的表象一词在书中有的场合根据上下文译为“观念”或“再现”。表象或再现是福柯用以描述古典时期“权力一知识”综合体的一个重要术语。这种观点是与他在1966年发表的《词与物》(英译版《事物的秩序》)一脉相承的。在《词与物》中,福柯考察了近代西方的“知识型的替嬗。其中,他认为17—18世纪古典时期知识型的特点是,词并不直接表示物,而是一种符号,而符号只是对其他符号的“再现”。词组成了享有特权的符号系统。人们用词的秩序来再现物的秩序。


This book has been described as a world-class masterpiece and indeed fascinating like so. Once I open this book, I just can’t put it down. Thus I recommend this book for all of you, my dear friends.


有点失望 除了里边英文是我想要的 其他都不是太满意







物美价廉!最大的优点!比较喜欢这个系列的丛书!第一,价格实惠,物美价廉!以这样的价格能买到这么好品质的书是相当的不错的了!第二,是正版书!这个十分地重要,不然难以确保内容的正确性。第三,这个系列的丛书的版本也都还不错,并不是那些比较糟糕的译本,所也推荐!反正,对于资金并不是特别充裕的人,选择这个系列的丛书还是一个不错的选择。不然,同样买一企鹅出版的外文书的钱,能够买这个版本的书好多本了,能够接触更多的作品,何乐而不为呢!这个系列的也都是一些经典的作品,大师的作品。这些作品机智、俏皮、辛辣、奇特,多为社会讽刺和政治讽刺,无情嘲弄上层社会的陈腐庸俗与愚蠢浅陋。故事结构巧妙,多以异峰突起式的意外结局点明主题;对话机智俏皮,为故事增添了不少情趣。物美价廉,印刷质量很好,纸张也保护眼睛。真希望国内的经典作品应该有这样的出版机会,以提高国民的普遍素养。对个人来说,阅读也实际上也是生命陈长的过程。一个人阅读什么书,也就预示着以后会成为什么样的人。从外在的角度来说,阅读本身实际上是一个人对外在世界探索的方法,通过阅读可以收集到足够的信息和知识,从而能够更加从容地应对社会万象。从内在的角度来说,阅读实际上就是对自身生命潜质的开发,当我们发现书中作者的某个思想触动我们的灵魂,就有可能发现我们生命地脉里蕴藏的宝藏,生命的激情与潜能也由此而被激发,因为阅读的过程实际上也就是一个生命与生命、心灵与心灵之间相互感通的过程。阅读的德性也决定了个体写作的德性,政治哲学家列奥•斯特劳斯指出,阅读习惯造就写作习惯,“一般来说,人们怎样阅读就怎样写作。通常,细心的作者也是细心的读者,反之亦然。我们的知识体系是通过课内外的自主学习而逐渐建立起来的。读书是搜集和汲取知识的一条重要途径。我们从课堂上掌握的知识不是很具体和容易理解的,需要再消化才会吸收。大量的阅读,可以将自己从课内学到的知识,融汇到从课外书籍中所获取的知识中去,相得益彰,形成“立体”的,牢固的知识体系,直至形成能力。   读书不仅对我们的学习有着重要作用,对道德素质和思想意识也有重大影响。“一本好书,可以影响人的一生。”这句话是有道理的。我们都有自己心中的英雄或学习的榜样,如军人、科学家、老师、英雄人物等。这些令我们崇拜或学习和模仿的楷模,也可以通过阅读各类书籍所认识。我们在进行阅读时,会潜意识地将自己的思想和行为与书中所描述的人物形象进行比较,无形中就提高了自身的思想意识和道德素质。推荐购买!!

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